Add "press enter" to instructions on "Saving Layouts"

Skip Freeman
Skip Freeman Member Posts: 3

If you have ever had trouble saving layouts, maybe these two words will help you: "Press Enter."

I use software packages all day long. Today, most software works like this - you enter something into a cell. You click off, either to the next cell or to a command. What you entered remains. I've been a LOGOS user for 3-years.

I've NEVER been able to get LAYOUTS to save until today, and that was by mistake.

Here are the instructions LOGOS provides for naming and saving a layout:

Saving Layouts

"So next week my small group is studying Rom 9. How can I easily come back to this layout? Easy. Just save it as a named layout. Going back to the Layouts menu, I see the option to “Save [it] as a named layout,” so click on that, and type in a name. I’ll use “Romans SG Study.” Now this layout shows up under Saved Layouts on the left side of the Layouts menu." [Logos Mobile Education, LT121 Getting Oriented with Logos Bible Software, Logos Mobile Education (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020).]

Here is another set of instructions from the "help" center on saving layouts:

"Let’s save this layout for future use by navigating to the layouts menu and saving our study Bible as an original layout. On the right hand side of the menu, we have the option of saving this layout as a named layout. Let’s select this and give it the title “Study Bible.” We can now come back to this Study Bible anytime we like by clicking Layouts and then finding your “Study Bible” layout on the left side of the menu." [Logos Pro Team, LT270 Study the Bible with Logos: Jonah 1:1–16, Logos Mobile Education (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2017).]


These instructions are clear - but NOT ENOUGH.

Because these instructions are exactly how modern software works, I've not been able to save a layout in my 3-years of using LOGOS until today.

In fact, I've previously written to the "help" team via chat. They point me to these instructions.

When my layout still doesn't save, they tell me to put in a ticket. Something is wrong with my software, there must be a bug, or uninstall/reinstall, which I've done several times over the years.

I've given up.

I just scroll thru endless layouts called "Snapshot" (the default") hoping to find what looks like the layout I want or more often than not, I create a new one.

Because of this, I've ended up not using LOGOS as much as I would like because I have to recreate so many things all of the time.


I decided to try again today. After I looked the instructions up again (which are the ones copied/pasted above), I entered the name of the layout, but ACCIDENTALLY HIT THE ENTER KEY.

You won't believe this - the layout saved!!!!!!!!!

The MISSING WORD in all of the HELP instructions on how to save a layout is to "PRESS ENTER." And because one doesn't usually do that with today's software, I've been missing out this entire time.

I hope this helps someone.

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  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,480

    Good catch

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Skip Freeman
    Skip Freeman Member Posts: 3
    edited February 14

    I feel silly for not hitting the enter key before now, but hardly anywhere is that required. It's ok that one must do that, I just wish it was in the instructions & when I called the "help" line 2 different times, someone would have said, "Be sure to hit the enter key," rather than uninstalling/reinstalling the software. Thanks for your comment.