A Library of Sermons by S. Lewis Johnson

Please see this thread for some details: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/127671/831159.aspx#831159
Compile as type Monograph. Lots of Warnings in the log, but I think they're the annoyance kind that don't really matter, except for the Hebrew language warnings, which I don't know how to remedy.
I compiled all 1200 in one volume; it doesn't take long. I don't really know about the pros/cons on compiling sermons as one big volume vs a few smaller ones. I added a 3-character prefix to their file names to force into canon order for the expository series. After that, the series aren't in a particular order. Suggested cover inside the zip.
© Believers Chapel. Website: BelieversChapelDallas.org
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
Excellent.. Thank you!!!
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Downloaded and compiled - thank you!
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Thank you!
Grace & Peace,
MSI GF63 8RD, I-7 8850H, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 2TB HDD, NVIDIA GTX 1050Max
iPhone 12 Pro Max 512Gb
iPad 9th Gen iOS 15.6, 256GB0 -
Thanks, looks great![:D]
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Much appreciated Robert. Thanks.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Thanks, Robert.
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Very much appreciated. Thanks!
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Thank you! I appreciate the time you put into this!
Keith Pang, PhD Check out my blog @ https://keithkpang.wixsite.com/magnifyingjesus
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A lot of work was put into this. Thank you so much for your efforts and generosity. Keep well Paul
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Thank you very much!
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Thanks so much for the library of so many sermons. Very much appreciated indeed. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas as to how best to add these files ot Logos 6 as PBB or as several PBB's. Are all the files if docx form or does one have to go through them singly and save them as docx files to send to Logos 6. Thanks for your help.
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They are already docx files. I simply added them all to one PB without any difficulty.
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I have discovered that I missed the expository section for 2 Corinthians (36 sermons) when I was retrieving the PDFs. I have added those to the zip file I originally posted on Dropbox (the link is repeated below) and there's a zip for just the 2 Corinthians files.
Original zip with 2Cor added: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j7e6u3dqjtm2riz/Sermons_Johnson.zip?dl=0
2 Corinthians: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f7cnylvf315arol/SLJ_2Corinthians.zip?dl=0
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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Thanks Robert ! [Y]
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Yes, thanks again
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Has the index been revised to point to a compiled personal book? Or is the index still only pointing to the webpages where the sermons are found?
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Hi Mark:
Sorry, I missed your post until now.
I had created the Index as a way to partially share my work on this until I ascertained the copyright holder's position on how the transcripts might be shared. When a fellow Logos user pointed to a published policy that indicated I could post the full-text sermons here, I posted them. My tacit assumption was that the full-text transcript PB would render the Index unnecessary. So, I don't think I'll be updating the Index. However, if you have a need that I'm not thinking of, let me know and I'll update the Index with the additional 2Cor sermons.
In any case, including resource links wouldn't help anyone but me, as (I think) the links to a PB are unique to the compiled PB on a particular account. Someone should correct me if I'm wrong.
Look at this resource link to one of the sermons: logosres:pbb:6f0d5eb7464248f99023690436c33216;hw=Greatest or its URL equivalent: https://ref.ly/logosres/pbb:6f0d5eb7464248f99023690436c33216;hw=Greatest . This looks to me like it would be unique to me. Also, when you compile the full-text sermons, make sure you check out the "Index" section at the very bottom. Logos has provided us a great tool for compiling sermons.
Off-topic: Wouldn't it be great, though, if we had a Word macro that would take an Excel dump of one's library and scan a .docx for resource references and then tag them?
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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No problem, Robert. Thanks for all your help
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Two issues have come up with this:
1. I think I might have fat-fingered this into Dropbox outer darkness. 2. I discovered that Google has changed search syntax, so I had to edit the files.
The file linked below has been fixed.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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I guess I am a little lost here. I downloaded the .zip file. Expanded it and now have a file with lots of sermon texts. What do I do with them now? Is there an index I am supposed to turn into a PB?
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Dan Starcevich said:
lots of sermon texts. What do I do with them now? Is there an index I am supposed to turn into a PB?
Hi Dan:
Sorry; things sometimes get assumed on the Files forum.
You appear to be familiar with PBs, but have you checked out this Wiki page?: https://wiki.logos.com/Personal_Books
In the meantime, here's what to do with these hundreds of docx files:
- Tools-->Personal Books (after Tools, just type 'pers' and it the tool will be easy to find)
- Add book
- Enter title
- Enter author
- Enter such other metadata as you need
- For this resource, use 'Monograph' for Type
- If you want a picture of Dr. Johnson on the cover, click Change... under the cover placeholder. I included a nice picture in the zip file.
- Click the Add file... button and navigate to the folder where you unzipped the zip file.
- Sort by file name, if it isn't already.
- Select the first file, scroll down and hold the Shift key and click the last file and click Open.
- Click the Build Book button. When it's done it will open the new resource.
I named the files such that expository sermons are in canonical order in the resource, with topical sermons at the end.
The first thing you'll want to explore in the new resource are the Indexes. Open the Table Of Contents pane and scroll to the bottom. You'll see the sermons grouped by Passage, Topic, and Tags. The Date of the sermons weren't available to me. The Topics and Tags are a bit on the weak side; since it wouldn't be practical to tag them manually, I automated the Topics from words in the titles and the Tags are the 6-7 most used words in the sermon, with stop-words filtered.
You will also begin to notice Dr. Johnson's sermons appearing the the Sermons section of various guides (Passage, Topic, etc.).
When you navigate to a sermon, you can click the Web/Audio link. This will perform a Google search to get you within a click or two of finding the audio of the sermon. It's this part I had to re-do recently because Google has done some monkeying-around with search language.
Sad caveat: Personal Books are not available on phones, tablets, or the Web App.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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Thanks so much! I have it in my library now. What a wonderful resource. Thanks for your work on making this available in such a usable format.
In His Grace,