Samuel Simon Schmucker - The American Lutheran Church

This one was tougher than the others. The main source was from which was not as clean of a scan as the others I have worked with. And when you look at the raw page scans, you can see why the OCR is messy. In addition, it is longer than any of the other books I have released here. They DO have a good cover picture of Schmucker that can be used there.
The OCR failed to capture the greek texts (and in one case hebrew) that well. My knowledge of greek is a bit weak, and I don't claim any hebrew, so errors are quite possible due to my limited abilities in this area. Most Greek texts are actually copied from one of the many versions of the Textus Receptus I have in Logos. This helped me with understanding (or maybe not having to understand) some differences in how Greek was printed then compared with now. However, on Pg. 260 for the Athanasius quote, I had to manually transcribe the greek. Some of what I put there, frankly, does not make sense to me. To my eyes, it looks like the book is using terminal miniscule sigmas for the two letter combination of sigma tau in the middle of words like pistis, esti, and Xristw. In the end I went with trying to reproduce what I saw instead of trying to convert it to a form that makes sense to me.
Finally, Schmucker and I are quite far apart theologically when it comes to the doctrinal basis of Lutheranism here. Reading as much of his work, I do understand him a bit better. It has also been quite frustrating for me. It is quite a reminder of how the gifts of God always come from unworthy ministers. As Schmucker was writing these addresses, the 19th Century renewal of Lutheranism that started with Pr. Harms in Prussia was influencing things on the other side of the ocean. One of the leaders resisting Schmucker was one of his students - Charles Porterfield Krauth, and another was his own son, Beale Melacthon Schmucker. This is the way the Holy Spirit works - it comes in "clay jars" as St. Paul puts it.
With regards to links: I have inserted a few links to the Book of Concord whenever a particular article is discussed. I did not include a link whenever it was mentioned in passing. This is a judgement call, I know. I have also coded these links to the BookOfConcord datatype. This means they SHOULD work with any of the editions of the Book of Concord out there. That said, I already know that they do not work well with the Kolb-Wengert in the Augsburg Confession translation of the German text. They work with the Kolb-Wengert translation of the Latin text, as well as with the Tappert, but there seem to be issues with K-W with regards to linking.
I do have one request - I want a report back from someone who has both this and the Hoffman "Broken Platform" to tell me if the links in the Hoffman to this work are functional for you. I want to know if this works before I release Mann's Lutheranism in America.
Ken McGuire
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
Kenneth McGuire said:
I do have one request - I want a report back from someone who has both this and the Hoffman "Broken Platform" to tell me if the links in the Hoffman to this work are functional for you. I want to know if this works before I release Mann's Lutheranism in America.
Thanks a lot first for the work you are doing here, it is very much appreciated.
With respect to your question, unless I undertsood it wrong, I have bad news: The S.S.S. work "The American Lutheran Church" is referenced from the "Broken Platform" with identifier pbb:14cb3dca456848509c5e111a5f05569f, however, when I built the PB, it received identifier PBB:5d8df9a3991e4e1e95abafe613a2126c
This means, when I click from the Broken Platform to the reference, it tells me:
and leads me on not to a resource (there is none, as we know) but to the subscriptions page of my Logos account.
I think, the "personal" in PB may mean that they code the Logos-ID into the long number, thus preventing sharing of compliled PBs but also your way of linking between multiple PBs.
Thanks again,
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks for the (bad) news on that. I suspected as much, but didn't know for sure. Rev. Mann's "Lutheranism in America" is almost done and I wanted to know the results before bothering with too many links.
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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I was looking around at various things and found that a few bible links were not recognized. In addition, a few "stigmas" (a greek letter combination of sigma and tau) were in the old version as terminal sigmas, which look quite similar. Also tagged a link to Virgil and cleaned up a few other minor matters...
Ken McGuire
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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The talk about the term "modern" being OCRed as "modem" caused me to search my library. I found this twice in this document, so these have been fixed. In addition, a few links to the Formula of Concord have been added based on the page links to the Mueller which Schmucker provided.
Ken McGuire
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze