Markups & Highlighting

John Eggen
John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Any possibility that the app would ever allow for viewing/creating or at least creating markups?  I would be okay with just a basic highlight/no highlight option which would be nice to be able to make a highlight as I am doing my daily devotional reading.  Something simple like the Kindle app (select text and just press highlight) would would be sufficient for me.



  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874

    We have been told that Logos is minimally working on notes. No word on highlighting yet, but I really hope they do.

    Actually when Logos4 was first going to be launched Logos had the terrible oversight of thinking that we wouldn't miss highlighting. They weren't going to include it and scrambled last minute. Hopefully understanding that the users really do use highlighting as a primary tool will move them to include it in the iPhone app

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • John Eggen
    John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    I prefer to read things electronically, but you loose much of the value in reading if you have no way of capturing what you think is important..  For me highlighting is a core feature of a reading application, which is primarily how I use Logos on my iPod.

  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874

    I prefer to read things electronically, but you loose much of the value in reading if you have no way of capturing what you think is important..  For me highlighting is a core feature of a reading application, which is primarily how I use Logos on my iPod.

    I agree totally. The way that I use highlighting is to slow down and mark what I thought was of most importance (either to application or understanding). Highlighting is therefore a tool that I use alongside notetaking (much more often than notetaking). Then once I have a book marked up, I love how I can jump to "next highlight" (using the down arrow icon on the resource window of L4) and move quickly through the salient poitns of a book; analagous to picking up a well-marked paperback and going through for highlights and notes.

    I don't feel that highlighting is optional in either L4 or iPhone app, especially given the reading focus of the iPhone app. I really hope that it is developed with offline reading, then syncing in mind as well. 

    Think about the basic features that a pure reader needs, Kindle did it:

    1. Text on screen: done
    2. highlighting (present on kindle missing on Logos iPhone)
    3. note taking (present on kindle, missing on Logos iPhone)
    4. Searching (present on kindle, present on Logos iPhone in online mode only, so missing during much of the time I'm using the app on my iPod)

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • April  Pyle
    April Pyle Member Posts: 98 ✭✭


    Think about the basic features that a pure reader needs, Kindle did it:


    1. Text on screen: done
    2. highlighting (present on kindle missing on Logos iPhone)
    3. note taking (present on kindle, missing on Logos iPhone)
    4. Searching (present on kindle, present on Logos iPhone in online mode only, so missing during much of the time I'm using the app on my iPod)


    I see that Kindle has an ap for the Iphone/Ipod/touch now but I could not find if you could use it if you do not own a kindle.  Anybody know?



  • John Eggen
    John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    It does.  I use the Kindle app on my iPod touch and PC and do not own a device.  The only difference is that you have to go to amazon to buy the books (outside the app) although you can still actually purchase the books from your ipod/iphone.  Works great for reading, notes, highlighting.

  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151

    I love Logos App, but I also use Olive Tree on my iTouch. It allows me to sync my notes to Evernote. This would be a wonderful option. Thank!

  • Friedrich
    Friedrich MVP Posts: 4,772

    I like Apples.  Especially Honeycrisp.

  • lostlogik
    lostlogik Member Posts: 187

    I think this will become even more of an issue when the iPad comes out. I can understand the omission for the iPhone, given its size (though wish it was present) but once people start using the iPad it will be a glaring shortcoming. I for one will be using Logos a lot on the iPad and really hope highlighting and notes find their way there asap. At the moment it's why I'm using BibleReader so much - Evernote syncing is brilliant and the highlighting likewise.

  • Tom Blanchard
    Tom Blanchard Member Posts: 129 ✭✭

    Add my voice positively to this discussion. I'm reading this year through the ESV Study Bible on my ipod touch (still waiting for any Logos version) with the Kindle app, though I also have it in OliveTree. Kindle at least allows me to highlight in the notes and articles. (I'm not promoting Kindle!) I'd love to be able to do that with L4, offline on my ipod, then sync. Maybe someday soon?

  • Aaron Knotts
    Aaron Knotts Member Posts: 208

    Full agreement with the above.  Having my library (or select books) with me all the time is brilliant, although lacking in just a few minor issues such as this.

    Highlighting is a must have on the iPhone app.  [Y] +1

    Also, with the favourites, I'd like to be able highlight a word at the point I am bookmarking and have it shown in the text of the favourite to help me recall what it was, rather than just the page number.


    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7

    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB



  • John Eggen
    John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    I'm not sure if Logos keeps an eye on the user voice voting forum for the iPhone app... but never hurts to vote for this feature or others.

  • Rev. Wayne Paul Barrett
    Rev. Wayne Paul Barrett Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    To be able to easily send notes (selected text) to Evernote would be a great feature, in both the iPhone app and the desktop apps for both Windows and Mac.

    Add my vote.

  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    Highlighting and notes are both planned, but I don't have a delivery date.

    Any suggestions on how to handle choosing from large highlight palettes on a small iPhone screen? Let you pick a highlight and then just use that one through a quick UI? Or make it easy to pick from, say, your last three used?

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,415 ✭✭✭

    Bob, what if you select the text and then do a hold so a menu pops up. First would be a menu item that would just highlight and would default to last used. Then you could  list two other most recently used below that and fourth item be a palette that picks from all the highlight/markup items available.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Kenneth Neighoff
    Kenneth Neighoff Member Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭

    For Markups and highlighting, why not take a look at how Docs to Go accomplishes this feature. They have a very simple and user friendly user interface.

  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874

    Any suggestions on how to handle choosing from large highlight palettes on a small iPhone screen? Let you pick a highlight and then just use that one through a quick UI? Or make it easy to pick from, say, your last three used?

    I would think that a text-select option should be able to be turned on (probably by both the swipe-up and tap-and-hold motions). Then once in text select mode, after selecting the text you want, you could tap and hold for the pop-up letting us either highlight, add a note, or something else (share, report typo, copy, search for text, etc). 

    As for highlighting styles. I think that a default set (two colors and an underline or something like that) should be created, but then let us manipulate it within Logos4. We should have a palette called "mobile" or something like that within our underlining palettes list. That way if we don't like the default ones provided we can change them.

    Thanks for wanting to make this possible, Bob.

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • William Baptiste SFO
    William Baptiste SFO Member Posts: 21

    May the Grace and Peace of Jesus be with all of you on Logos Forums!

    Highlighting and notes are both planned, but I don't have a delivery date.

    I am very glad to hear that both highlighting (text markup) and annotations are definitely "in the works", at least in as much as they are planned.  Regarding delivery date, may I suggest that just a simple highlighter to start off with is the top priority?  It would be great if very soon we could at least just markup our books with even just a simple yellow highlighter (online or offline) that syncs with our desktop Logos installation, so that we can easily find again anything we thought was important while reading books on the iPhone.

    A greater selection of markup options later on would be welcome, of course, as would annotations eventually (though lengthy annotations are better saved for the main computer, since the iPhone size requires one use the slower "find and poke" method of typing [:)].  But I think just one simple highlighter sooner should be the top priority, since until the iPhone App has this ability, the Logos books on the App are actually less functional than print books, at least in as much that print books can be highlighted.

    May the Lord bless and keep all of you in His Love

    Glory be to Jesus Christ!  Glory be Forever!

    -- --

  • Terry Poperszky
    Terry Poperszky Member Posts: 1,576

    Highlighting and notes are both planned, but I don't have a delivery date.

    Bob, a roadmap or some sort of communication from Logos on where the feature set on the iPhone would be greatly appreciated. There are a lot of suggestions and comments on the forums but not much feedback from Logos as to what the plans actually are. I'm not asking for dates, but know where we are going to end up would be helpful.



  • John Eggen
    John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    Glad to hear these are planned features!  I can't wait to have both.

    I think whatever makes highlighting and notes simple and easy to use (like Kindle simple) is the way to go.  If it takes more than a few taps it becomes tedious and is incomparable to a highlighter & paper combo.


  • Jeff Loven
    Jeff Loven Member Posts: 99

    As a faithful Logos iPhone app user I hate to say this, but the Olive Tree Reader iPhone app is very well designed and has an impressive list of features - not to mention a very usable interface. Personally, I would make constant use of the following features on the Logos iPhone app (assuming the appropriate items synced to the regular software!!!!!!):

    1. Notes (sync)
    2. Highlighting/visual markup (sync)
    3. Bookmarks (sync)
    4. Split-screen usability/reading
    5. Text and background color adjustment
    6. Offline searching, Passage Guide, Bible Word Study, etc. usage

    I realize this is a long list of features that will require significant effort get up and running, but I believe they are all extremely valuable! 

    As always, the Logos team continues to do an amazing job! Keep up the awesome work!

  • Dan Sheppard
    Dan Sheppard Member Posts: 377 ✭✭

    I am very glad to hear that both highlighting (text markup) and annotations are definitely "in the works", at least in as much as they are planned.  Regarding delivery date, may I suggest that just a simple highlighter to start off with is the top priority?  It would be great if very soon we could at least just markup our books with even just a simple yellow highlighter (online or offline) that syncs with our desktop Logos installation, so that we can easily find again anything we thought was important while reading books on the iPhone.


    I agree that expediting the availability of it is most important, in contrast to getting all the colors, lines, etc.  Those are secondary.

    To begin with, whichever is easier: one solid underline or one simple color - yellow or blue, say.

    The simple example would be to emulate that large Seattle bookstore online, which came up with an e-reader which rhymes with "spindle".  You click on the iphone screen, and two dots appear.  You pull on one dot and it extends the selection.  Once chosen, since you have two points on screen, it knows to bring up the menu of  TWO selections: notes or highlight.  You pick highlight and yellow coloring appears.



  • Aaron Knotts
    Aaron Knotts Member Posts: 208

    I agree that expediting the availability of it is most important, in contrast to getting all the colors, lines, etc.  Those are secondary.

    agreed [Y] +1

    ...emulate that large Seattle bookstore online, which came up with an e-reader which rhymes with "spindle"....

    LOL [:D]

    ...Once chosen, since you have two points on screen, it knows to bring up the menu of  TWO selections: notes or highlight...."

    This would seem to be the sticking point. Currently a click and hold 'selects' a word and offers [search the Bible for] and [Bible Word Study on]. A quick tap is the "info / toolbar" screen, although it seems a downward swipe will also achieve this.  Is it possible that a quick tap would then perform the typical iPhone select (with the handles around a word), then the contextual menu that ususally pops us is "select all / copy / paste", whereby it could be "add note / add highlight"?

    I hope this makes sense.....thinking out loud.

    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7

    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB



  • Dan Sheppard
    Dan Sheppard Member Posts: 377 ✭✭

     Is it possible that a quick tap would then perform the typical iPhone select (with the handles around a word), then the contextual menu that ususally pops us is "select all / copy / paste", whereby it could be "add note / add highlight"?


    Perhaps this is what you're saying, but why not just "select all / copy / paste /note /highlight"?????


  • Ed Stone
    Ed Stone Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    Bob, there is one Bible app I use now for my iPhone (while waiting for functionality and key Bibles in Logos [:)]) that I think does multicolor highlighting brilliantly.  It also has a really great way of doing Strongs inline that really has a great workflow feel to it.

    If you are interested in knowing the name, feel free to contact me and I will send the name of the app offline.

    Ed Stone


  • Jeff Loven
    Jeff Loven Member Posts: 99

    Ed Stone said:

    If you are interested in knowing the name, feel free to contact me and I will send the name of the app offline.

    Ed Stone


    Ahhh....come on Ed, don't play like that! HAHA! Does this unnamed app share initials with the Old Testament......  ;0 ?!?!


  • Gabe Powell
    Gabe Powell Member Posts: 76 ✭✭

    I agree with Peter... one simple highlighter should be sufficient first time around. Even in the L4 I only use one highlighter, so I don't need multiple options, though I understand why some would.

    But the important thing in addition to highlighting is making sure it syncs to the computer.

    Laptop: Windows 7 Professional x64, Intel Dual-Core, 2GB RAM, Radeon X1600

    Home: Vista Ultimate x86,  AMD Quad-Core, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8400 GS 512MB

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  • April  Pyle
    April Pyle Member Posts: 98 ✭✭

    Ditto!!!  Pretty please, Logos.  This one is really valuable.


  • sffoodie
    sffoodie Member Posts: 6

    I haven't purchased logos yet and have some questions about the markups & highlighting. I am on a Mac (praying the Mac version at least makes it to beta soon!) and it's important for me to sync my highlights, notes, and precept markups to my iPad. 


    Are you guys saying that those features are not in Logos 4?

    or that they don't sync to iphone/ipad? 


    or both?



  • Jeff Loven
    Jeff Loven Member Posts: 99

    Yup, unfortunately that's what we're saying...