Mobile ‘text box’ (?) hierarchy selection

Lars Jr
Lars Jr Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

Forgive me in advance for mangling the terminology. When you select a word by holding your finger on it in mobile a text box opens similar to right click on a mouse in desktop. It used to display word info exclusively. In recent updates it is now a surprise as to what tool function displays. Sometimes it goes to ‘highlights and notes,’ at other times it displays cross references, etc. Rarely, if ever, does it just show the word info anymore.

The ask: Can you please wizard out a way to choose a primary function or hierarchy that will display our preferred function, in my case word info, first and always, then with the option to open factbook or notes as needed.

It has become rather tedious to navigate through the options to find word info now.

Also, if anyone knows how to do this please message me.

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