Locating Downloaded Video Files

I would like to be able to locate the downloaded video files so I can add them to a video playing app on my iPad and that way do courses while offline without needing to use the laptop / mac.
I'm assuming the video format is MP4 or M4V.
I understand that the iPad App has not been developed to include offline video downloads so it would be great to get hold of the already downloaded MP4/M4V on my Mac.
Is there a folder I can find them in (not obvious in the resources folder)?
If it is in some kind of zipped format is there a way to extract it?
The videos are in the folder at C:\Users\<username>\
AppData\Local\Logos\Data\< unique folder name>\WebCache (or substitute Verbum for Logos depending on what you installed). The files have different extensions, random names, but on Windows if you rename them to an mpg extension you can play them outside of Logos. This presumes of course that you have downloaded the video from inside of Logos/Verbum. 0