Custom passage guide by denomination?

Mike Tourangeau
Mike Tourangeau Member Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I would like to build a custom passage guide and have multiple collections in it such as Baptist, Pentecostal, Reformed? This way I could see the multiple views on a particular passage.

I checked the public docs for such collections but didn't see any. I am willing to build them, but I don't know if there is any data built into sets already??? 

Any suggestions?



  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bruce Dunning has created an extensive tagging system which includes theology/denomination: 

    And then there's Andrew Baguley's spreadsheet categorizing authors by denomination, which one could use as a basis for their own tagging system. 

    Faithlife has indicated that they have done "some initial work on categorizing denominational traditions and authors," and they're "still planning on integrating this data into Library" in some later version. 

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,819

    And then there's Andrew Baguley's spreadsheet categorizing authors by denomination

    Just a warning. Andrew's collections (which can be downloaded here) are in the older Logos collection syntax (except perhaps for a recent few which I haven't checked) and therefore will load much more slowly than if they were updated to the new format. I undertook that for just one such collection: Denom,Stream: Baptist which I'll copy below, but doing so is a time-consuming and error-prone process. Since collections are rebuilt each time one starts Logos, having a number of the older syntax collections can slow your load time noticeably. 

    Here's the updated collection rule for Denom.Stream: Baptist (with some additions and modifications I added):

    {Author "Abendroth, Mike", "Abernathy, David", "Adams, John Quincy", "Aked, Charles F.", "Akin, Daniel L.", "Alden, Robert L.", "Allen, David L.", "Allen, Desmond", "Allison, Gregg R.", "Anders, Max", "Anderson, Justice", "Anderson, Kenton C.", "Anderson, Thomas D.", "Andrews, Edgar", "Andrews, Edward D.", "Andrews, Stephen J.", "Ankerberg, John", "Anyabwile, Thabiti M.", "Archer, Clint", "Armitage, Thomas", "Armstrong, John H.", "Arnold, A. N.", "Arthur, J. Philip", "Ashford, Bruce Riley", "Ashley, Timothy R.", "Awbrey, Ben", "Azurdia, Arturo G., III", "Baban, Octavian", "Bailey, Mark", "Bailey, Raymond", "Bailey, Waylon", "Balentine, Samuel", "Baptist Bible College", "Baptist Bible Seminary", "Barba, Claudia", "Barker, Kenneth L.", "Barreto, Eric D.", "Barrett, Matthew", "Bartlett, David L.", "Bateman, Herbert W., IV", "Batten, Samuel Zane", "Bauder, Kevin", "Baxter, Wayne", "Beasley-Murray, George R.", "Beck, David R.", "Beilby, James K.", "Belcher, Joseph", "Bellinger, W. H.", "Benedict, David", "Benton, John", "Bergen, Robert D.", "Berry, Donald K.", "Berry, George R.", "Betteridge, Walter R.", "Betts, T. J.", "Beville, Kieran", "Bevins, Winfield", "Biddle, Mark E.", "Bisagno, John", "Bitting, C. C.", "Black, David Alan", "Blackaby, Henry", "Blackaby, Richard", "Blackburn, Earl M.", "Blair, Joe", "Blaising, Craig A.", "Bliss, George R.", "Block, Daniel I.", "Boardman, George Dana", "Boise, James Robinson", "Borchert, Gerald L.", "Boreham, F. W.", "Borland, James A.", "Boyce, James Petigru", "Boyd, Gregory A.", "Brady, Gary", "Brand, Chad Owen", "Brandt, Brad", "Bratcher, Robert G.", "Breneman, Mervin", "Brisco, Thomas V.", "Briscoe, D. Stuart", "Broad, John", "Broadus, John Albert", "Brockett, L. P.", "Brooks, James A.", "Broomhall, Marshall", "Broughton, Len G.", "Broughton, N. B.", "Brown, Archibald G.", "Brown, Charles Rufus", "Brown, Cheryl A.", "Brown, H. C.", "Brown, J. Newton", "Brown, Jeannine K.", "Brown, Paul E.", "Brown, Raymond", "Brown, Ronald", "Brunson, Mac", "Buckland, R. J. W.", "Bugg, Charles", "Burdick, Donald W.", "Burlingham, A. H.", "Burns, Jabez", "Burrows, J. L.", "Burton, Ernest De Witt", "Bush, L. Russ", "Butler, John G.", "Butler, Trent C.", "Cabal, Ted", "Cadenhead, Al", "Caldwell, Samuel L.", "Callahan, Allen Dwight", "Campbell, David", "Campbell, R. Alastair", "Campbell, Regi", "Campolo, Tony", "Caner, Emir", "Caner, Ergun", "Capes, David B.", "Carlile, John C.", "Carroll R., M. Daniel", "Carroll, B. H.", "Carson, D. A.", "Carter, James E.", "Carter, Terry G.", "Carter, Tom", "Carver, William Owen", "Cary, Phillip", "Case, Shirley Jackson", "Cathcart, William", "Central Baptist Theological Seminary", "Central Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary", "Chafin, Kenneth L.", "Chandler, Matt", "Chantry, Walter J.", "Chapman, Gary", "Chapman, Morris", "Charles, J. Daryl", "Chediak, Alex", "Childress, Gavin", "Christensen, Duane L.", "Chung, Sung Wook", "Clark, George W.", "Clarke, W. N.", "Clement, J.", "Clements, Keith", "Clements, R. E.", "Clendenen, E. Ray", "Clinard, H. Gordon", "Clinton, Tim", "Colby, Henry", "Cole, R. Dennis", "Cole, Robert L.", "Collinson, Sylvia Wilkey", "Colwell, John E.", "Combs, William W.", "Comfort, Ray", "Cooper, Lamar Eugene, Sr.", "Cooper, Rodney", "Copan, Paul", "Corley, Bruce", "Cosgrove, Charles H.", "Cowen, Gerald P.", "Cox, F. A.", "Cox, Harvey", "Cox, Steven L.", "Cramp, J. M.", "Crane, C. B.", "Crawford, Timothy G.", "Creamer, Barry", "Criswell, W. A.", "Croft, Brian", "Crosby, Thomas", "Cross, Anthony R.", "Croteau, David A.", "Crowson, Milton", "Crowter, Liz", "Crowter, Steve", "Culpepper, R. Alan", "Dagg, J. L.", "Dale, Robert", "Dallimore, Arnold", "Dargan, Edwin Charles", "Darling, Daniel", "Davey, Stephen", "Davidson, William F.", "Davis, Barry C.", "Davis, William Hersey", "Dayton, Donald W.", "De La Torre, Miguel A.", "DeClaisse-Walford, Nancy", "Demarest, Bruce", "Dembski, William", "Dempster, Stephen G.", "Derickson, Gary", "Detroit Baptist Seminary", "Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary", "Dever, Mark", "Dickau, Tim", "Dickie, Robert L.", "Dilday, Russell", "Dixon, A. C.", "Dockery, David S.", "Dockrey, Karen", "Dodd, Damon C.", "Dodson, Joseph R.", "Douglas, Lois McKinney", "Dowd, Sharyn", "Draper, Charles", "Draper, James T.", "Dray, Stephen", "Dubis, Mark", "Dudley, R. M.", "Duduit, Michael", "Due, Noel", "Dunaway, T. S.", "Durham, John I.", "Duvall, J. Scott", "Eager, George B.", "Easley, Kendell", "Eaton, Michael A.", "Eaton, T. T.", "Eddy, Paul Rhodes", "Ellenburg, B. Dale", "Elliff, Tom", "Ellis, Daryl", "Ellis, Robert Ray", "Ellisen, Stanley", "Ellsworth, Roger", "England, Archie", "Erickson, Millard J.", "Estep, William", "Estes, Daniel J.", "Evans, Craig A.", "Evans, James Harington", "Evans, Paul T.", "Everett, Gary H.", "Evers, Stan K.", "Fanning, Don", "Fant, Clyde E.", "Farnell, F. David", "Farris, Michael", "Fasol, Al", "Fenton, Gary", "Fields, Doug", "Finamore, Stephen", "Fish, Henry C.", "Fish, Roy", "Fitts, Leroy", "Fogle, Lerry W.", "Folk, Edgar E.", "Forlines, F. LeRoy", "Fortner, Donald S.", "Fosdick, Harry Emerson", "Foshee, Howard", "Founders Press", "Frankland, Dinelle", "Franklin, John", "Fredrikson, Roger L.", "Frost, J. M.", "Fuller, Andrew Gunton", "Gaines, Donna", "Gaines, Steve", "Gambrell, J. B.", "Garland, Anthony C.", "Garland, David E.", "Garrett, Duane A.", "Garrett, James Leo, Jr.", "Gathercole, Simon J.", "Gaustad, Edwin S.", "Gear, H. L.", "Genung, George F.", "George, Timothy", "Gibb, Richard", "Gill, John", "Gingrich, Roy", "Glover, T. R.", "Goadby, J. J.", "Goodspeed, Calvin", "Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson", "Gordon, A. J.", "Graham, Billy", "Graves, J. R.", "Green, Samuel G.", "Greene, J. P.", "Greenfield, Guy", "Grenz, Stanley J.", "Griffin, Hayne P., Jr.", "Griffin, Stanley", "Grisanti, Michael", "Grogan, Geoffrey W.", "Gromacki, Robert", "Groothius, Douglas R.", "Gurtner, Daniel M.", "Guthrie, George H.", "Hackett, Horatio B.", "Hague, William", "Hailey, O. L.", "Hamer, Colin", "Hamilton, James M., Jr.", "Han, Nathan E.", "Hankins, Barry", "Hankins, David E.", "Harper, William Rainey", "Harris, Greg", "Harris, J. Gordon", "Harris, James H.", "Harris, W. M.", "Harrison, Paul V.", "Hartwell, J. B.", "Harvey, H.", "Hatcher, W. E.", "Hawkins, Ron", "Hawley, Wendell C.", "Hayden, Eric", "Haykin, Michael A. G.", "Hays, J. Daniel", "Heisler, Greg", "Hemphill, Ken", "Henderson, Betty", "Henry, Carl F. H.", "Henry, Jim", "Herbster, Carl", "Hess, Richard S.", "Hester, H. I.", "Hill, Johnny Bernard", "Hinton, Isaac Taylor", "Hinton, John Howard", "Hiscox, Edward Thurston", "Hixson, J. B.", "Hobart, Alvah Sabin", "Hobbs, Herschel", "Hobbs, James Randolph", "Holloway, Jeph", "Holman Bible Publishers", "Holmes, Michael W.", "Holmes, Stephen R.", "Hoskins, Paul M.", "House, Paul R.", "Hovey, Alvah", "Howard, David M. Jr.", "Howell, J. Dwayne", "Howell, Robert Boyle C.", "Howerton, Kenneth", "Hoyle, R. Birch", "Hoyt, Wayland", "Hubbard, Ethel Daniel", "Hubbard, Robert L., Jr.", "Huey, F. B., Jr.", "Hunt, Josh", "Hunt, June", "Hunt, T. W.", "Ice, Thomas", "Instone-Brewer, David", "Jamieson, Alan", "Jebb, Stanley", "Jefford, Clayton N.", "Jeffrey, David Lyle", "Jenkens, C. A.", "Jeter, J. B.", "Johnson, Franklin", "Johnson, Matthew V.", "Johnson, Richard W.", "Johnston, R. P.", "Jones, Ian", "Jones, Timothy Paul", "Jones, William", "Jordan, Clarence", "Judd, Alec", "Kahler, Clay A.", "Keach, Benjamin", "Keathley, Kenneth", "Keaton, Mark", "Keener, Craig S.", "Kelley, Page H.", "Kellum, Scott", "Kendrick, A. C.", "Keown, Gerald L.", "Kerfoot, F. H.", "Kharlamov, Vladimir", "Kim, Yung Suk", "King, Henry Melville", "Klein, George", "Klopfenstein, W. O.", "Knishkern, Joseph", "Knollys, Hanserd", "Koller, Charles W.", "Köstenberger, Andreas J.", "Kramp, John", "Kreitzer, Larry J.", "Kroll, Woodrow", "Ladd, George Eldon", "LaHaye, Tim", "Laing, John D.", "Landels, William", "Larkin, Clarence", "Lawrence, Michael", "Laws, Curtis Lee", "Lawson, Steven J.", "Lea, Thomas D.", "Lemke, Steve W.", "Leonard, Bill J.", "Licona, Michael R.", "Lightner, Robert", "Linares, Joe", "Longenecker, Richard N.", "Lorimer, George C.", "Lovejoy, Grant I.", "Lowery, Doug", "Lucas, Ernest", "Luter, A. Boyd", "M’Lean, Archibald", "MacArthur, John F.", "MacDonald, Gordon", "MacGowan, John", "MacLaren, Alexander", "Malcom, Howard", "Maranatha Baptist Bible College", "Marberry, Thomas L.", "Martin, Albert N.", "Martin, D. Michael", "Martin, Glen", "Martin, Oren R.", "Martin, Ralph P.", "Martin, Steve", "Mathews, Kenneth A.", "Mathews, Shailer", "Mathewson, Steven", "Mattoon, Rod", "Mbuvi, Andrew M.", "McBeth, H. Leon", "McCabe, Bob", "McCune, Rolland", "McCurdy, Leslie", "McDill, Wayne", "McDonald, Henry", "McDonald, Lee Martin", "McGlothlin, W. J.", "McKinion, Steven A.", "McKinley, Mike", "McKnight, Edgar V.", "McMickle, Marvin A.", "McNeil, Genna Rae", "McRaney, Will", "Melick, Richard R., Jr.", "Melvin, Billy A.", "Merrill, Eugene H.", "Merritt, Bob", "Meyer, Frederick Brotherton", "Mihaila, Corin", "Miller, Calvin", "Miller, Stephen R.", "Milne, Bruce", "Milton, John", "Minirth, Frank", "Mitchell, Edward C.", "Mitchell, Eric", "Mobley, Gregory", "Mobley, Kendal P.", "Mohler, R. Albert, Jr.", "Montgomery, Helen Barrett", "Moody, J. B.", "Moore, Beth", "Moore, Kenneth D.", "Morey, Robert A.", "Morgan, Christopher W.", "Morgan, Garry R.", "Morgan, Robert J.", "Moritz, Fred", "Morris, Gerald", "Morris, Henry M.", "Morris, John H.", "Moss, Lemuel", "Mueller, William", "Muller, Carl", "Mullins, Edgar Y.", "Murphy, Matt", "Nash, Ronald H.", "Naylor, Peter", "Neal, Jerusha Matsen", "Nelson, Tommy", "Nettles, Thomas J.", "Newman, Albert H.", "Newton, Phil A.", "Nicole, Roger", "Nida, Eugene A.", "Noble, Perry", "Norman, R. Stanton", "Northcutt, Jesse J.", "Northrup, Bernard E.", "Novakovic, Lidija", "Nowlin, William Dudley", "O’Donnell, Douglas Sean", "O’Donnell, J. D.", "Oates, Wayne E.", "Oats, Larry R.", "Olford, David", "Olford, Stephen F.", "Olley, John W.", "Olson, Roger E.", "Olyott, Stuart", "Orchard, G. H.", "Osbeck, Kenneth W.", "Osborn, Edwin Faxon", "Osgood, Howard", "Outlaw, W. Stanley", "Page, Frank S.", "Palmer, Catherine", "Parrish, C. H.", "Parsons, Mikeal C.", "Paschal, H. Franklin", "Pate, C. Marvin", "Patterson, Paige", "Patterson, Richard D.", "Pattison, R. E.", "Payne, A.", "Payne, J. D.", "Pearcey, Nancy", "Pennington, Jonathan T.", "Pepper, G. D. B.", "Perry, Fred", "Pettingill, William L.", "Philipps, H. David", "Philips, Ron", "Philpot, J. C.", "Picirilli, Robert E.", "Pidge, J. B. Gough", "Pierce, Samuel Eyles", "Pinson, J. Matthew", "Pinson, William M., Jr.", "Piper, John", "Platt, David", "Pledge, D.", "Plummer, Robert L.", "Polhill, John B.", "Pollard, E. B.", "Porter, J. W.", "Powery, Luke A.", "Preston, Gary D.", "Price, Dilwyn", "Pritchard, Thomas Henderson", "Pue, Carson", "Pugh, Gwyn L.", "Pura, Murray Andrew", "Purves, Jim", "Putman, David", "Radmacher, Earl D", "Rainer, Thom", "Ramm, Bernard", "Ramsey, David M.", "Rapske, Brian", "Rasmussen, Carl G.", "Rauschenbusch, Walter", "Ray, William", "Redditt, Paul L.", "Reed, Angela H.", "Reeves, Rodney", "Reformed Baptist Theological Review", "Reid, Alvin L.", "Reid, Debra", "Reitman, James S.", "Remington, S.", "Resseguie, James L.", "Review and Expositor", "Richards, E. Randolph", "Richison, Grant C.", "Riley, B. F.", "Riley, William B.", "Ripley, Henry J.", "Rippon, John", "Robert, Henry M.", "Robertson, Archibald T.", "Robertson, Pat", "Robins, Henry E.", "Robinson, E. G.", "Robinson, H. Wheeler", "Robinson, Haddon", "Robinson, Maurice A.", "Robinson, Torrey W.", "Roger Williams Heritage Archives", "Roncace, Mark", "Rooker, Mark F.", "Runge, Steven E.", "Russell, Brian A.", "Rust, J. O.", "Ryrie, Charles Caldwell", "Sabou, Sorin", "Sailhamer, John H.", "Samson, George W.", "Sarles, John W.", "Sawtelle, Henry A.", "Sawyer, Thomas", "Schmidt, Nathaniel", "Schreiner, Thomas R.", "Scorgie, Glen G.", "Scotland, Nigel", "Segler, Franklin", "Seifrid, Mark A.", "Selman, Martin", "Senn, William J.", "Shackelford, David G.", "Shaddix, Jim", "Shaw, Craig D.", "Shelton, Bob", "Sherman, Cecil", "Simmons, Thomas Paul", "Simpson, Douglas J.", "Sloane, Andrew", "Smith, Billy K.", "Smith, Ebbie", "Smith, Fred", "Smith, Gary V.", "Smith, John Merlin Powis", "Smith, Justin A.", "Smith, Ralph L.", "Smith, Stephen W.", "Snodgrass, Klyne", "Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary", "Southern Baptist Theological Seminary", "Sparks, Kenton L.", "Spencer, David", "Spencer, F. Scott", "Sproles, H. F.", "Spurgeon, Charles H.", "Staats, Gary", "Stadtmiller, Adam", "Stakely, C. A.", "Stallard, Michael", "Stallings, Jack Wilson", "Stanley, Charles", "Stein, Robert H.", "Stephenson, John Wallace", "Sterrett, Dave", "Stetzer, Ed", "Stevens, William Arnold", "Stewart, I. D.", "Stewart, Robert B.", "Stifler, James M.", "Stigall, Joshua J.", "Still, Todd D.", "Stiver, Dan R.", "Stob, William S.", "Stone, Brian", "Stow, Baron", "Strassner, Kurt", "Strauss, Mark L.", "Strickland, Arthur B.", "Strong, Augustus Hopkins", "Summers, Ray", "Talbert, Charles H.", "Tan, Randall", "Tate, Marvin E.", "Taylor, C. E.", "Taylor, Isaac", "Taylor, J. J.", "Taylor, James", "Taylor, Kenneth N.", "Taylor, Mark Edward", "Taylor, Michael", "Temple, John", "Tenney, Merrill Chapin", "Terry, John Mark", "Thomas, A. J. S.", "Thomas, Curtis C.", "Thompson, David", "Thompson, Jeremy", "Thompson, John A.", "Thompson, W. Oscar", "Thorn, F. B.", "Thornbury, John F.", "Tidball, Derek", "Tidwell, Charles", "Toney, Carl N.", "Towns, Elmer L.", "Toy, Crawford H.", "Trahan, Kerry", "Trites, Allison A.", "Trull, Joe E.", "Tucker, Dennis", "Tucker, H. H.", "Tucker, W. Dennis, Jr.", "Tyler, Zan", "Utley, Bob", "Van Dorn, Douglas", "Van Ness, I. J.", "Van Pelt, Miles", "Vang, Preben", "Vedder, Henry C.", "Venable, R. A.", "Vidu, Adonis", "Waldron, Samuel E.", "Walker, Austin", "Walker, Larry L.", "Wallace, Lynn", "Waltke, Bruce K.", "Warren, Kay", "Warren, Rick", "Warren, William F.", "Watkins, Steve", "Watts, Graham J.", "Watts, John D. W.", "Wayland, Francis", "Weber, Stuart", "Wellum, Stephen J.", "Welton, D. M.", "Wessel, Walter W.", "West, Jim", "West, Ralph Douglas", "Westbury, Joshua R.", "Weston, Henry G.", "Weymouth, Richard Francis", "Wheeler, Andrew", "Whitcomb, David", "White, James R.", "Whitney, Donald S.", "Wieland, George M.", "Wiersbe, Warren W.", "Wilder, Michael S.", "Wilder, Terry L.", "Willard, Dallas", "Williams, Charles Bray", "Williams, Nathaniel Marshman", "Williams, William R.", "Willis, Avery T.", "Willmington, Harold L.", "Wilmshurst, Steve", "Wilson, Jim L.", "Wilton, Don", "Winkler, Edwin T.", "Wise, Kurt P.", "Wolf, Herbert", "Wood, Charles R.", "Woods, Michael D.", "Worrall, B. G.", "Wragg, Jerry", "Wretlind, Dennis", "Wright, Eric E.", "Wright, Nigel", "Wright, Richard M.", "Wright, Shawn D.", "Wright, Stephen I.", "Yates, Gary", "York, Hershael", "Youngblood, Ronald F.", "Zigarelli, Michael", "Zurheide, Jeffry R."} OR {Publisher "Baptist", "Baptist Bible College", "B&H", "B&H Books", "B&H Academic", "Baptist Bible Seminary", "Baptist Book Concern",  "Baptist Examiner", "Central Baptist Theological Seminary", "Detroit Baptist Seminary", "Holman", "Multnomah", "New Orleans Baptist", "Randall House", "Reformed Baptist Theological Review", "Review and Expositor", "Roger Williams Heritage Archive", "Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary", "Southern Baptist", "Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary School of Church Music", "Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention"}

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just a warning. Andrew's collections...are in the older Logos collection syntax...and therefore will load much more slowly than if they were updated to the new format....Since collections are rebuilt each time one starts Logos, having a number of the older syntax collections can slow your load time noticeably. 

    I vaguely recall seeing some mention that there was a new collections syntax for Logos 8, but I can't find any information about it in Logos Help or the wiki or the forum. Could you tell me what has changed or point me to somewhere that documents the new syntax? The documentation should be updated in the Help file and the wiki.

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,819

    Could you tell me what has changed or point me to somewhere that documents the new syntax?

    It is here. Bradley discusses it here. The wiki has it in the Library page. (Look for the Search Fields You Can Use.. section.)

    The new syntax is very specific. Curly brackets and double quotes, and the quotes must be straight quotes, not curly quotes, or it won't work. See the discussion in the second reference above.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    I vaguely recall seeing some mention that there was a new collections syntax for Logos 8, but I can't find any information about it in Logos Help or the wiki or the forum. Could you tell me what has changed or point me to somewhere that documents the new syntax? The documentation should be updated in the Help file and the wiki.

    It was documented in the release notes:

    Later, some secret extras were added!:

    It would be good if they could be documented properly.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!