Verbum 8 is here!!!

Craig St. Clair (Faithlife)
Craig St. Clair (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 177
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I am happy to announce that Verbum 8 is here!!!

It will be available for purchase online, over the phone (888-875-9491), and by email ( starting at 6am today.

I’m thrilled about what our team has built for you and can’t wait for you to try it. It’s my hope and prayer that you’ll love it and be helped by it in significant ways in your preaching, teaching, education, ministry, marriage, family, personal study, and in all the spheres of influence where God has placed you. 

It’s available in English and Spanish.

It’s also launching on desktop (Windows and macOS), mobile (iOS and Android), and the web at Not all features are available on every platform, but we’ve worked hard to deliver a consistent experience regardless of the platform you’re on, making it easier for you to continue your study no matter where you are and which device you have with you.

The goal of Verbum 8 is to deliver better prayer and study for the whole Church—regardless of your vocation, your role in your church, your progress in your spiritual journey, your needs, your budget, the language you speak, where you live, or what devices you use.

Our mission with Verbum is to use technology to equip the Church to grow in the light of Scripture and Tradition.  It’s my desire and prayer that God would bless Verbum 8 in your life and use it to these ends as it pleases Him.

Here are some links you may find helpful as you learn about Verbum 8 and its new features and libraries:

As you explore Verbum 8 and learn the ropes, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and let us know how we can make your transition as smooth as possible. We’re available to help you through the following channels:

  • here on the forums

  • by email at

  • over the phone at 800-875-6467

Craig St. Clair

Verbum Product Manager

Craig St. Clair | Verbum Product Manager |
