Storing, Searching, Accessing 'Personal Books' and audio-text conversion, etc.

I am aware that 'Personal Books' are presently stored on the LOGOS cloud.
However ...
[A] Why not have an ADDITIIONAL 'local drive storage folder' for 'Personal books' which is LOGOS searchable, 'summariseable', etc. for those that could be interested in creating one on their desktops / iPads / mobiles.
(a) This folder could then be enabled to respond to the LOGOS search engine and search through books in other formats such as .... pubs, kindles and pdfs.
(b) It therefore would also be responsive to LOGOS driven AI features which could be on the main LOGOS program suite.
(c) This work-around would dramatically reduce the storage load on LOGOS servers, the cloud based operation features of LOGOS that are presently used and would reduce LOGOS expense whilst delivering benefits to users?
[B] have LOGOS also utilise the LOGOS facilities to work with individual user based 'cloud' storages ... instead of 'folders' as in [A] above.
[C] Expand that idea to work with either 'local folder', or 'private cloud' (as in [a] or [B] above, without diminishing feature functionalities of LOGOS?
[D] Expand the above ideas to also include a feature to convert audio files / sermons, stored on that private folder / private cloud, into texts that could then be searchable. This conversion could be AI driven and the feature would reside in the main LOGOS program as all of the above would, but might be directed to search for content in the specific LOGOS dedicated folder on the desktop / iPad / …
[E] LOGOS could be directed to perform its serchch store write and other features by accessing content from more than 1 folder, be it on a private desktop or 'cloud'. Thus any of items [A] to {D] above would be enabled to access and utilise the entire set of LOGOS features according to the decision of the individual user to permit access to personal electronic libraries.
The idea is progressive from [A] through [E] and I would appreciate feed-back on the idea as well as any modifications that would easily broaden the functionality of LOGOS (as above) whilst also reducing the server load of LOGOS with what I infer will be an increasing limitation in the future. It is presumably already an anticipated/ possible limitation, considering the fact that users presently are allotted monthly credits. And … perhaps the concepts above will be of help.
In summary, consider if LOGOS could access users local storage drives (folder / cloud) retaining full LOGOS feature functionality and move towards 'Audio to Text' conversion features also ... with full LOGOS functionality.
In Christ Jesus,