The Cost of Discipleship- Book version

Add The Cost of Discipleship as a book on Logos, and not just an audiobook.
@Levi Mayo A link to the Audiobook would help for others to understand what product this is about.
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This book is in Logos twice: as volume 4 of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Works
and as a stand-alone Reader's Edition. Other than the audio book, they both have the shorter title "Discipleship"Have joy in the Lord!
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@NB.Mick Thank you!
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I am talking about having this book as a resource and not just an audiobook.
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Levi, this book (in German titled "Nachfolge") has been published in English sometimes under the title "discipleship" and sometimes under the title "The Cost of Discipleship". It's the exact same book - possibly even the same translation - just with another title. There are no two different books about discipleship by Bonhoeffer, there is only one and this is it.
Have joy in the Lord!