Two Recommendations for Added Features

Make memorization tool available on mobile device.
Create tool for sharing books temporarily with other Logos users. This is great in terms of building community but would also encourage purchasing of additional resources. I do quite a bit of work with Bible College students and it often would be helpful be have a sharing strategy for those who have less Logos resources than I do.
@Michael Beavers - Welcome to the Forums!
A solid Memorization tool added to the mobile apps would be a nice feature. Voted!
As for your second suggestion - maybe someone from Logos would be able to directly comment - but that would likely be a licensing/contract issue to be hammered out with publishers, also potentially a significant programming commitment to ensure that a book that is lent to another user is temporarily blocked from the lending user's library.
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14
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Couldn't vote because this is a 2fer.
1--I say yes
2--I say no. Too expensive for my wallet.1 -
Couldn't vote either. I'd say yes for #1 (though I think there are already several similar suggestions for this same thing). When votes get fragmented this way, how will Logos accurately gauge interest? It's always good to search first before posting suggestions.
Wouldn't vote for #2 because the publishers would probably laugh me to scorn. Once upon a time, there was a Kindle lending feature but that is now dead. I wonder which ogre killed it, Amazon or the publishers?