right click searching within a resource

Lee Patmore
Lee Patmore Member Posts: 49 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I love the ability to right click and do a lemma search within a given bible. What I would like to do though is limit the search not to "search this resource" but to "search Romans" for example or any given parameter I want. I know how to change the search parameter in the search window after I do a right click search but I would like to be able to do this from the right click menu or if that is not possible to be able to tell Logos that when it opens my search window that it defaults to the parameters I want. 

For example if I am working through a given text and want to do a series of lemma searches within a given chapter or book I don't want the hassle of each time having to then change my search parameters after the fact.
