recurring crash on start

TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


>> After installing from the DVD this time I'm at the indexing stage and am recieving repeated crashes now on startup.

Steps to reproduce


  1. The first crash occurred after the initial start-up.
  2. I changed my default bible since that doesn't sync (!)
  3. Then Clicked the file menu
  4. deleted the ESV reading plan
  5. without closing the file menu went over to firefox to check the forum
  6. noticed that the program had crashed.
  7. I attempted to reload the program and it crashed again
  8. a report was sent to Microsoft
  9. on each successive launch now the program crashes.

      Actual Result
      Crash on program start
      Expected Result
      I expected the program to run
      System Specs
      *Laptop | Pentium 4 @2.4 Ghz 384MB RAM | Windows XP Home SP3, all patches.
      * Desktop | AMD X64 3800+ dual core | 4GB RAM | Dual 22" widescreen monitors at 1680x1050 | Nvidia 7300 GS 256MB video RAM |500 GB Raid Mirror. | Windows 7 RC 7100 - all patches.
      No further comment your honor.

Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

