

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Sean said:


    First, navigating the topics in a locus is not easy. If I open ecclesiology or the doctrine of the church, there's no easy way to navigate to the subtopics within the guide. I would think that I could click on the points in the ontology tree, but all that does is open the image in media. If I start with a subtopic, such as the attributes of the church, I can navigate the tree easier, but clicking on another topic opens another instance of the Theology Guide. That is not desired behavior; it should jump to the new location in the same window.


    We've discussed using the diagram for navigating to subtopics, but there are technical issues that make that difficult, so we haven't tackled that yet. The best current workaround is to open the corresponding article in the Lexham Survey of Theology, where the table of contents sidebar makes it easy to navigate to a subtopic (and then back again to the Theology Guide if desired). But I recognize that better navigate to subtopics within the Guide would be an improvement. 

  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,236

    On Monday, April 1st the LSTO data base will be updated with annotations for an additional 39 resources:

    A Contemporary Anabaptist Theology: Biblical, Historical, Constructive (Finger)
    A Manual of Catholic Theology: Based on Scheeben’s “Dogmatik”, Vol. I (Wilhelm; Scannell)
    A Manual of Catholic Theology: Based on Scheeben’s “Dogmatik”, Vol. II (Wilhelm; Scannell)
    Christian Combat; Faith, Hope and Charity (Augustine of Hippo)
    Christology: A Dogmatic Treatise on the Incarnation (Pohle)
    Creator Spirit (von Balthasar)
    Foundations of Systematic Theology (Guarino)
    God: The Author of Nature and the Supernatural (Pohle)
    Grace, Actual and Habitual: A Dogmatic Treatise (Pohle)
    Introduction to Christianity (Revised Edition) (Ratzinger)
    Introductory Volume to Systematic Theology (Berkhof)
    Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers 2.9
    Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers 2.9 (CE)
    Outlines of Dogmatic Theology (Hunter)
    Saint John of Damascus: Writings
    Spirit and Institution (von Balthasar)
    Spouse of the Word (von Balthasar)
    Summa Doctrinae Christianae, Volume 1 (Canisius)
    Summa Doctrinae Christianae, Volume 2 (Canisius)
    Systematic Theology (Thiselton)
    The Divine Trinity: A Dogmatic Treatise (Pohle)
    The Doctrine of God (Bray)
    The Doctrine of Humanity (Sherlock)
    The Faith of Catholics (James Waterworth and Thomas J. Capel)
    The Holy Spirit (Ferguson)
    The Sacraments: A Dogmatic Treatise, Volume 1 (Pohle)
    The Sacraments: A Dogmatic Treatise, Volume 2 (Pohle)
    The Sacraments: A Dogmatic Treatise, Volume 3 (Pohle)
    The Sacraments: A Dogmatic Treatise, Volume 4 (Pohle)
    The Word Made Flesh (von Balthasar)
    Theo-Drama, Volume 1: Prolegomena (von Balthasar)
    Theo-Drama, Volume 2: Dramatis Personae: Man in God (von Balthasar)
    Theo-Drama, Volume 3: Dramatis Personae: Persons in Christ (von Balthasar)
    Theo-Drama, Volume 4: The Action (von Balthasar)
    Theo-Drama, Volume 5: The Last Act (von Balthasar)
    Theo-Logic, Volume 1: The Truth of the World (von Balthasar)
    Theo-Logic, Volume 2: Truth of God (von Balthasar)
    Theo-Logic, Volume 3: The Spirit of the Truth (von Balthasar)
    Understanding Theology, Volume Three (Kendall)

    We've got annotations for another 25 titles that are done but didn't make the cut-off for the update on Monday. I hope to have all of those finalized and part of an update that will go out on Monday, April 15th.

    By that time I should have more information about when the rest of the Systematic Theology resource types will be finished. My hunch is that we'll continue to annotate approximately 50-75 resources a month until the project is finished.

  • PL
    PL Member Posts: 2,158 ✭✭✭

    Thank you Kyle and team for your diligent work!

    Perhaps a question out of ignorance: How do we see the richness that's now being added to the Theology Guide through this tagging work?

    From what I can tell (from a cursory look), this additional annotation work primarily enhances the "Systematic Theologies" section of the Theology Guide, and does not enhance the other sections, is that correct?

    Is the LST itself being enhanced / expanded as more Systematic Theologies are being parsed?


  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    PL said:

    Thank you Kyle and team for your diligent work!

    Perhaps a question out of ignorance: How do we see the richness that's now being added to the Theology Guide through this tagging work?

    From what I can tell (from a cursory look), this additional annotation work primarily enhances the "Systematic Theologies" section of the Theology Guide, and does not enhance the other sections, is that correct?

    Is the LST itself being enhanced / expanded as more Systematic Theologies are being parsed?


    You're correct: these additional resources will enhance the Systematic Theologies section of the Theology Guide. We're not currently expanding to new concepts. 

  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,236

    I apologize but there won't be an update to the Theology Guide today. In converting the data base there was a bug that I wasn't able to get resolved in time.

    I intend to have an update in two weeks. Thank you for your patience.

  • Jim Carlile
    Jim Carlile Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Thanks for the work all of you are doing on this. I just finished trying the "Workflow Guide for Exploring Christian Doctrine" based on the article by Dr. Ward in the March/April BSM. I wanted to do comparisons of several doctrines from various denominations. I tried to reference several other  Theologies & Dogmatics in my library without success. The only ones that came up seemed to be from a Baptist or Reformed background. I would love to see a way to bring other references from my library into this guide. 

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Thanks for the work all of you are doing on this. I just finished trying the "Workflow Guide for Exploring Christian Doctrine" based on the article by Dr. Ward in the March/April BSM. I wanted to do comparisons of several doctrines from various denominations. I tried to reference several other  Theologies & Dogmatics in my library without success. The only ones that came up seemed to be from a Baptist or Reformed background. I would love to see a way to bring other references from my library into this guide. 


    Our goal is to annotate all the systematic theology resources that Logos publishes so that they're integrated into the Theology Guide. So eventually this will organize the different resources you own against the doctrines covered in the Theology Guide. It will take us some time to reach that goal, however. Also note that we're not currently annotating denominational positions on particular doctrines, though in many cases that will follow from the denominational flavor of the resource as a whole. 

  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,236

    Rather than continue to post lists of resources that have been annotated I created a new thread to provide that information. You can find it here.

  • Wild Eagle
    Wild Eagle Member Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭

    It kind of makes me wonder that I have zero entries on the word "hope"

    "No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill 

  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,801

    It kind of makes me wonder that I have zero entries on the word "hope"

    The Theology Guide generates content only for one of the ~250 topics in the ontology. Hope isn't one of them.

  • Wild Eagle
    Wild Eagle Member Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭

     Guide generates content only for one of the ~250 topics in the ontology. Hope isn't one of them.

    Thank you Phil, IMHO I think it should be included in the ontology, or not limited to, especially if Faith, and Love is included.

    "No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill 

  • Mike Tourangeau
    Mike Tourangeau Member Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭

    The theology guide has been updated many times in the last few months, for this I am grateful. I have found myself using it more often (Theories on the extent of the atonement was helpful recently)

    I did just notice that the topic of "Reconciliation" does not return any "hits" I am not sure what determines the ontology but this seems to fit the category. (?)

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    I did just notice that the topic of "Reconciliation" does not return any "hits" I am not sure what determines the ontology but this seems to fit the category. (?)

    "Reconciliation" is an alternate label for the concept The Holy Spirit and Salvation. With my library it currently returns results in 8 systematic theologies. Can you provide more information about what you're (not) seeing? 

  • Mike Tourangeau
    Mike Tourangeau Member Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭

    I did just notice that the topic of "Reconciliation" does not return any "hits" I am not sure what determines the ontology but this seems to fit the category. (?)

    "Reconciliation" is an alternate label for the concept The Holy Spirit and Salvation. With my library it currently returns results in 8 systematic theologies. Can you provide more information about what you're (not) seeing? 

    Sean, I just saw this now (sorry for the delay) I guess I need to read up on the documentation. I just checked what you are saying and I see the same. Are there more updates scheduled or is the tool done? I haven't played with it much, but will tonight. 

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452


    Sean, I just saw this now (sorry for the delay) I guess I need to read up on the documentation. I just checked what you are saying and I see the same. Are there more updates scheduled or is the tool done? I haven't played with it much, but will tonight. 

    See Kyle's posts here about the addition of more theological resources to the Systematic Theologies section of the Theology Guide.  

  • Paul Strickert
    Paul Strickert Member Posts: 58 ✭✭

    Sean said:

    Attn: Faithlife Staff

    I’ve posted in various threads on this before, but I think it deserves its own now.

    Logos 8 was rushed out the door at the end of October, 2018. One of the prominent new features advertised for it was the Theology Guide, for which you claim:

    [quote]Get diverse perspectives on theological topics

    The theology guide draws on the diverse theological resources included in your Logos library. Get quick links to where your topic is treated in your systematic theologies and other resources.

    I bought Logos 8 in part because of the Theology Guide.  I thought "the diverse theological resources included in your Logos library" would include Moltmann.  Nope.  Two and a half years later, I'm still waiting.  Never gonna happen, is it? 

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Never gonna happen, is it? 

    We started a batch of Encyclopedias and Journals. Once we make a dent in those we'll be moving on to Confessional Documents and High-Level monographs. By "high-level" I mean monographs devoted to the highest level of our Systematic Theology annotation. e.g. Christology, Ecclesiolgy, Eschatology, etc. Moltmann is absolutely included in this category.

    You have two viable options:

    1. Are there works of Moltmann currently classified as monographs that should be classified as systematic theology? If so, ask that they be changed and appropriately tagged. Ask both in the forums and Roadmap | Faithlife Feedback
    2. Start nagging ... periodically ask  why resource x is missing from the results of the Theological Guide on topic X and/or start asking that Kyle provide a list of items indexed since the post I quoted above.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."