

  • MJD
    MJD Member Posts: 389 ✭✭

    I would suggest, you just ignore the posts that are referencing the NIV Iphone apps, and the frustration would not exist.

  • Mark Stevens
    Mark Stevens Member Posts: 439 ✭✭

    Just a suggestion that many won't like. Find a Bible translation that is not owned by non-believers and therefore handcuffed to their wallet.

    Kevin, understand what you are trying to say but the NIV is owned by the Bible Society not Zondervan. They only own the distribution rights.

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    Just a suggestion that many won't like. Find a Bible translation that is not owned by non-believers and therefore handcuffed to their wallet.

    Kevin, understand what you are trying to say but the NIV is owned by the Bible Society not Zondervan. They only own the distribution rights.

    And the practical results are the same.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

      You know it is a funny thing as for the past 22 months, logos has told us that they will not make us pay for a second license to view what we have already paid for,

    From the posts on the NIV it seems that all most all of the other publishers have come on board - is it time to dump the NIV because of who controls it?

  • MJD
    MJD Member Posts: 389 ✭✭

      You know it is a funny thing as for the past 22 months, logos has told us that they will not make us pay for a second license to view what we have already paid for,

    From the posts on the NIV it seems that all most all of the other publishers have come on board - is it time to dump the NIV because of who controls it?

    Logos perhaps this would work... please remove the NIV Bible from all of the basic packages.  Replace the NIV with another translation or additional resource that costs the same.

    Inform Zondervan that all of the NIV future sales will be strictly single resource sales and this new item will have to allow access to the NIV on all electronic platforms owned by the one user.

  • Rev. Kelly Todd
    Rev. Kelly Todd Member Posts: 273 ✭✭

    MJD, I have to say that of all of the ideas that I have heard concerning the NIV, this is the only one that makes any sense at all!  The only thing that I could add to it is that Logos would stop all sales of the NIV until they make it available to all devices!  I hope that Logos is listening on this one!

  • Clinton Thomas
    Clinton Thomas Member Posts: 465 ✭✭

    each and every week someone asks where is the NIV, and we politely give them the same answer each and every week...

    What I find puzzling about this issue is that lifechurch has the NIV available for their mobile app for a very long time and for the low low price of free.

    On the surface it seems that Logos and Zondervan do not to play-well together where as Zondervan and others do and that is puzzling to me.


  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    MJD said:

    If Logos wanted the flexibility to have NIV material available on portable devices, Logos should have negotiated mobile device availability into the original contract.

    Our contract for the NIV was first negotiated in 1991.

    We would have liked, even then, to have the contract cover all electronic formats, but many publishers then wrote contracts to specific media. (We had contracts that limit rights specifically to floppy disks, for example.) This is a carry over from how publishers slice and dice print rights, sometimes explicitly granting/withholding cookbook, calendar, book club, and large-print rights for a single book.

    We know people want the NIV. So does Zondervan. It frustrates me that they've given it for free to others for mobile use, and that our users who paid for it can't access it on a mobile device yet. But there's more to our relationship than the NIV, and we're trying to find a way to work together on all Zondervan content moving into the future. And that discussion has taken some time. I do believe, though, that it's nearly complete.

    I'm sorry I can't provide more specifics, but I can assure you we haven't forgotten the issue for even a day over the past two years.

  • MJD
    MJD Member Posts: 389 ✭✭

    MJD said:

    If Logos wanted the flexibility to have NIV material available on portable devices, Logos should have negotiated mobile device availability into the original contract.

    Our contract for the NIV was first negotiated in 1991.

    We would have liked, even then, to have the contract cover all electronic formats, but many publishers then wrote contracts to specific media. (We had contracts that limit rights specifically to floppy disks, for example.) This is a carry over from how publishers slice and dice print rights, sometimes explicitly granting/withholding cookbook, calendar, book club, and large-print rights for a single book.

    We know people want the NIV. So does Zondervan. It frustrates me that they've given it for free to others for mobile use, and that our users who paid for it can't access it on a mobile device yet. But there's more to our relationship than the NIV, and we're trying to find a way to work together on all Zondervan content moving into the future. And that discussion has taken some time. I do believe, though, that it's nearly complete.

    I'm sorry I can't provide more specifics, but I can assure you we haven't forgotten the issue for even a day over the past two years.

    I can only imagine how frustrating this must be... sometimes things don't seem fair, and in my human mind they are not fair.  For example the Logos vs. LifeChurch use of the free NIV on mobile devices does not seem fair, even though at one time you agreed to the usage limitations with Zondervan.

    This situation makes me think of Mathew 20: 13

    But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius?

    I have always had a difficult time in seeing the fairness in this passage, but, the passage is not about fairness, even though my mind wants to go there.

    Regardless if you ever get the NIV on mobile, (I have switched to using the ESV now, because of this) Bob I believe in Logos, I am heavily invested into your dream, and I support your efforts. I will be praying for great favor in this challenge on your/our behalf. 

    However, I think God has His fingerprints all over Logos, and I have watched your dream blossom, please continue in your faithfulness to deliver the very best Bible Software made.

    I have read most of your posts in the past, and there is one thing that is
    clear in my mind, you are a bright man.

    We all vote with our pocket books, and I for one have voted heavily, I have never doubted Logos abilities to deliver.  I have many opinions which I voice, and I don't always agree with all things done at Logos, but, I do stand committed to Logos for the long-haul.

    The forum is a great conundrum of people with many great ideas.  I appreciate all the forum users and that you listen/(read) to your users.  Thank you.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    MJD said:

    I will be praying for great favor in this challenge on your/our behalf. 


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  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,510 ✭✭✭

    MJD said:

    Bob I believe in Logos, I am heavily invested into your dream, and I support your efforts. I will be praying for great favor in this challenge on your/our behalf. 


    MJD said:

    However, I think God has His fingerprints all over Logos, and I have watched your dream blossom, please continue in your faithfulness to deliver the very best Bible Software made.


    MJD said:

    We all vote with our pocket books, and I for one have voted heavily, I have never doubted Logos abilities to deliver.  I have many opinions which I voice, and I don't always agree with all things done at Logos, but, I do stand committed to Logos for the long-haul.
