Logos Forums search broken ?

Every time I try to use the Logos Forums search bar, I get the following error :
Sorry, there was a problem with your last request!
Either the site is offline or an unhandled error occurred. We apologize and have logged the error. Please try your request again or if you know who your site administrator is let them know too.
Is search in Logos Forums currently broken ?
Kind Regards,
Famille Thevoz said:
Is search in Logos Forums currently broken ?
I'm afraid so
I recommend using Google Search as per https://wiki.logos.com/Using_the_Forum#Searching_the_forum_using_Google
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Hello Graham,
Many thanks for this suggestion.
Kind Regards,
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I check the forums several times a day and have been grateful for them to get help. An update to the forums would be great to fix the searching capabilities and create a "mark all read" button for all the forums.
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While reading & posting in these Logos forums over ten years, sadly remember some days having lots of SPAM. Suspect forum search error is a SPAM denial of service side effect => forum search error appears instead of showing results that include SPAM, which is not found by internet search engines: Google, Duck Duck Go, ... Recent Português thread used forum search => Conteudo da biblia de Estudo BEARA não aparece (Bible Text Only display choice caused Study Bible content to not appear)
Jun 2009 Blog Article => https://blog.logos.com/2009/06/join_us_at_the_new_logos_bible_software_forums/
Nostalgic thread started on 5 Jun 2009 => What do you think of web forums instead of newsgroups?
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Nostalgic thread started on 5 Jun 2009 => What do you think of web forums instead of newsgroups?
Look how much younger the people looked back then! [:)]
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Famille Thevoz said:
Every time I try to use the Logos Forums search bar, I get the following error :
Sorry, there was a problem with your last request!
This should be fixed now. Please let us know if you still have a problem with searching the forums!
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Famille Thevoz said:
Every time I try to use the Logos Forums search bar, I get the following error :
Sorry, there was a problem with your last request!
This should be fixed now. Please let us know if you still have a problem with searching the forums!
Every now and the (like a minute ago 8:05pm est) a 503 error appeared (site not available). It’s been doing it every now and then the last few days.
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DAL said:
Every now and the (like a minute ago 8:05pm est) a 503 error appeared (site not available). It’s been doing it every now and then the last few days.
I've been noticing this, too; not sure why it might be happening yet.