8.17 SR-1 ( is now available

The Logos Bible Software desktop application version 8.17 SR-1 is now available to all users.
To immediately update to the current stable version, enter the Update Now command. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it's scheduled to check for updates.
The link to Release Notes is non-functional.
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Hello! I kind of put myself between a rock and hard place while fiddling with my Logos 9 upgrades. I was able to download and install 9 to my desktop iMac, but then attempted to install 9 on my old MacBook Air. I foolishly drug the Logos 9 icon to the application folder to overwrite the existing file, even though the big translucent "don't do this circle with a line through it" was over the 9 icon. My software on my laptop is still 10.13x, and I can't upgrade to the required 10.14x because of the age of my computer. So when I reinstalled Logos 8 off of the old dmg file, when I attempted to open the application, I get an error message that some of my resources require 8.17 sr-1 to function, and my only option is to exit the program. So now I have no way using Logos of any variety on my laptop at this time. Do you have any ideas where I can direct download 8.17 sr-1 so I can once again use my laptop for when I travel, which is weekly? Any help will but super much appreciated! Thank you!!
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Philip Palm said:
Do you have any ideas where I can direct download 8.17 sr-1 ...
Logos Wiki has => Quick Installation onto Multiple Macs and => Logos Downloads Archive
Keep Smiling [:)]
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My Logos is stuck at 8.9 SR-1 ( Typing "update now" in the command line / search bar lets me check for updates, but after "checking for updates..." shows in the top right, I get a notification in the bottom right "No updates available: no updates ere found."
Is there a way to overcome this? Simply redownload from the web?
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Joshua Jensen said:
My Logos is stuck at 8.9 SR-1 (
Curious about operating system version ?
Logos Wiki Logos Release History includes:
Joshua Jensen said:Simply redownload from the web?
Likely yes, could enable Diagnostic Logging , launch Logos, retry "update now" command. If update fails then upload diagnostic log files for troubleshooting.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Joshua Jensen said:
Is there a way to overcome this? Simply redownload from the web?
The link in the top post is no good - use this link for Logos 8 Setup.
===Windows 11 & Android 13