Polish Bibles - User Contributed Personal Books

Since Poland does not have its own separate category in the forum, so - following the example of others - I am posting in the English forum.
My dear friends, I am posting below (as User Contributed Personal Books) Polish Bibles:
- The Warsaw Bible (Biblia Warszawska)
- Updated Gdansk Bible (Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska)
- The Millenium Bible (Biblia Tysiąclecia)
- The Ecumenical Bible (Biblia Ekumeniczna)
Preventing questions about EIB Bibles, I can't post them because they are sold on the publisher's website. A set of two modules for the Logos Media Bible Software application - Old and New Covenants, Literary Translation First Edition (Przekład Literacki EIB) + Literal Translation Fifth Edition (Przekład Dosłowny EIB), can be purchased on the publisher's website.
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Krzysztof, thank you!! I'm not Polish nor speak the language. But you're efforts are very motivating for others. And, of course, helpful for those in need.
In the 'old' days, these would be posted in the 'Files' directory on the forum … that's where all the PBs went, so folks could easily find them … many different languages.
With the new forum, I don't know!
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Below is an update of the Ecumenical Bible. Versification errors have been corrected, including in the deuterocanonical books.0 -
It's great to see some possibilities to have Polish Bibles in Logos, at least as a Personal Books. Thank you Krzysztof. Good job. Especially Biblia Ekumeniczna is great.
It would be so good however to see it as an official Logos Bible. It would work then on Mobile Platforms of Logos, too. I hope to see it one day.Bohuslav