Verbum 9 Loads a lot slower than Verbum 8?

Chris K
Chris K Member Posts: 223 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Hello, I am curious if anyone else is noticing Verbum 9 loading a lot slower than Verbum 8?   I have a pretty large library, but I was always amazed at how fast Verbum 8 was (especially compared to Verbum 7), but now, Verbum 9 seems to be going back to the slow times...has anyone else experienced this?

FYI this is the case on the 3 computers I use Verbum on.  2 of them I did a completely fresh install of Verbum on after 9 came out.  I do have my whole library downloaded (13,891 resources), but it was that way in 8 (minus a few resources).
