PBB - docx format for making a Bible
George îmi poți da și mie versiunea de Biblie în Română? Mulțumesc mult.
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Laurentiu Ionescu said:
George îmi poți da și mie versiunea de Biblie în Română? Mulțumesc mult.
Romanian Bible
Try this link
http://community.logos.com/forums/p/34051/297169.aspx#2971690 -
I am trying to import into Logos a Spanish Bible that I have to make it completely searchable like my others in Logos. I have the file as a docx file (like Logos shows in personal book builder) but I am not sure if it is formatted correctly in order to have it tagged and fully searchable. Would you be willing to take a look at it for me and tell me what I need to change? I also have the source code available as a text file. Thanks.
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can do, either upload or email it to me at: pb_stuff AT domisoft DOT co DOT uk
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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Hello Dominic,
I will send you two files. I will send you the docx file as well as the source code page where you can download the entire Bible if my docx format doesn't work. Let me know what you think. If this works this is going to be awesome!
docx: 2538.RVG Project.docx
source code link: http://www.reinavaleragomez.com/en/node/487
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I imagine you will wish to change the English Book Names back to Spanish, (No Habla) , best I can do, hopefully it saved you some work, when you have finished finalising the file - perhaps you would be kind enough to upload to to the file forum to share with other interested users
8712.RVG Formatted for Logos 5 PB.docx
Sample screen
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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Many thanks Dominic for making this Bible available and helping me with the particulars of formatting it for personal book builder to make it a fully recognizable and fully searchable resource. For anyone who also wishes to utilize the Reina Valera Gomez 2010 just download the docx file here and import it into your system using personal book builder. God bless!
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Don't use previous file. I found a few bugs in it. I will upload final file when ready.
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Mark, my mistake, somehow the verse alignment got messed up - apologies - corrected file uploaded, have incorporated the italics and red letter in the source file - link to file here: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/83996.aspx
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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is there any possibility to add sends to a bible verset? for exemple-From Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God.5 Acts 9:15; Acts 13:2; Gal 1:15
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Welcome to the Logos user forums!
Maisner George said:I'm not abolutely sure what you mean by "sends" - if you want to add footnotes, of course you can do that with the MS Word footnote feature. Logos will compile them very well.
Have joy in the Lord!
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thank you very much !yes, it is about footnotes,sorry for my english,
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Hi ,
I read your comment .
I have Arabic bible in the public domain . Can you compile it for me ?
Thank you
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I have Arabic bible bible in the public domain . Can you compile it for me ? I do not know how to do it . What is the compiler that you yse for that ?
Thank you
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If you will post your bible here, either Dominic, or another user can determine how practical it might be to attempt tagging. The level of practicality will depend on the consistency and uniqueness of the elements requiring tagging.macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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An alternative solution would be to simply buy Logos' Arabic bible: https://www.logos.com/product/1828/arabic-bible
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks for asking, Never had much success with processing Right to Left text..
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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Good evening.
I am trying my hand at creating a Bible and so far goes very well, it compiled successfully and I am now refining by adding, for example words in italics.
What I am unable to do is to add a language code to a Hebrew or Greek word in in verse.
How is this done please, please give me an example.Thank you very much.