Problem Copying Text to Word

Randall Cue
Randall Cue Member Posts: 682 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Since updating to 8.9, I've had a problem copying text to Word. I have times new roman set as my default font in Word. When I copy Bible text to Word using the copy Bible verses app, it copies the text to Word in times new roman as it should and as it did before 8.9; however, if I copy text from a lexicon or commentary or anything including Biblical ,text it copies into Word in calibri. This did not happen before 8.9. I talked to a tech at Logos and he gave me a very unsatisfactory explanation. He said Logos could not do anything about this. It is the way the clipboard handles things. Really? That doesn't make any sense. Anyone have an idea?

