Hyperlinks Not Working in Personal Book Builder

I tried to create a Personal Book with links to the Carta Bible Atlas but the links after I build the personal book are not going to the place in the book but only the beginning page. The links work fine before I build the personal book. Here is one example logosres:cartabibleatlas;ref=Page.p_48;off=2968
It seems like the issue is the personal book does not recognize the last part of the tag- ;off=2968
Attached is the test book try the tradition of Abraham's Migration.
Hi John
John Brumett said:It seems like the issue is the personal book does not recognize the last part of the tag- ;off=2968
Yes - the wiki article on this has:
- Page offsets are not yet supported e.g. logosres:hlmnbblhbk;ref=Page.p_591;off=759 will go to the start of the page. It is possible to link directly to a heading, even if that heading is in the middle of the page, but doing so is rather fiddly.
And it looks as though that is still a limitation.
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So according to the Wiki does Logos 4 links work? And is this problem scheduled to be fixed?
Copy Location now uses ref.ly, which thankfully is a direct link when used in PB’s. Choose L4 for the logosres protocol and paste it into the link part of [[label >> link]].
Thanks Graham!
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John Brumett said:
And is this problem scheduled to be fixed?
Apparently not - it seems that these links need an additional ctx field to work.
See Bradley's comment at https://community.logos.com/forums/p/102217/707122.aspx#707122 about how to generate these.
I've just checked it and it seems to give you what you are looking for.
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John Brumett said:
Copy Location now uses ref.ly, which thankfully is a direct link when used in PB’s. Choose L4 for the logosres protocol and paste it into the link part of [[label >> link]].
To get the offset choose the Wiki (not L4) and paste that e.g.
[[Page 11 >> https://ref.ly/logosres/dvnhlngsrmns?ref=Page.p+11&off=752&ctx=+and+pleasure+bent. ~From+out+the+church+]]
Replace Page 11 with your label text.
If you use L4 e.g. [[My label = logosres:dvnhlngsrmns;ref=Page.p_11;off=752]] you have to paste the ctx part from the Wiki i.e.
[[My label = logosres:dvnhlngsrmns;ref=Page.p_11;off=752;ctx=+and+pleasure+bent.%0a~From+out+the+church+]]
Note the semicolon separator before ctx
EDIT: To get the offset, select some of the desired text and choose the Wiki or L4 link to paste into your document.
e.g. I selected "From out the church door", selected L4 ==> logosres:dvnhlngsrmns;ref=Page.p_11;off=752;ctx=_and_pleasure_bent.$0A~From_out_the_church_
It selects some text before, and only part of the selected text. Similarly with the wiki link.
NB. The desired text does not have to be at the top of the page!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Graham Criddle said:
Yes - the wiki article on this has:
- Page offsets are not yet supported e.g. logosres:hlmnbblhbk;ref=Page.p_591;off=759 will go to the start of the page. It is possible to link directly to a heading, even if that heading is in the middle of the page, but doing so is rather fiddly.
And it looks as though that is still a limitation.
I have updated the Personal Books wiki article to reflect a much easier way to get accurate text offsets.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
I have updated the Personal Books wiki article to reflect a much easier way to get accurate text offsets.
Thanks Dave - appreciated.