Schmucker - Inaugural Address

This past weekend we had a discussion about all the great things available on the internet and compared that with the merits of a Seminary education. That reminded me of a potential PB that I had thought of doing in my continuing quest to bring in texts from Lutheran History...
In 1826 Gettysburg Seminary opened its doors, and the first professor, Samuel Simon Schumucker addressed those present about the hopes for the new institution, as well as the general merits of Seminary education.
In some respects, this quite dated, of course. But it still was an interesting diversion. Source is Internet Archive( which pulled in the Google Books scan. The actual text was first in English, and then in blackface German. I have only provided the English.
Ken McGuire
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
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