Font change

George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The new font looks worse than the old one.  Any way to change the font?

Running on Android 7.1.1

Thank you.



  • Amy Esary
    Amy Esary Member, Logos Employee Posts: 36

    Thanks for your feedback. We are discussing adding custom fonts. 

  • Kevin Perry
    Kevin Perry Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Fantastic update.  Layouts are awesome.

    But I too would say I don't prefer the new font. A san-serif option in the mobile app would be wonderful. 

  • L.A.
    L.A. Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭
    Yes, please... Another or the old font. Reading now is really difficult. (android 8, Sony xz1)
  • Benjamin Ho
    Benjamin Ho Member Posts: 75 ✭✭✭

    I also would like an option for a sans serif font. Thanks.

  • James Fowlie
    James Fowlie Member Posts: 36 ✭✭


    I really strongly prefer the old font. This one lacks the elegance of the previous one.

  • Mason Phillips
    Mason Phillips Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I'd love custom fonts - but I do like the new font (though it appears I'm the odd man out).

  • Michael Farrar
    Michael Farrar Member Posts: 50 ✭✭

    I also like the previous font. The new one looks like the old days when I used to load up a plain text book into an mp3 reader. Personally, I don't care much about having multiple fonts to choose from, I just want the old one back. What's that saying... "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

  • ManilaDave
    ManilaDave Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    As with most of the posts here I do not like the new font. It is much harder on my eyes, less inviting to read as it looks just like a jumble of text. I've tried maximising the line spacing to try to make it easier on my eyes but found no difference in the spacing. Please, please, please bring back the old font. 

  • ManilaDave
    ManilaDave Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    I would just like to add that I'm a senior citizen, my eyes are not what they once were and I have "floaters" in both eyes (vitreous detachment). The effect of the floaters is that it is like looking through glasses with permanent but moving smudges on both lenses. It's an annoying condition that makes reading less comfortable than previously. The new font appears more dense and increases eye strain for me especially as I can't remedy the denseness with line spacing as there is no appreciable difference when I maximise the line spacing. So please return to the old font or provide a choice where the text is less dense. Many of us older "eyes" would appreciate it.

    Other than the font I do greatly appreciate the developments. Thanks. 

  • Lloyd Farrar
    Lloyd Farrar Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    I agree with the rest, please give us back the original font. I have a great Samsung phone but this current font you chose is not good. I don't really care about custom fonts. If you want to add them great, but first make it a priority to return our previous font to us. Thank You.

  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭

    On my tablet the letters that seem to be affected the most are v, y, w, z, d.  They are shorter and don't line up with the other letters.  Also some letters like a, t and r look odd (not wide enough or shorter). This didn't happen with the old font. I took a screenshot to illustrate the problem.

    This is with the default font size.  

  • Tanner
    Tanner Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I'm in my 20s with no vision issues, and even I find the new font hard on my eyes, especially in low-light mode.

    YouVersion on Android uses a select few Google web fonts as options for reading. That model seems to work fine, even though it could result in additional licensing fees to embed the fonts in the Logos app. But long-term, I think having at least one sans serif, one serif, and one slab-serif font option would be the bare minimum to cater to a wide audience of readers. An easy pick for the Android app is Roboto and Roboto Slab, since Roboto comes pre-installed in a slew of Android devices. There may be better Google web fonts optimized for body text, but those two come to mind first.

    I use a Galaxy S8, Galaxy Tab 4, Kindle Fire 10, and iPad Air to access Logos Mobile.

  • Matt Zimmerman
    Matt Zimmerman Member Posts: 138 ✭✭

    I also don’t like the new font at all. I’m surprised that FL would do this without letting us choose the font. To single handedly change something critical without asking for user input is what Apple does with ports for example... I hope for a reversion or a font picker setting.

  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,800

    When we refresh our user interface, we change our default resource font. It adds to the sense of newness. Sirba GRK is now the default resource font for Logos 8 on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and the web. We're not going to roll back to Skolar, but we're looking into adding an option for users to chose from a selection of fonts. Skolar would most likely still be on that list.

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience to those of you who really liked Skolar. That's for your patience as we look into options to give you better control over your resource font.

  • Lloyd Farrar
    Lloyd Farrar Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Phil I have to call you on this one. I have used computer going back to the 11th grade when I had the privilege to work on a portable beast that weighed a ton (joking, perhaps only a half ton). It had an oscilloscope size black & green screen with twin 5 1/4 floppy drives (no hard drive). So I do know a few things about computers (I am also a former systems admin). When you roll-out a product, & I have done many roll-outs, you test it ahead with your consumer. To make a statement that you want a sense of newness is blown away by the fact that this new font is a bust! Own up to the problem, seek God for the solution & get it fixed. Philippians 4:19

  • Michael Farrar
    Michael Farrar Member Posts: 50 ✭✭

    When we refresh our user interface, we change our default resource font. It adds to the sense of newness.

    Why? Were there a lot of complaints being given regarding Skolar? Changing a long used font just to "add to the sense of newness" is not a good reason. 

    but we're looking into adding an option for users to chose from a selection of fonts.

    Can you give us a timeline?

    That's for your patience as we look into options to give you better control over your resource font.

    I love Logos, but this new font is killing me. I spend a lot of time reading on my mobile as I am a seminary student at the same time as being a Bible teacher. I need to maximize my time, and that often comes through using the mobile app to read the curriculum I am assigned in my classes. I spend extra just to buy it on logos so that I can have the added functionality that logos provides. But what good is all that functionality if the app makes it painful to read? This weekend I will be traveling 5 hours one way by bus (which is a bumpy ride here in the Philippines); reading was difficult before on the bus, but now I fear it will be impossible for me to read with this new font.

    If this font is not changed fast I fear you will lose a lot of customers who can easily buy the same books for less money on Kindle. I will be buying my future books there if this is not changed quickly. Like I said, I love logos... but at the end of the day Logos is a business, and this is a terrible move. 

  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,508 ✭✭✭

    That's for your patience as we look into options to give you better control over your resource font.


  • Steven Baxley
    Steven Baxley Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    I agree with the other comments, the new font is not nearly as readable as the old font.  I have maximized the line-spacing, and it is still much harder to read.  Please do something with this as soon as you can, my iPad IS my Bible in the pulpit.  Thank you!

  • Huey Cuffie
    Huey Cuffie Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I came to the Forums to see if others were feeling the same way about the font. I am very happy for the overall improvement of the app including the Notes feature. But the font is really bad and discourages from reading. Typography is an essential for me when it comes to reading. Please give us the option to restore the previous font as soon as possible. Thanks again for the all the hard work :-)

  • Darrell Tan
    Darrell Tan Member Posts: 132 ✭✭


    The font doesn't display well at reading size on mobile.

    Some letters look too dark compared to the rest, e.g. G, o, W. This gives an uneven feel and interrupts smooth reading.

    Both the tracking and leading (even at max) are too tight, resulting in a cramped feel. More attention is spent on deciphering the text and less is left for understanding the content.

    8.0.1 beta Android

  • Justin C
    Justin C Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Logos on Desktop is awesome. The mob refresh was a step in the right direction but it‘s still behind other mobile Bible studying apps, not in power but in ease of use. The font issue is frustrating for these reasons.

    -This is a premium product with premium pricing.

    -The competitors have the feature.

    -It’s a readability issue. Some find it hard to read or they feel it causes eye strain.

    I once saw a comment that there are licensing costs with fonts. And it’s also possible that not enough people are asking for it. We can’t all have the features we want. But because it’s an issue directly related to reading, it seems that should increase its priority over a typical feature request. Especially since many rely on Logos for studying in school. 

    If Logos can’t accommodate several fonts, at least habe the default be sans serif. That’s a more common, modern style and there is the perception or reality that it’s easier on the eyes.

    I apprecitate the prodcut, the work that goes in it, and the welcoming of feedback. I don’t want to only say negative tthing but as someone who pays for resources I wanted to give my thoughts.  

  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭

    We can’t all have the features we want.

    Trrue, but we had what we wanted: a font that was easy on the eyes.

    I switched back to the old version of the app until (hopefully) Logos comes up with a solution. I think the problem occurs on devices with lower screen resolutions.

  • Samuel
    Samuel Member Posts: 172 ✭✭

    Yes, please, please give a font option. I would love to have an option to simply use Apple's default font on iOS. It would be awesome if the program interface would use Apple's default font. It would fit in better and be less jarring. 

  • Wondercheck
    Wondercheck Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    The 'new font' is very hard to read. This is extremely disappointing! Just go back to previous. Please! 

  • Dustin Butler
    Dustin Butler Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Oh please do it, Do It, DO IT!!!

    Love y'all, the font is nasty awful.

  • James McAdams
    James McAdams Member Posts: 763 ✭✭✭

    Obviously if people are having difficulty reading it then something needs to be done, but I'm really quite fond of it.

    I'll cope if they swap it out, and if they add the ability to choose our own fonts then I guess everyone would be happy, but I'm just saying... it wouldn't have occurred to me that there was a problem if I hadn't seen this thread.

  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭

    it wouldn't have occurred to me that there was a problem if I hadn't seen this thread.

    I don't think there is a problem on higher end screens/devices. I own two Samsung tablets.  One of them is a higher end device the other is a much cheaper device with lowers specs.  On the fancy tablet I agree with you that the font looks great.  Unfortunately the tablet is too big for day to day reading.  On the cheap one on the other hand, the reading experience using the new font is really bad compared to the old font.  I think there are quite a few users who don't have a higher end device and those users may find the new font troublesome. 

  • Ben Bush
    Ben Bush Member Posts: 96 ✭✭

    The one glaring head-scratcher since the mobile app rollout years ago is the inability to choose fonts. Not a fan of the new font either, btw. After solving the crash issues with iPhone X, please give users that option. (With all the new features/capabilities, is that too big an ask?) Better still, please include font selection with crash fix! Thanks for all you guys do!

  • Kevin Perry
    Kevin Perry Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    George said:

    it wouldn't have occurred to me that there was a problem if I hadn't seen this thread.

    I don't think there is a problem on higher end screens/devices. I own two Samsung tablets.  One of them is a higher end device the other is a much cheaper device with lowers specs.  On the fancy tablet I agree with you that the font looks great.  Unfortunately the tablet is too big for day to day reading.  On the cheap one on the other hand, the reading experience using the new font is really bad compared to the old font.  I think there are quite a few users who don't have a higher end device and those users may find the new font troublesome. 

    I can see the font fine on 2018 ipad, XS Max. Simply don’t prefer this new font for readability.  Neubible app is a winner for a great reading experience and selectable font. It is a real head scratcher that such a powerful mobile app like Logos doesn’t incorporate this.