Calling on Afrikaans users

Hi there and thank you so long for your help.
My dad has bought himself an iPAD 2. He has no Logos account.
He wants to ave the "Afikaanse Nuwe Vertaling 1983" on is iPAD. Will he be able to buy it as a stand alone? I use my iPAD a lot but have Logos 4.
Thank you so long for your help.
Johannesburg, South Africa
The iOS app no longer requires a base package to access purchased resources.
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Several Afrikaans titles will be available very soon on, including Afikaanse Nuwe Vertaling 1983. This title will be available as a stand-alone.
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This is excellent news. Tank you very much.
Johannesburg, South Africa
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Hi there, any news on the Afrikaans titles? Thanks.
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Ek wonder hoeveel Afrikaanse gebruikers is aktief op hierdie forum? [:D] (I wonder how many Afrikaans users are active on the forum?)
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Goeie vraag, ek wonder ook. (Good question, I am wondering as well.) Would be great to have both the '53 and '83 Afrikaans translations available.
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Henning van Rensburg said:
Goeie vraag, ek wonder ook. (Good question, I am wondering as well.) Would be great to have both the '53 and '83 Afrikaans translations available.
Why are you guys translating? I think the Dutch users would have understood you though I remember when I was in grad school my mentor asked who read Dutch and I raised my hand but I discovered that it wasn't really Dutch but Afrikaans. At first I thought it was simply an old form of Dutch. It took me a while to get a grip on it, but I found that there are words borrowed from other languages such as English. It is understandable if you know Dutch. I even think our German speakers might understand.
gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן
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We simply
George Somsel said:Henning van Rensburg said:Goeie vraag, ek wonder ook. (Good question, I am wondering as well.) Would be great to have both the '53 and '83 Afrikaans translations available.
Why are you guys translating? I think the Dutch users would have understood you though I remember when I was in grad school my mentor asked who read Dutch and I raised my hand but I discovered that it wasn't really Dutch but Afrikaans. At first I thought it was simply an old form of Dutch. It took me a while to get a grip on it, but I found that there are words borrowed from other languages such as English. It is understandable if you know Dutch. I even think our German speakers might understand.
I simply translated so that those who do not understand Afrikaans can at least follow the chat. :-)
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Kent Hendricks said:
Several Afrikaans titles will be available very soon on, including Afikaanse Nuwe Vertaling 1983. This title will be available as a stand-alone.
Are there any titles available yet? Any news?
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Hi, Deon, on my website at there is tons of theological (reformed) works in Afrikaans (and also English and Dutch - or if you like also Zulu and Sotho) for e-Sword, The Word and in PDF. And also a eBook-section with mobi-files for Kindle. You can download the Kindle program on your iPad and read the mobi files or you can download Adobe and read the PDF's. You will get my email on my website.
En daarmee is my laaste bietjie Engelse kennis uitgeput [:S]
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Hi Sarel,
I am also an Afrikaans user and waiting in great anticipation for the Afrrikaans titles.
Vriendelike Groete - Jan
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For any of the Afrikaans users who do not have this already and are/might be interested - I found the Logos eBoek Biblioteek here:
I've ordered it, spoke to 'kerkwinkel', and they confirmed the order and that they are able to supply. Good times.0 -
I am eagerly awaiting Die Bybel in Praktyk and Die Bybel verklaar. Any timescales or news as far as availability on IPad ia concerned.
Jan Oosthuizen
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That was 12 months ago, how much longer must we wait?
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You can buy ebiblioteek. It has got all afrikaans title included
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Hi Manie. Where can we get hold of the e-biblioteek?
Johannesburg, South Africa
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Sorry for the delay . I bought my copy from:
Die E-Biblioteek van Logos Information Systems (Tel 011 782 4488, Of: <>. Prys: Ong R1199. Bevat meer as 60 eBoeke en Bybels, ter waarde van meer as R10 000). Of 'n ander bruikbare Bybel-rekenaarprogram.
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HI dit is Marius delport op die lyn
Ek het die program libronix nou al +- 4 jaar ek het nou n nuwe laptop gekoop en kry nie die programm aan die hardloop nie.
Ek is al 11 dae besig en het alles afgelaai van die net wat menslik moontlik is libronix wil nie start nie asbmarius
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Hi praat met my asb
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marius delport said:
HI dit is Marius delport op die lyn
Ek het die program libronix nou al +- 4 jaar ek het nou n nuwe laptop gekoop en kry nie die programm aan die hardloop nie.
Ek is al 11 dae besig en het alles afgelaai van die net wat menslik moontlik is libronix wil nie start nie asbmarius
Marius, welcome to the Logos user forums!
Unfortunately I don't read Afrikaans or Dutch very well - maybe some other users who do so drop by, but I think your chances for communication here are better in English.
Do I understand correct that you wanted to install Libronix onto a new laptop and had technical problems? You may post to the dedicated Libronix forum (there are some reported problems with Windows 8, and Windows 7 may require a patch for Internet Explorer to run Libronix) - most users switch over to Logos 4 (it's free and will run all your Libronix resources) or run both applications in parallel.
Hope this helps a bit,
Have joy in the Lord!
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Shalom Marius en welkom op het forum!
Ik kan eigenlijk niets toevoegen aan het goede advies van NB.Mick. Welke versie van Internet Explorer gebruik je?
Heb je ook al een mail gestuurd aan de helpdesk van Logos?
Met hartelijke groeten,
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Hi Kent
It seems that we are still waiting for these standalone titles in Afrikaans. Do you know when they will be available if ever?
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Any news yet on Afrikaans titles yet Kent?
And when they make it will the Afrikaans bibles have sympathetic highlighting?
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Kelvin Niblett said:
when they make it will the Afrikaans bibles have sympathetic highlighting?
I don't have any inside knowledge about this, but presumably not. To have sympathetic highlighting would require that there be an underlying reverse interlinear, which is very expensive to produce.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Kelvin Niblett said:
Any news yet on Afrikaans titles yet Kent?
And when they make it will the Afrikaans bibles have sympathetic highlighting?
Ek het ongelukkig nie veel meer om by te voeg tot die gesprek nie, maar sal aanbeveel om idees na te e-pos.
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die e-biblioteek is nergens meer te vind, so ek wonder of mens nie met die kopiereg eienaar in verbinding kan tree om 'n kopie legit in die hande te kry nie.
logos het ook nie sedert 2011 'n afrikaanse bybel laat verskyn nie - nie van wat ek kan agterkom op hulle webwerf nie - was dit 'n lee belofte?
"Vertrou nie op prinse, op die mensekind, by wie geen heil is nie. "
(Psalm 146:3)in Christus
gabriel smit
Rom 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
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Kent Hendricks said:
Several Afrikaans titles will be available very soon on, including Afikaanse Nuwe Vertaling 1983. This title will be available as a stand-alone.
"Very soon" must be a long time as it is three years and 5 days ago.
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As well as a 1933/1953 Afrikaans Translation?
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Kelvin Niblett said:Kent Hendricks said:
Several Afrikaans titles will be available very soon on, including Afikaanse Nuwe Vertaling 1983. This title will be available as a stand-alone.
"Very soon" must be a long time as it is three years and 5 days ago.
And how!! I asked a similiar question in August 2014 (see here). So hopefully it will be addressed soon.