What about some (complex) specifically Catholic readings plans/ lectionaries.

I would love to see this method of reading the Summa Theologica available as a reading plan in Verbum. Yes, I know I can create it as a reading list but ... A better way of reading the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas
Before Lent it would be nice to have a traditional reading plan for John Climacus available. See Ladder of Divine Ascent Note this does fit appropriately into a lectionary format.
A CCC reading plan ... there are dozens to choose from. I personally like the 3-year-aligned-with-the-lectionary approach ... but one or more of any time would be useful.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
A "How to Read St. Thomas" Workflow is the first one I'd like to do, once we get the ability to use non-Biblical texts.
For the CCC, I have a nine month, RCIA version of a CCC reading plan that follows the RCIA cycles and liturgical year. Just need to get that transitioned into a Verbum Reading plan.
The Lenten Grace resource that is in most of the Verbum 8 base packages is ripe for a Reading Plan for Lent! Especially if one is wanting to start or get more serious about Lectio Divina.
For my own personal reading, I've been wanting to do a Reading plan with Kardong's translation (sans commentary) of the Rule of Benedict, as I don't really care for the translation or date designations in the Doyle version (not in Verbum). Started to do this back in grad school on Logos 2 (!!) in the old Rule of Benedict library but couldn't get it to do exactly what I wanted. Me thinks now is the time....
Thanks for sharing these MJ! Some great food for thought!
Craig St. Clair | Verbum Product Manager |
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I love the idea of a John Climacus reading plan for Lent.
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Agreed! I’ve been hoping for The Ruke to have a reading plan used by oblates out there.
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What I would like is a "generate mass" button
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Craig, any updates on these?
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Hi Nick,
Thanks for the follow up. Donald and I did some experimenting with a couple of reading plans earlier in the year, but other priorities intervened.
I do still think this is a good idea. We'll have to see if we could fit something in in the coming months.
Craig St. Clair | Verbum Product Manager |
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I do still think this is a good idea. We'll have to see if we could fit something in in the coming months.
Excellent! I’m especially interested in seeing plans for the Rule.
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Hi Nick,
No updates and you didn't miss anything. We may still do something with Reading Plans within Verbum, but it isn't on the immediate horizon.