A Discourse on the Self-Existence of Jesus Christ--William Romaine

More from the Christian Classics Library.Pretty short, so not much to do to it. But I put it up anyway.
3771.Self-Existence of Jesus Christ.docx
Hi Calvin
Thank there might be a problem with this docx as it is not being recognized in my Logos4 PBB.
The error message says it is not a recognized docx.
Can you check please and let us know. Thanks so much.
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Had no problem compiling this document in L4 Mac 4.5b Beta 5. I did open it first in MS Word to make sure it was a .docx document.
Thank you, Calvin
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Sorry...don't know. I downloaded the file that I had uploaded to double check it and it opened as a docx file just fine. The file compiled just fine for me. I am running 4.5a SR-1 ( on Windows 7.
Let's see if others have problems.
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Calvin Habig said:
Let's see if others have problems.
Compiles fine (no errors or warnings) with Logos 4.5b Beta 5 ( on Win7 32bit.
I noted that at least one scripture reference ("again we read, chap 49:26" referring to Isaiah) was not captured automatically.
Have joy in the Lord!