Hymn Numbers Not Displaying

Michael Dell
Michael Dell Member Posts: 2

For the last couple of weeks, when I enter the Hymn Number in the appropriate box, it still will not display on any of the slides, including Title and Lyrics slides. Any ideas? Have I possibly inadvertently turned it off? Thanks!


  • David Vela (Logos)
    David Vela (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 285

    Hi @Michael Dell, I don't see any issue with the Hymn Number field on my end.

    Could you try to right-click on one of the song slides where the Hymn number should appear, select "Customize Smart Media…", and share with us a screenshot of the screen that opens?

  • Michael Dell
    Michael Dell Member Posts: 2

    I had not dealt before with Customize Smart Media, and had trouble finding it. I have simply been changing our the hymns each week, using the main "Song" template. In the past several weeks, when I enter the hymn number in the box, the field on the slide remains blank in the box where it should go. I have not knowingly ever changed the Song template. Thanks!

  • David Vela (Logos)
    David Vela (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 285

    Thank you for the picture, Michael. Could you try the following steps and see if any of them fixes the issue?

    1. Make the hymn number field (see first image below) larger
    2. Right click on that same field and click "Bring to Front"
    3. Click on the "Reset customizations" button (see second image below)