Research library, homeschooling, science reference works, etc.

Hi power users:
It just hit me, that Logos is amazing for gaining an expanded conceptual framework in subjects a bit different from religious ones.
We have Encyclopedia Britannica, which is very good for general education articles, there is also the Syntopicon, which is useful, etc.
Research Library for philosophy in noet is notable also, and valuable addition to Logos.
The advanced research tools in Logos, allows the user to find quickly relevant information that reveals key concepts in topics that are useful for homeschooling, regular school, general education, etc.
With the above in mind I wonder if there could ever be a development of resources like the ones that will be listed, and that would aid more in the not so religious (but still important) education:
Dictionary of Philosophy.
Dictionary of Mathematics.
Dictionary of Physics.
Dictionary of Chemistry.
Dictionary of Biology.
Dictionary of Anthropology and social sciences.
Dictionary of Business terms and finance.
Dictionary of Quotations.
Dictionary of Sports and Physical education.
Then we have the long needed resources also:
Dictionary of German- English, English German.
Dictionary of French- English, English- French.
Dictionary of Portuguese- English, English- Portuguese.
Many not so complicated resources exist that relate to the above list. Ideally Logos would pick the ones that are closer to the Christian Worldview, for general reference.
The Harvard classics have indexes, etc. There are resources in FL e books that touch upon classical education from a Christian perspective.
With the above listed resources (if added to Logos), such possibility to aid in educating the young in classical style, best of available resources (classic and modern) becomes a reality.
Logos does not cease to amaze me in applications, I really would like to see the above listed resources available, and would be best if offered in a "Modern homeschool bundle".
The reason for the idea, is that if many persons do want to homeschool, they have excellent searching tools in Logos, and they just need general resources that can point to the way for research in other media for subjects of a not so religious nature, but still important.
That would also help pupils learn researching skills, and to synthesize, and identify key concepts in subjects.
The different resources in FL e book can then be used to tie stewardship, ethics, worldview and the like from a christian perspective to common life subjects.
Peace and grace.
I do use Logos for my kids' school for researching a wide variety of topics and to have access to high-quality classics and reference works. I would love it if Logos worked on homeschool bundles, homeschool focused education (Christian topics but tailored for junior high/high school), and also give us options to share appropriate portions of our libraries with our children/spouses so that our notes and highlights aren't shared but the resources are.
I am thankful for Faithlife TV where many of their resources and documentaries have proven helpful in homeschooling and discipling my kids.
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
Totally agree Jacob.
I did notice there is a bundle, but it is limited in scope:
I would love to see certain books in FL e books:
Yes and even:
LOL. A Christian version of the above books would even be better, but I doubt there are equivalent ones under Christian Worldview.
Peace and grace.
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Howdy again power users:
Does anyone know how to do a Noet Philosophy Research Library collection?
Is there an easy way? or do individual resources have to be tagged one by one?
Thanks ahead of time for any input.
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Hamilton I am sorry to burst you bubble but these books would be absolutely useless as FL eBooks. There would be no indexing, table of contents would not be properly tagged, general formatting would lie somewhere between ordinary and awful. These sort of books need to be topically tagged. Anything less would be an abomination.
There is a huge range of Dictionaries here on a very broad range of topics at ridiculous prices for resources that lack the tagging you seem to think would be a great idea. Purchase a few of these at $100 + and then let me know how they work for you in the Logos environment with no tagging other than the automatic kind.
But I do not really expect you to spend that much money. I am simply highlighting eBook format of reference works does not always equate to cheap price but it will guarantee you are purchasing a cheap product with no care taken by FL in the quality of what you teceiv.
So instead try this one for the next 25 day (gives you time to return it) and see how often it actually comes up in your bible study - hint it won’t unless you run a basic search on the surface text. Opening the resource to the table of contents may or may not be of be of help unless beyond perusing the entires.
It would be great however to have these in full Logos format.
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I think you would need to tag manually unless community tags already exist but even then you don’t know if they are complete so you’d still have to validate the result to ensure you had captured everything. You have no way of knowing if the community tagging is complete or accurate.Hamilton Ramos said:Howdy again power users:
Does anyone know how to do a Noet Philosophy Research Library collection?
Is there an easy way? or do individual resources have to be tagged one by one?
Thanks ahead of time for any input.
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Hamilton Ramos said:
how to do a Noet Philosophy Research Library collection?
Is there an easy way? or do individual resources have to be tagged one by one?
It seems one would have to do it manually. I don't find any Noet Resource Collections under Public Docs, and none in the FL group Logos Product Collections either - but I think this would exactly be the place to get an "official" collection - and FL should put it there. Maybe they will if you ask them.
FWIW, the Logos 8 Library Enhancement Collections are shared via this group, including the various sizes of the Philosophy Library Enhancement bundles.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Howdy Disciple II:
Interesting information. If I am not mistaken, FL e books can be searched using proximity operators. Maybe they will not work with Field searching, but proximity search does the trick for me, and in my opinion is better than having the hardcopy and looking up manually.
I understand that FL may not want to tag for better usage such resources, maybe cost-benefit does not add.
I saw some very interesting (in theory) dictionaries in the link you provided:
E.g. "Historical Dictionary of Calvinism", "Historical Dictionary of Methodism", etc.
Do you know why they are not offered in Logos or in FL e books?
There are a lot of other interesting ones: Historical Dictionary of Shinto... Shintoism believes that objects can have spirits dwelling them, thus they do not step over swords, etc. Some have argued that such thinking facilitates working in AI, and the making of Droids.
I am really surprised that the Religions series of the Historical dictionaries is not advertised in Logos or FL eb.
Then you have the A to Z dictionaries. They seem to be included in the related Historic Dictionary, but some A to Z do not have a matching Historic Dictionary.
DIsciple II said:There is a huge range of Dictionaries here on a very broad range of topics at ridiculous prices for resources that lack the tagging you seem to think would be a great idea. Purchase a few of these at $100 + and then let me know how they work for you in the Logos environment with no tagging other than the automatic kind.
Wonder if I get a few (interested in the Religious ones, and maybe some for sport), if I make a collection and do proximity search, would give adequate and manageable amount of search hits.
If I am not mistaken someone did their own index of important concepts as the person worked with the resource over time, and turned to a PB, which could in turn link to the info.
I am not sure if Canvas has been programmed to accept in-resource links that point to particular information within a resource, so that one could do their own mind map for a subject, and place hyperlinks to specific in-resource places for easy access to information.
Thanks Disciple II for sharing the links and your input.
Peace and grace.
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Thank you NB Mick, I will look into that when I get the chance.
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Disciple II:
Just a quick note to thank you for providing link to dictionaries in Noet.
I am already budgeting to get some possible gems:
Peace and grace.
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DIsciple II said:
You have no way of knowing if the community tagging is complete or accurate.
However, you do know with a high degree of probability that the community tagging is incomplete as the mechanism to add non-LCV terms was removed by Google and not replaced by Logos. Logos reliance on a deprecated product - Freebase You don't want to hear me on the topic of LCV and BK.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Hi Hamilton, I have noticed that the Encyclopedia Britannica was discontinued recently from logos. It might not be a good investment as initially anticipated as there might be a risk that no further updates will be made.
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No help if you have an immediate need, but there is a German-English English-German dictionary on Community Pricing.