Dark Theme Problems on Logos 9

David Rogers
David Rogers Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Has anyone else had any issues with the new Dark theme? 

When I want to print or export notes, I have to either copy it from the export to Word or something else because it shows the background on direct export options as black with a nearly unreadable font. This seems like a straightforward programming fix that needs to be addressed. Who wants their printed or exported files to also be in dark mode? It should adjust to a normal view whenever we try to export it. 

Also, when I've tried doing some tools, like the sentence diagraming tool, it defaults with the text and lines all as black still. Thus I either have to change each item to white. However, if they fix this, I fear it will also have the same issue of being a blacked-out background when I try to export or print it.

Overall, great look and feel. I think this export/print feature needs an immediate fix. Having some clear and straightforward way for the program to be smart enough to switch from a default black to white on tools like the sentence diagramer would be a big need in the immediate future. 

Any other glitches found in the Dark theme that I've missed? OR is there a fix already that I am missing? 

