Thomas Campbell's Declaration and Address

Calvin Habig
Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Attached is the docx file of Thomas Campbell's Declaration and Address.  It is one of the seminal works of the Stone-Campbell Movement (or American Restoration Movement) primarily consisting of the non-instrumental churches of Christ, the independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, and The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

I wanted to practice creating something in the new format & this seemed to be a reasonable length,   It is tagged for pages & headwords & as far as I can tell the compiler caught all of the scripture references.

I had prepared this in the old PBB format (along with a lot of other RM stuff, but (as I just said) this is my first (public) attempt at the new format.  I neither like it nor dislike it.  I just wish it wasn't necessary. I still wish the L4 could read PBB files.

Please let me know if you find errors & I will gladly fix them. 

Cal H

6114.Declaration and Address.docx



  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭

    OK, one mistake & one question:

    1. The p. 24 tag (at the end of the signatures) didn't compile right because I put the colon in the wrong place.

    2. Can anyone figure out why my headwords for "Title Page", "Declaration" and "Address" don't show up in the TOC?


    I'm not going to repost the file until I have enough time to get some responses from others.

  • Keith Gant
    Keith Gant Member Posts: 118 ✭✭

    OK, one mistake & one question:

    1. The p. 24 tag (at the end of the signatures) didn't compile right because I put the colon in the wrong place.

    2. Can anyone figure out why my headwords for "Title Page", "Declaration" and "Address" don't show up in the TOC?


    I'm not going to repost the file until I have enough time to get some responses from others.


    I think the reason those entries are not showing up in the TOC is that, although the text itself ("Declaration") has style Heading 1, there is more stuff around it in the same paragraph (namely, the spacer bars above and below) which are style Normal. (This surprised me because I had thought all the text in a given paragraph in Word had to be a single style.) Note that you can see where a paragraph begins and ends by turning on the viewing of the paragraph markers in Word. A clue that you have the problem can be seen by viewing the Document Map in Word. There you will see that your entries (e.g. "Documents") are not showing up in the map.

    To fix it, simply select all the text in the paragraph, and assign it as Heading 1, or place the header text in a paragraph by itself. You will immediately see that it then appears in the Document Map. And when you rebuild the book in Logos, you will have your TOC entries. Word's document map can be a useful tool to show you what you're going to get in the TOC when it comes into Logos.

    On another note, I will look forward to having more RM resources in L4 if and when you are able to produce them. I had gotten some PBB's from your website a couple of years ago for L3 but have been wanting them in L4 ever since it came out.

  • Gerald Rodgers
    Gerald Rodgers Member Posts: 232 ✭✭


    Thanks for document. Can anyone tell me how to incorporate the RM resources (this document to begin with) into Logos 4 so that I can effectively use it? Thanks so much.


  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭

    You use the recently released Personal Book compiler which is now a part of every L4.  Check out,particularly Morris Procter's Quick Clip videos.  They're very simple. It is much easier than the old PBB system.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,153

    Thanks for document. Can anyone tell me how to incorporate the RM resources (this document to begin with) into Logos 4 so that I can effectively use it?

    That's easy. You just go to Tools/Personal Books, make a new book with a title like "Declaration", click "Add File" and point it to where you downloaded the docx. Then you click "Build" -> voila, it opens as a full-fledged Logos resource.

    That's all it needs, if someone already has done all the tagging etc. and shares the document file.


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Calvin, could you post your latest version of this document? I'm compiling a list on the wiki of all the PBs people have shared, and I'd like to point to the most up-to-date version of the file with any known problems fixed. Since you mentioned you'd found a couple and fixed them but were holding off on posting a new version of the file, I know you've got something newer than the one you posted in the first post on this thread. Thanks.

  • Friedrich
    Friedrich MVP Posts: 4,772

    just downloaded this.  my first "personal book!"  awesome, Calvin.  many thanks!

    I like Apples.  Especially Honeycrisp.

  • Tom Steed
    Tom Steed Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Thanks! I just incorporated this into my Library!  Tom Steed  Auburn Alabama