Jubilate II by Donald Hustad
Jubilate II by Donald Hustad is an excellent resource for Music and Worship studies. It is available in Traditional Chinese, but having the English version would be incredibly useful.
Classic Beacon Bible Commentary
Wordsearch earlier this year released the classic 10 volume Beacon Bible Commentary I was wondering if there is any idea when this set might be made for sale in Logos? The fact that there was no way for me to satisfactorily use WS when it was released (a useable native or even wine MAC app was not operational) left me…
Resources to include in the next Methodist/Wesleyan Base Package
I thought I would start a thread with a list of resources we would like to see in the next Methodist & Wesleyan Base Package. I'll post my own wishes, but please add your own! New Beacon Bible Commentary - This would, in my opinion, the best addition as it is the (only?) Methodist/Wesleyan commentary series not currently…
SUGGESTION: A Plain Account of Christian Perfection
I'd appreciate this new version edited and annotated by Maddox and Chilcote being added as at least a Reader's edition.
Help from other Methodist/Wesleyan users
I've had Logos for several years, but I don't feel I'm using it to it's capabilities. Are there forums or groups I could join to see how other Methodist/Wesleyan pastors prioritize their resources, highlighting pallet ideas and basic setup/use of Logos? Previously I've used Logos as a layman for general study reference but…
The Bicentennial Edition of The Works of John Wesley
The Bicentennial Edition of The Works of John Wesley is the only scholarly edition of Wesley's Works done in more than a century. It is the work of the best Wesley Scholars in the world today, maybe any time. We really need this in Logos. Please consider making this available. Abingdon is the publisher.
Wesleyan Bible Commentary (7 vols.) - Reviews?
Does anyone who has all or part of the Wesleyan Bible Commentary published in the 1960s by Eerdmans have any particular insights into it, or know of any reviews worth reading of either the set as a whole or of its individual volumes? Its value to non-Methodists is of particular interest to me.
SUGGESTION: Jacob Arminius, Theologian of Grace
Jacob Arminius, Theologian of Grace by Stanglin and McCall may be the most comprehensive title on the figure to date. Most Methodists get their Arminianism secondhand via Wesley, but this text invites you to engage directly with Arminius' thought on providence and salvation. Would be great to include in Logos, but…
Wesleyan Bible Study Commentary Series - Reviews?
Does anyone who has all or part of the Wesleyan Bible Study Commentary Series have any particular insights into it, or know of any reviews worth reading of either the set as a whole or of its individual volumes? Its value to non-Methodists is of particular interest to me.
Update the Theological Guide/ Theological Topic Workflow for the Methodist Quadrilateral
https://feedback.faithlife.com/boards/logos-desktop-app/posts/update-the-theological-guide-theological-topic-workflow-for-the-methodist-quadrilateral A suggestion that you might be interested in supporting ...
New Beacon Bible Commentary series
Will NBBC ever make it into one of the library packages?
United Methodist Hymnal and Book of Worship
It would be truly excellent to get the UMH and Book of Worship in Logos format, with live scripture and theology links. Would definitely be a fun feature for those of us who are pastors in the UMC.
Responsible Grace- Randy Maddox
Go to this suggestion page to give this critical work 3 votes. I'd love for us to get all the Wesleyan theological surveys on Logos from Maddox, Collins, Runyon, Cobb, Langford, and Wynkoop.…
Bid on these Methodist & Wesleyan Resources!
In this thread I want to draw attention to some community pricing products in the Methodist & Wesleyan tradition that need some help to production. I'm listing them in my own (biased :-)) order of preference. Joseph Benson's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments - $28 is the current bid. Sutcliffe's Commentary on the…
cuando van a tener las otras bibliotecas como la platinum Methodist en Español.
The Works of Rev. Richard Watson
Hey guys! We've made some minor changes to the Works of the Rev. Richard Watson. It's been on Community Pricing for a while so it's nice to give it a bit of a refresher and to re-evaluate what it costs to get this thing produced. If you have a bid on the collection, you'll get an email, but I quickly wanted to provide a…
United Methodist Lectionary Update
The United Methodist Revised Common Lectionary needs to updated. It ends with year C (2016). I noticed this as I was beginning to plan for Advent. Is there going to be an update?
Methodist & Wesleyan Library Builder (160 vols.)
Methodist & Wesleyan Library Builder (160 vols.) https://www.logos.com/product/55277/methodist-and-wesleyan-library-builder
Methodist & Wesleyan Gold
Methodist & Wesleyan Gold, cuando lo traducirán al español
Methodist & Wesleyan Gold
Methodist & Wesleyan Gold, cuando lo traducirán al español
Methodist & Wesleyan Gold
Methodist & Wesleyan Gold, cuando lo traducirán al español
Place include in Wesleyan base package
https://www.logos.com/product/50309/john-wesleys-teaching I would like to see this made a part of the Wesleyan base package
New Methodist & Wesleyan Base Packages now available!
Classic Methodist Ritual and Rites Collection almost over
This collection is close to getting funded, place your bid today and get it into production: https://www.logos.com/product/55306/classic-methodist-ritual-and-rites-collection
Resource in Methodist/Wesleyan Library Builder showing as not owned
I purchased the Methodist/Wesleyan Library Builder but the The Letter to the Hebrews in Social-Scientific Perspective didn't download and shows that I do not own the resource.
Milton Spenser Terry is shipping in November!
We're getting ready to ship the Milton Spenser Terry collection--make sure you get your orders in. This collection contains his essential trilogy of doctrine and interpretation, comprising Biblical Hermeneutics, Biblical Dogmatics, and Biblical Apocalyptics. Besides that, there appear to be a number of sermons and…
Weleyan / Methodist Base Package
Logos certainly has the resources available to make a great Wesleyan / Methodist Base Package. This is especially true with the New Interpreter's Bible Commentary and Dictionary now available as Logos resources. But there one resource that Logos does not have that could be the crown jewel of such a package. I refer to the…
More Wesleyan-Arminian systematic theologies coming soon!
Incoming! H. Orton Wiley's Systematic Theology Collection (4 vols.) I also wanted to draw your attention to the fact that the Systematic Theologies Collection (183 vols.) contains Richard Watson's Institutes, which we're producing in advance for purchasers of the Systematic Theologies collection or the Master Collection.…
Wesleyan/Methodist base package
Quote taken from https://community.logos.com/forums/p/93109/646243.aspx#646243 soon (suːn) adv 1 in or after a short time; in a little while; before long (2006). Collins English dictionary. (8th ed., Complete & unabridged ed.). Glasgow: HarperCollins. October 28, 2014 to March 7, 2015 seems to fit quite well the definition…
Entire Sanctification: A Sermon, by Samuel Hick - bad typo
I have been unable to trace an original copy of the text but I very much doubt that this was a typo in the original, the book description states that: Samuel Hick (1758–1829) was a minister in Micklefield, Yorkshire, The very first page of the book states: ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION A SERMON as preached BY THE LATE SAMUEL HICK…
Book suggestions: Grace Rediscovered & Grace-Side Up
This subforum seems much too quiet... are all relevant Methodist and Wesleyan resources already available in Logos? I don't think so, but then I'm not a Methodist... Currently I'm reading Andrew Sieborger (or Siebörger - a South African pastor I admit having never heard of before) on my Kindle Fire. Very well written…
Methodist resources in Logos
Lyrical Theology of Charles Wesley
Would be awesome if Lyrical Theology of Charles Wesley could be purchased through Logos! it should definitely be added. Just a suggestion