Verses in Sermon Builder

Geoff Member Posts: 84 ✭✭

I mistype all the time so I liked the feature that when I put a verse in the sermon builder and it appeared as slides etc. If I typed the wrong passage I could just click on the whole passage to just select the whole thing and delete it. Now, I have to highlight the whole thing or just backspace. I have added chapters by accident so that takes a while.

I do see another poster that appreciated the previous sermon builder. I wouldn't be as harsh as he was, but I have to agree with him. I have had more trouble with this one with copy-and-paste, formatting issues, indenting, and unindenting with the tap and backspace buttons on the keyboard. I don't like it. Thx for listening.

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  • Jedidiah78
    Jedidiah78 Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    I would agree that the highlighting the verse is very cumbersome. The indenting is frustrating and I would like to see this changed.