Acts of the Apostles - Outlines by Mark Copeland

Mark Johns
Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Dear Users,

Below you will find the Twenty-Nine Outlines on the Book of Acts (c) by Mark Copeland.  This material though copyrighted, I have received permission to post on this forum.  However, the Personal Book that you create must contain the following Copyright Notice with Link to the Executable Sermons website at   Plans are to make brother Copeland's Textual Sermon Outlines for Acts available as well.  There are over 80 of these outlines, yet to be formatted for LOGOS.   Any future updates or upgrades to Acts of the Apostles, I will
try to post as a ZIPped File in the future......

4152.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-Introduction.docx

4442.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-Acts Chapter One.docx

2843.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-Acts Chapter Two.docx

2570.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-Acts Chapter Three.docx

4617.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-Acts Chapter Four.docx

1145.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-Acts Chapter Five.docx

0211.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-Acts Chapter Six.docx

1423.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-Acts Chapter Seven.docx

3060.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-Acts Chapter Eight.docx

1682.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES-Acts Chapter Nine.docx

3286.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Ten.docx

1220.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Eleven.docx

7510.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Twelve.docx

5025.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Thirteen.docx

2287.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Fourteen.docx

3463.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Fifteen.docx

4263.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Sixteen.docx

1018.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Seventeen.docx

5873.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Eighteen.docx

7140.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Nineteen.docx

4087.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter Twenty.docx

0334.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter TwentyOne.docx

7801.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter TwentyTwo.docx

3125.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter TwentyThree.docx

5732.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter TwentyFour.docx

8468.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter TwentyFive.docx

0844.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter TwentySix.docx

0654.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter TwentySeven.docx

7183.ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Chapter TwentyEight.docx

The ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Introduction.docx file must contain the following at the very beginning of the file when you compile the above files into a Personal Book:

                 "ACTS OF THE APOSTLES"
       © by Mark Copeland (Permission Granted)
User must include ©notice in beginning of each Book

This Notice is already insert in the above mentioned file.  There may be a couple minor areas in the compiling of the Personal Book for ACTS of the APOSTLES, but it shouldn't be an issue.  I will be talking to Mark Copeland either tonite or tomorrow to make sure he doesn't want the above notice in every .docx file.  The above files are also available for download from his website.

Mark Johns



  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    Thank you Mark. Carla

  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭

    Thanks Mark!

    These will be very helpful.

    What would make it even more helpful next time is if you combined them all into one .zip file. That way people only have to download one file and can expand it themselves. 

    But thanks so very much for doing this. As someone who has done Copelands sermons for personal use (although from the pdfs, not from Word docs) I recognize how much work this is!


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Thanks for that suggestion.  Got some surgery coming up on Wednesday (Outpatient stuff)  After that, I will
    have some free time.  I will do just that and ZIP those files as you suggested.

    BTW, Mark Copeland of executable outlines called me tonite.  Talked with him for nearly an hour and a half.
    Told me a lot of interesting facts about how he got into computers and started his executable outlines.Brother
    Copeland told me that he is a LOGOS user as well and was glad that I could make some of his material available
    on  Found out that he is only about two years older than me.He knows some of the smae preachers
    I know.  Anyway, going to try to work some more on brother Copeland's Textual outlines on Acrts.  Since there are
    about 90 outlines in addition to the 29 that I just uploaded, it may take me awhile...  Take care ......


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    I have inserted the following file, which has also been posted to the "Files" forum.
    It is a 36 chapter commentary on the book of Revelation entitled "Revelation Made Clear"
    and is authored by Brent Kercheville who preaches in West Palm Bearch, FL.

    This ZIP file contains the first Eleven Chapters.  I will post the full book in the next
    couple days.  Thought you might like it.  It is from a conservative Stone-Campbell
    Preacher.  Kindly include the Title and Foreword if you make it into a books.  Thanks.


    1882.Revelation Made