Ebook Format

ASUNDER Member Posts: 131 ✭✭

Possible future scenarios:

  • Company goes bankrupt
  • Company gets bought and changed/shut down etc.
  • Internet goes down
  • Power grid goes down
  • Society collapses, causing multiples of this for an extended period of time

So someone like me that's basically gone full digital; I need to have backups of the ebooks I bought, having them on a separate portable device. "You get to keep these books forever". Not if they are in a proprietary format, I don't. "Keeping these books" can only be promised for the life of the company, as opposed to my life, if they are not in a universal format.

On a portable Android device, if Google up and decides to block your apps, then what?
If there's a bug and your apps can't be opened, then what?
If there's a system update that breaks your apps, then what?
In that day is it just going to be an, "oops sorry, we didn't see this coming" ¯\(°_o)/¯ ?

Seriously, we need epub, pdf, rtf formats.
You can stop calling all of us pirates by locking us out of the management of own property too.
Keeping our property under your own authority, like we're ten year olds that need the help.

The days of licensing needs to end. Ownership desperately needs to come back to the free world.
Kill it. Kill it with fire.

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