add verb valence to the context menu

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,201

Yes, I personally prefer case frames, but in a parish small group setting it is important to be able to express points in grade-school grammatical terms i.e. subject, object, indirect object, complement and transitive/intransitive/ditransitive. I find it easy to move participants from these terms to the more comprehensive term "valency"

Avalent (valency of 0): These are typically meteorological verbs like "rain" or "snow" that don't require any arguments.

Monovalent (valency of 1): Also called intransitive verbs, they require only one argument, usually the subject (e.g., "John sleeps").

Divalent (valency of 2): Also known as transitive verbs, they take two arguments, typically a subject and a direct object (e.g., "Smith bewildered the pedestrians").

Trivalent (valency of 3): These verbs, also called ditransitive, require three arguments, such as a subject, direct object, and indirect object (e.g., "Jones gave the cheese to the mouse").

Given Paul's writing style in Greek, it is sometimes necessary to dig into the sentence structure to explain to participants why particular readings of the text are not possible (or probable). Being able to use the term valence which fits within their grammar education would be very helpful in small group settings. Please add verb valence below verbs in the Context menu.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

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