Wordsearch Moving to Logos Bible Software
Is it possible your WS/BW account was under a different email account, eu[...]6@googlemail.com? (redacted)
If so, your WS account isn't linked with your Logos account yet and needs to be merged in.
Hi Bradley, yes, that is correct. I've now sent an email to cs@logos.com in order to get the old WS account merged into my primary FL account. So that will probably sort things.
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Not all Wordsearch resources are available in Logos right away; some are still being converted.
See the FAQ for more: https://www.logos.com/wordsearch-faq#mybooks
Wordsearch use to sell the New Oxford Annotated Bible 3rd Augmented edition. Will this volume eventually make it to my Logos even though WS was no longer sells it?
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JRS said:
I don't remember the small company they were purchased from, but I do know they no longer exist. Most titles appear to be public domain. A few, like The Potter's Freedom and Boice' works, are still protected by copyright. I know there is some overlap with Logos resources.
Note that I possess the actual files for these resources which I always had to manually install any time WS was (re)installed or upgraded.
It would be fantastic if Logos could convert these over for me (at least the public domain titles).
I am in the same situation. Years ago there was a company called Doxa Digital Press which sold lots of titles compatible with WS. Whenever I've changed computers, I've had to manually install their files when re-installing WS. There were a few other physical disks I had purchased from other places and also had to install those separately. One of those was the Complete Biblical Library. By and large, these resources are not showing up in my "Products Owned" pages on the WS website and thus are not transferring over to Logos. There is actually quite a lot of discrepancy between what I have unlocked in my WS library and what is displayed on the Products Owned page. This morning I emailed WS about this, and I hope they can provide a good solution to this issue.
eChristianResources.com - Connecting Christians With Quality Evangelical Resources Available For FREE On The Internet (including links to free Logos/Vyrso resources!)
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JRS said:
FL/Logos acquiring WS is very good news! And, I appreciate the list of titles that are going to be transitioned over to Logos. However, I have several titles that were produced for the WS application but not by LW/WS nor sold by them. Quickly comparing my WS library list with your list of transitioning titles, I have already spotted some that are not on the transitioning list.
Is there a similar, official list of titles that will NOT be transitioning over?
I was very disappointed to not see the Interpreter's Bible on the list.
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Dan Francis said:
I was very disappointed to not see the Interpreter's Bible on the list.
I see it at https://www.logos.com/wordsearch-library-migration when I type "Interpreter" into the Search box at the top of the page.
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Daniel Radke said:
By and large, these resources are not showing up in my "Products Owned" pages on the WS website and thus are not transferring over to Logos.
If they don't show up as Owned Resources in your account on the Wordsearch website, then unfortunately they're not part of the licenses we acquired and we can't import them.
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Apologies I didn't look under T for the and I do see the NOAB when i search.
All my questions are answered, now to get my licences to my LOGOS account (my WS account email was same one as I used for a test demonstration account i made to demonstrate the power of Logos before you even spent a penny)....
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Daniel Radke said:
By and large, these resources are not showing up in my "Products Owned" pages on the WS website and thus are not transferring over to Logos.
If they don't show up as Owned Resources in your account on the Wordsearch website, then unfortunately they're not part of the licenses we acquired and we can't import them.
If on the WS end they are able to update my list of products owned, would the updated list be able to be imported into Logos? Or is the import a one-time, already done thing?
eChristianResources.com - Connecting Christians With Quality Evangelical Resources Available For FREE On The Internet (including links to free Logos/Vyrso resources!)
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In 2016 B&H had an offer for the Wordsearch edition Spurgeon's Sermons from the Metropolitan Tabernacle for free. Does anyone know if those are being transferred?
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Daniel Radke said:
Years ago there was a company called Doxa Digital Press which sold lots of titles compatible with WS.
Yep. You win the coconut! Doxa was, indeed, the company I bought from. They had a nice catalog/ministry while it lasted.
Oh well, such is life.
I'll hang on to the Doxa files at least until WS no longer works. Maybe a miracle will happen and the Owner of what was Doxa Digital will see this thread and release all of his titles/licenses to Logos ... Oh, look - a flying pig! [;)]
FWIW: I checked my email archives. Doxa Digital Press was located in Lake Monroe, FL. The domain, doxapress.com, is no longer active.
Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)
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Daniel Radke said:
If on the WS end they are able to update my list of products owned, would the updated list be able to be imported into Logos? Or is the import a one-time, already done thing?
We're discussing if and how we can handle Doxa licenses. I don't have an answer at this point, and I don't know if WS would be able to update their systems to include these non-Wordsearch licenses.
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Bradley, did you look into those missing journal volumes?
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Steven Dresen said:
In 2016 B&H had an offer for the Wordsearch edition Spurgeon's Sermons from the Metropolitan Tabernacle for free. Does anyone know if those are being transferred?
The Wordsearch resource titled Spurgeon's Collected Sermons (Met. Tabern. Pul.) should be imported to Logos.
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Will all the Wordsearch resources that will be migrated to Logos have page numbers in the Logos editions?
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Phil, I have noticed a few of WS links go to different Logos resources. (e.g. https://wordsearchbible.lifeway.com/products/21347-holiness) and other issues (e.g. owned WS book shows owned on one Pre-Pub but not for a different Pre-Pub.) And that some licensed works do not show available or 'Coming Soon'.
How/to whom do we report the discrepancies?
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Rusty Davidson said:
How/to whom do we report the discrepancies?
Thanks for pointing them out. Please send them to weberrors@faithlife.com (the more issues you can report in one single email the better).
Senior Director, Content Products
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We're discussing if and how we can handle Doxa licenses. I don't have an answer at this point, and I don't know if WS would be able to update their systems to include these non-Wordsearch licenses.
Thank you so much ... couldn't ask for more. Looking forward to the answer and hoping for the best.
Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)
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Rusty Davidson said:
I have noticed a few of WS links go to different Logos resources. (e.g. https://wordsearchbible.lifeway.com/products/21347-holiness) and other issues (e.g. owned WS book shows owned on one Pre-Pub but not for a different Pre-Pub.)
I just want to point out that we used a "fuzzy match" when linking the product pages together, as we felt it wasn't a big deal if the link went to the wrong Logos product.
We were much more conservative with linking the licenses for imported accounts, since that's much more critical to get right. This is why you may see reports of missing licenses; they haven't been linked up yet.
So don't worry if you see erroneous links from the Wordsearch Store to Logos; that won't affect the quality of the migration of your library to Logos. But please still report them when you see them so we can get them fixed.
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Years ago, I purchased up a number of Wordsearch libraries on CD from bookstores. I also purchased CD’s and downloads from Doxa/Rejoice Software and Galaxie for books that Wordsearch did not carry. Over the years, most of those books became directly available from Wordsearch.
A while back I noticed that although the books worked fine in Desktop and could be downloaded and updated, they did not show on my account. The *.ulk unlock files were only local on my PC. Since I still had the CD's, I scanned them and asked my sales rep to register them to my account. He was also able to register a couple of resources I had purchased as a Doxa download since the resources were now available from Wordsearch itself.I'm sure there are a number of Wordsearch users who have a similar situation, but never realized their online account did not reflect all their purchases and never registered their CD's.
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Looks like Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 60-72 and and then 91-174 aren't linked.
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John Simpson said:
Years ago, I purchased up a number of Wordsearch libraries on CD from bookstores. I also purchased CD’s and downloads from Doxa/Rejoice Software and Galaxie for books that Wordsearch did not carry. Over the years, most of those books became directly available from Wordsearch.
A while back I noticed that although the books worked fine in Desktop and could be downloaded and updated, they did not show on my account. The *.ulk unlock files were only local on my PC. Since I still had the CD's, I scanned them and asked my sales rep to register them to my account. He was also able to register a couple of resources I had purchased as a Doxa download since the resources were now available from Wordsearch itself.I'm sure there are a number of Wordsearch users who have a similar situation, but never realized their online account did not reflect all their purchases and never registered their CD's.
We're investigating if there's a way to import Doxa products. It's complex. Most of them weren't actually officially Wordsearch products. They were "CROSS Compatible" and "Powered by WORDsearch," which allowed them to be used in Wordsearch but weren't part of the official set of Wordsearch licenses and files hosted and managed by Wordsearch.
Consequently, they also weren't part of the set of assets that were sold to us as part of the Wordsearch business, because Wordsearch didn't own them; Doxa Digital Press did. The individual who ran Doxa (and also Rejoice Software) probably still owns the contracts and files, unless he sold them to someone else. I'm reaching out to a few different people to see what I can learn.
It looks like some portion of Doxa titles were licensed to Wordsearch to sell in The Theology Bundle. But licenses acquired directly from Doxa Digital Press never got converted to true Wordsearch licenses. That's probably something we could do on a case by case basis, but there's probably no way to do that for everyone in bulk—and it's only going to cover some of the Doxa resources, not all of them.
We'll report back once we better understand the details, what the options are, etc.
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Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:
We're investigating if there's a way to import Doxa products. It's complex. Most of them weren't actually officially Wordsearch products. They were "CROSS Compatible" and "Powered by WORDsearch," which allowed them to be used in Wordsearch but weren't part of the official set of Wordsearch licenses and files hosted and managed by Wordsearch.
Consequently, they also weren't part of the set of assets that were sold to us as part of the Wordsearch business, because Wordsearch didn't own them; Doxa Digital Press did. The individual who ran Doxa (and also Rejoice Software) probably still owns the contracts and files, unless he sold them to someone else. I'm reaching out to a few different people to see what I can learn.
It looks like some portion of Doxa titles were licensed to Wordsearch to sell in The Theology Bundle. But licenses acquired directly from Doxa Digital Press never got converted to true Wordsearch licenses. That's probably something we could do on a case by case basis, but there's probably no way to do that for everyone in bulk—and it's only going to cover some of the Doxa resources, not all of them.
We'll report back once we better understand the details, what the options are, etc.
Phil, I appreciate your efforts in attempting to recover the Doxa titles. I was resigned to their being lost. I’m glad to see there’s some hope.
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:
We're investigating if there's a way to import Doxa products. It's complex. Most of them weren't actually officially Wordsearch products. They were "CROSS Compatible" and "Powered by WORDsearch," which allowed them to be used in Wordsearch but weren't part of the official set of Wordsearch licenses and files hosted and managed by Wordsearch.
Consequently, they also weren't part of the set of assets that were sold to us as part of the Wordsearch business, because Wordsearch didn't own them; Doxa Digital Press did. The individual who ran Doxa (and also Rejoice Software) probably still owns the contracts and files, unless he sold them to someone else. I'm reaching out to a few different people to see what I can learn.
It looks like some portion of Doxa titles were licensed to Wordsearch to sell in The Theology Bundle. But licenses acquired directly from Doxa Digital Press never got converted to true Wordsearch licenses. That's probably something we could do on a case by case basis, but there's probably no way to do that for everyone in bulk—and it's only going to cover some of the Doxa resources, not all of them.
We'll report back once we better understand the details, what the options are, etc.
Phil, I appreciate your efforts in attempting to recover the Doxa titles. I was resigned to their being lost. I’m glad to see there’s some hope.
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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Can I just say that this post should be a reminder to all of us that Faithlife is deeply committed to being the best in class with their software and to give us the most and best resources available and to always do right by the customer.Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:John Simpson said:Years ago, I purchased up a number of Wordsearch libraries on CD from bookstores. I also purchased CD’s and downloads from Doxa/Rejoice Software and Galaxie for books that Wordsearch did not carry. Over the years, most of those books became directly available from Wordsearch.
A while back I noticed that although the books worked fine in Desktop and could be downloaded and updated, they did not show on my account. The *.ulk unlock files were only local on my PC. Since I still had the CD's, I scanned them and asked my sales rep to register them to my account. He was also able to register a couple of resources I had purchased as a Doxa download since the resources were now available from Wordsearch itself.I'm sure there are a number of Wordsearch users who have a similar situation, but never realized their online account did not reflect all their purchases and never registered their CD's.
We're investigating if there's a way to import Doxa products. It's complex. Most of them weren't actually officially Wordsearch products. They were "CROSS Compatible" and "Powered by WORDsearch," which allowed them to be used in Wordsearch but weren't part of the official set of Wordsearch licenses and files hosted and managed by Wordsearch.
Consequently, they also weren't part of the set of assets that were sold to us as part of the Wordsearch business, because Wordsearch didn't own them; Doxa Digital Press did. The individual who ran Doxa (and also Rejoice Software) probably still owns the contracts and files, unless he sold them to someone else. I'm reaching out to a few different people to see what I can learn.
It looks like some portion of Doxa titles were licensed to Wordsearch to sell in The Theology Bundle. But licenses acquired directly from Doxa Digital Press never got converted to true Wordsearch licenses. That's probably something we could do on a case by case basis, but there's probably no way to do that for everyone in bulk—and it's only going to cover some of the Doxa resources, not all of them.
We'll report back once we better understand the details, what the options are, etc.
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David Taylor Jr said:
Can I just say that this post should be a reminder to all of us that Faithlife is deeply committed to being the best in class with their software and to give us the most and best resources available and to always do right by the customer.
Amen to that.
Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:Consequently, they also weren't part of the set of assets that were sold to us as part of the Wordsearch business, because Wordsearch didn't own them; Doxa Digital Press did. The individual who ran Doxa (and also Rejoice Software) probably still owns the contracts and files, unless he sold them to someone else. I'm reaching out to a few different people to see what I can learn.
I imagine lots of people would be happy if you could acquire the contracts and files and thereby offer to sell to FL customers whatever Doxa has contracts/licenses for that FL still doesn't have.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Very excited about this news. Had Wordsearch software way, way, way back in the day. Never kept up with it enough to go digital and create an online account. But that’s fine as long as my holy grail that I’ve been begging Bob for for over a decade now is really coming. I’m talking about the Fire Bible.
I pray they can get that one offered quickly for us Logos users who have patiently waited for our most important Bible Study resource to be added.
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John Simpson said:
Looks like Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 60-72 and and then 91-174 aren't linked.
We discovered this earlier today, but probably won't get it fixed up until Monday.
EDIT: Our license linking is correct for volumes 60-72 but I don't see those in our copy of your Wordsearch licenses. Can you confirm that you do own those in Wordsearch?
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Joe Grimes said:
Which volumes are missing?
A good portion of the Bibliotheca Sacra volumes are missing. Maybe just a few others at quick glance. But the Bibliotheca Sacra gap really sticks out.
We have a license linking problem with Bibliotheca Sacra Volumes 91-170. That should be fixed up on Monday.
Any other volumes missing?
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Gary Osborne said:
Very excited about this news. Had Wordsearch software way, way, way back in the day. Never kept up with it enough to go digital and create an online account. But that’s fine as long as my holy grail that I’ve been begging Bob for for over a decade now is really coming. I’m talking about the Fire Bible.
I pray they can get that one offered quickly for us Logos users who have patiently waited for our most important Bible Study resource to be added.
I have Fire Bible from word search I hope next week will be downloaded.
Blessings in Christ.
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LessonMaker will be a huge blessing in Logos.
And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers (Mal 4:6a)
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I own the complete set of journals that Wordsearch offered. Sets 1-15 were originally purchased from Galaxie, but sales converted to the Wordsearch licenses when I added the later upgrade packages.
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I own all the journals that Wordsearch offered, I originally purchased sets 1-15 from Galaxie, but Wordsearch converted the licenses when I purchased the later upgrade packages. Screenshot of last upgrade email and from software.
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I own all the journals Wordsearch offered. This was from last upgrade email, along with screenshot from software
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I own all the journals Wordsearch offered. This was from last upgrade email, along with screenshot from software
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I own all the journals Wordsearch offered. This was from last upgrade email, along with screenshot from software
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Tes said:
I have Fire Bible from word search I hope next week will be downloaded.
Tes, sorry for being the one to tell you, but it won't download next week - the Fire Bible is on Logos' list of things they want to build and bring over during the remainder of 2020. Since it's a study bible, they won't be able to go for the eBook variation, so it could come Christmas rather than next week (though since it has been asked for so long and so often, maybe they put it on high-prio such as the Thompson Chain Bible).
Until then, be glad you have an electronic copy of it, as WS will continue to work for the foreseeable future. I never bought it on WS, but paid €50 for the German Hardcover edition (plus some smaller amount for the English-language Student Edition), so I have to wait until it comes - hoping to see those things on PrePub with a rebate for the loyal Logosians...
Have joy in the Lord!
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Here's what I have missing:
Bibliotheca Sacra Volumes 60-72
Bibliotheca Sacra Volumes 91-171
Bible and Spade Volume 25
Bible and Spade Volumes 27-29
Grace Journal Volume 14
Puritan Reformed Journal, Volume 4, Number 2 (July 2012)
Puritan Reformed Journal, Volume 5, Number 2 (July 2013)
Westminster Theological Journal Volume 71
Westminster Theological Journal Volume 76
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NB.Mick said:Tes said:
I have Fire Bible from word search I hope next week will be downloaded.
Tes, sorry for being the one to tell you, but it won't download next week - the Fire Bible is on Logos' list of things they want to build and bring over during the remainder of 2020. Since it's a study bible, they won't be able to go for the eBook variation, so it could come Christmas rather than next week (though since it has been asked for so long and so often, maybe they put it on high-prio such as the Thompson Chain Bible).
Until then, be glad you have an electronic copy of it, as WS will continue to work for the foreseeable future. I never bought it on WS, but paid €50 for the German Hardcover edition (plus some smaller amount for the English-language Student Edition), so I have to wait until it comes - hoping to see those things on PrePub with a rebate for the loyal Logosians...
I have seen it in the list which are to be imported from WS. I need a clarification from Bradley.
- Fire Bible, Donald C. E Stamps; J. Wesley E Adams, Life Publishers International
Blessings in Christ.
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Tes said:NB.Mick said:Tes said:
I have Fire Bible from word search I hope next week will be downloaded.
Tes, sorry for being the one to tell you, but it won't download next week - the Fire Bible is on Logos' list of things they want to build and bring over during the remainder of 2020.
I have seen it in the list which are to be imported from WS. I need a clarification from Bradley.
- Fire Bible, Donald C. E Stamps; J. Wesley E Adams, Life Publishers International
I'm not sure what clarification you need. It's listed at https://www.logos.com/wordsearch-library-migration which means it's not available in Logos right now.
We're going to work on bringing those titles over during the rest of 2020. Bibles and Study Bibles will likely take longer to produce.
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Tes said:NB.Mick said:Tes said:
I have Fire Bible from word search I hope next week will be downloaded.
Tes, sorry for being the one to tell you, but it won't download next week - the Fire Bible is on Logos' list of things they want to build and bring over during the remainder of 2020. Since it's a study bible, they won't be able to go for the eBook variation, so it could come Christmas rather than next week (though since it has been asked for so long and so often, maybe they put it on high-prio such as the Thompson Chain Bible).
Until then, be glad you have an electronic copy of it, as WS will continue to work for the foreseeable future. I never bought it on WS, but paid €50 for the German Hardcover edition (plus some smaller amount for the English-language Student Edition), so I have to wait until it comes - hoping to see those things on PrePub with a rebate for the loyal Logosians...
I have seen it in the list which are to be imported from WS. I need a clarification from Bradley.
- Fire Bible, Donald C. E Stamps; J. Wesley E Adams, Life Publishers International
Yes, and the header of this list says:
"Search the list below to see all the remaining titles that don’t yet exist in Logos. We’ll be migrating them from Wordsearch to Logos through the end of 2020. They’ll automatically show up in your library as soon as they’re available."
I've bolded the parts that make me expect Christmas rather than next week.
EDIT: I've seen that Bradley clarified while I was writing and will leave it at that.
Have joy in the Lord!
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I have many books that have already transferred, but several that have not. When will they be done?
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If anyone is getting a second NIV 1984 (because they had it in WordSearch) and wants to sell their Logos version, I’d definitely buy it from you (not the anglicized version).
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I own all the journals Wordsearch offered. This was from last upgrade email order confirmation, along with screenshot from software
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I'm not seeing Tozer on Christian Leadership in your Wordsearch licenses. Can you confirm the version you have in Wordsearch by going to the Library, right-clicking on that book, choosing Properties, and copying the Book ID?
Thanks. I don't have a local install of Wordsearch. Would the web app link be enough? https://app.wordsearchbible.lifeway.com/library/title/005635607
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Echoing Joe Grimes-
Here's what I have missing:
Bibliotheca Sacra Volumes 60-72 same - reported
Bibliotheca Sacra Volumes 91-171 same - reported
Bible and Spade Volume 25 Bible and Spade Volumes 27-29
(I don't have 26 either)11- 1425 Bible and Spade Vol 25 11- 1426 Bible and Spade Vol 26 11- 1427 Bible and Spade Vol 27 11- 1428 Bible and Spade Vol 28 11- 1429 Bible and Spade Vol 29 Grace Journal Volume 14
11- 348 Grace Journal: Grace Journal Vol 14 Puritan Reformed Journal, Volume 4, Number 2 (July 2012) Puritan Reformed Journal, Volume 5, Number 2 (July 2013)
Wordsearch had 4.1 and 4.2 together, and 5.1 and 5.2 together
11- 1144 Puritan Reformed Journal Vol 04 11- 1145 Puritan Reformed Journal Vol 05 Westminster Theological Journal Volume 71
Westminster Theological Journal Volume 7611:871 and 11:876, though I show files for 76 were missing.
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Joe Grimes said:
Here's what I have missing:
Bibliotheca Sacra Volumes 60-72
Bibliotheca Sacra Volumes 91-171
Bible and Spade Volume 25
Bible and Spade Volumes 27-29
Grace Journal Volume 14
Puritan Reformed Journal, Volume 4, Number 2 (July 2012)
Puritan Reformed Journal, Volume 5, Number 2 (July 2013)
Westminster Theological Journal Volume 71
Westminster Theological Journal Volume 76
Thanks for the detailed list; that's very helpful.
Bibliotheca Sacra Volumes 91-171 is a known problem that we will fix soon.
I don't have any more information right now on the others. We'll provide an update as soon as we can.
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We are beginning to ship out some of the new books that weren't available in the Logos library. A couple notes:
1. We wanted to get these books out and available to Wordsearch users as soon as possible. Rather than wait until the book was a complete Logos resource to ship it, we decided to batch create and ship Faithlife ebook versions that we will update to Logos resources. These ebooks will have basic functionality but not all the tagging that comes in a Logos resource (because they are batch produced, they could contain typos or strange formatting). We will begin work immediately to update these resources. We plan to have them all updated by the end of 2020.
2. This is the first batch of many. If you're waiting for a book and don't see it, it's coming in a future batch.
We're very excited to add these titles to the library and are looking forward to adding many more.
Senior Director, Content Products