ESV Study Bible
Paul Buckhiester said:
Why would other Bible software publishers be able to publish it and not LOGOS?
perhaps because Logos is trying to negotiate a better price than Crossway gave the other companies.
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NordZootman said:Paul Buckhiester said:
Why would other Bible software publishers be able to publish it and not LOGOS?
perhaps because Logos is trying to negotiate a better price than Crossway gave the other companies.
That may be the case. Logos deserves a better price since they do more to make the product interoperate with the rest of their massive library. But somewhere along the line someone needs to compromise in these negotiations or it will take forever. Better (for Logos) to have people buying the product now for less than to wait for some potential greater revenue in the future.
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Paul Buckhiester said:
I understand that Logos is at the mercy of the publisher. If you need an ammunition, please tell Crossway that our ministry requires the ESV Study Bible for our discipleship program. As a result we purchase them in fair quantity. We aslo recommend LOGOS. Not having the ESVSB in LOGOS is a problem. Why would other Bible software publishers be able to publish it and not LOGOS?
Trying to be patient.
Paul (and everyone else wondering [:)]),
I checked into this more for you and the response I was given was that completion is imminent and the product will ship very soon (we do not have an exact date right now, though). Additionally, there is no need to contact Crossway as we will be shipping it soon.
Thank you!
Deborah Mickens
Logos Bible Software, Marketing
dmickens@logos.com0 -
Deborah -
Thanks so much for the info! I am looking forward to it.
Macbook Air (2024), Apple M2, 16gb Ram, Mac Sequoia, 1TB storage
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Deborah Mickens said:Paul Buckhiester said:
I understand that Logos is at the mercy of the publisher. If you need an ammunition, please tell Crossway that our ministry requires the ESV Study Bible for our discipleship program. As a result we purchase them in fair quantity. We aslo recommend LOGOS. Not having the ESVSB in LOGOS is a problem. Why would other Bible software publishers be able to publish it and not LOGOS?
Trying to be patient.
Paul (and everyone else wondering
I checked into this more for you and the response I was given was that completion is imminent and the product will ship very soon (we do not have an exact date right now, though). Additionally, there is no need to contact Crossway as we will be shipping it soon.
Thank you!
First encouraging information in this matter. Thank you Deborah. Good news after coming from a long church board meeting. [:)]
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Deborah Mickens said:
I checked into this more for you and the response I was given was that completion is imminent and the product will ship very soon (we do not have an exact date right now, though). Additionally, there is no need to contact Crossway as we will be shipping it soon.
Thank you!
This is great!
Any word on the NIV Study Bible -- now that Logos & Zondervans are getting along? (I've been asking for that one for years)
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Richard DeRuiter said:
Any word on the NIV Study Bible -- now that Logos & Zondervans are getting along? (I've been asking for that one for years)
Yes, I would love to have that!
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Richard DeRuiter said:
now that Logos & Zondervans are getting along
YES, and lots of other Z products too please. BBG3 would be nice, and the Hebrew one too.
(P.S. Thanks for update on ESV SB. I look forward to it.)
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Deborah Mickens said:
I checked into this more for you and the response I was given was that completion is imminent and the product will ship very soon (we do not have an exact date right now, though).
Great news!.
Now, we would like the new ESV Bible Atlas.
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We are currently planning to ship the ESV Study Bible on September 15, 2010.
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PLEASE add the ESV atlas very soon. I have the atlas and its accompanying CD; they are wonderful resources.
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Tim Deahl said:
PLEASE add the ESV atlas very soon. I have the atlas and its accompanying CD; they are wonderful resources.
Would be great. And also Audio for daily reading from their web site. That would make ESV SB in Logos just perfect resource of daily use.
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
That would make ESV SB in Logos just perfect resource of daily use.
I'd love to have a reverse interlinear TNIV. That would make it my daily use Bible. As it is now I go back and forth between it and ESV and sometimes NRSV. Then again, using a variety of different versions has its benefits.
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As of today (August 4th), they are saying ship date is September 15, 2010.
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
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Any chance of viewing some sample pages of ESV study Bible? Can't find any on Amazon (UK).
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nicky crane said:
Any chance of viewing some sample pages of ESV study Bible? Can't find any on Amazon (UK).
Hi Nicky,
You may have already seen this, but there is a dedicated website here:
You can read sample introductions to books of the bible and check out sample pages here:
It is well worth a look.
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Is the format going to make it worthwhile getting the full ESV SB rather than just the notes if you already have the ESV?
Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.
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If you already own the ESV Bible in Logos, you can simply purchase the Notes. Otherwise you purchase Text + Notes. It doesn't look like there is a "notes only" option. I copied this from the product page:
[quote]Please Note: Unlike previous study Bible resources which do not include the Bible text, this ESV Study Bible is coupled with the full text of the ESV Bible. If you already have a copy of the ESV, you can purchase the ESV Study Bible Notes—without the Bible text.
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Alex Scott said:
Is the format going to make it worthwhile getting the full ESV SB rather than just the notes if you already have the ESV?
If I had to guess, I would assume that the SB will be separate from the ESV Text just like the rest of the Study Bibles. I don't think we are talking about a noteless text like the NET was at one time. I think you can consider that the SB only is a discounted price because you already have the ESV.
“... every day in which I do not
penetrate more deeply into the knowledge of God’s Word in Holy Scripture
is a lost day for me. I can only move forward with certainty upon the
firm ground of the Word of God.”0 -
Donald S said:
If you already have a copy of the ESV, you can purchase the ESV Study Bible Notes—without the Bible text.
I'm confused. Isn't purchasing it without the Bible Text in fact exactly like previous study bible resources? Maybe this means that you cannot purchase the notes UNLESS you own or purchase the text? Maybe this is a restriction and not an advantage. If that is the case it should say "must be coupled with the full text" and not "is coupled with the full text".
“... every day in which I do not
penetrate more deeply into the knowledge of God’s Word in Holy Scripture
is a lost day for me. I can only move forward with certainty upon the
firm ground of the Word of God.”0 -
Dewayne Davis said:
Maybe this means that you cannot purchase the notes UNLESS you own or purchase the text?
That's how I read it. It looks like notes without text is not an option. However, the difference between ESV + Notes and simply the Notes add-on is only about $10 at the pre-pub price. ESV at the current regular price alone, and ESV + Notes at the pre-pub price are the same!
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And, further to my previous note, even if you could get the study notes without having the ESV text, my thought is spending $10 for the added functionality of having both text and notes would be worth it.
For myself, since I already got the ESV with my base package, I'm simply purchasing the notes to add on.
In any case, act now to get the advantage of the pre-pub price! [:D]
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Alex Scott said:
Is the format going to make it worthwhile getting the full ESV SB rather than just the notes if you already have the ESV?
Hmm, but perhaps your question, Alex, is still there: Will there be two formats, one with integrated notes, and one with notes as a separate resource? Or will there only be one format of whatever kiind? An answer to that question would certainly help in making a pre-pub decision. (I'm guessing, but I expect there will be only one format, no matter which way you buy.)
Can anyone help here?
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Donald S said:Dewayne Davis said:
Maybe this means that you cannot purchase the notes UNLESS you own or purchase the text?
That's how I read it. It looks like notes without text is not an option.
That is not true. You can buy notes without the ESV text and use the notes with another Bible translation if you like. That isn't what they expect people will want to do, because the notes are designed to go along with the ESV text. I have the print version of the ESV Study Bible, and the notes make reference to words as translated in the ESV, so it would be kind of weird to use those notes alongside another translation, but nothing would preclude you from doing that.
Look at the text on the notes pre-pub description page. I think it answers all your questions:
Please Note: The ESV Study Bible Notes includes all materials (notes, maps, charts, etc.), but does not include the Bible text itself. For the Bible text and study notes, purchase the ESV Study Bible.
There are three products:
1) ESV (BIble text only) - $39.95
2) ESV Study Bible Notes (Notes only) - $29.95 in pre-pub (price might go up later)
3) ESV Study Bible (= ESV Bible text + ESV Study Bible Notes) - $39.95 in pre-pub (price might go up later)
If you have ESV already through your base package, then all you need is #2. Getting #3 would be redundant. The way Logos does Study Bibles is the notes are a separate resource and the integration between text and notes is accomplished by the user linking them together in the same Link Set. (This leaves open the theoretical possibility of you linking the notes to a different translation if you wanted to.) I'm 99% certain that the ESV Study Bible will work the same way. They wouldn't sell the notes as a separate resource otherwise.
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Having already purchased The Lutheran Study Bible, I can tell you that the resources I received for my Logos were the TLSB, which consists of the notes, and the regular ESV. In other words, the Bible part is the standard ESV; not a rewritten version. Only the notes were special.
By the way, if you are not Lutheran the ESV Study Bible notes is what you would like. If you are Lutheran, most likely you want The Lutheran Study Bible, published by Concordia Publishing.
Some people may want to buy the Lutheran version as well, just for comparison.
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