Jesus and the Word - Rudolf Bultmann

Stephen Raftery
Stephen Raftery Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I found the text of this book by Bultmann at

6012.Jesus and the Word - Bultmann.docx

Stephen Raftery



  • Claybon Collins Jr
    Claybon Collins Jr Member Posts: 231 ✭✭

    Thanks Stephen! [H]

  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭

    Question for anyone who knows...

    Since most of the works on that site are obviously still within copyright, does the fact that those carrying the copyright have (presumably) given permission to to republish and distribute that material, does that mean that we also have the right to republish and distribute them for conversion into a PB?  It would seem to me that a secondary copyright is not automatically transferable.  I know that we can make PBs for our own use of pretty much anything we like, copyright or not, but to distribute them here raises ethical/legal questions for me. 

    I don't want to be a nervous-Nellie, but I do want to do what is right. Can anyone help me out?  (Crux of my question: just because something is on the internet, does that mean that we can automatically distribute a docx of it to allow others to make a PB?)