Henry Eyster Jacobs just shipped!

Yes indeed, today the CP-participants and PrePub signers received Henry Eyster Jacobs' book https://www.logos.com/product/198436/a-history-of-the-evangelical-lutheran-church-in-the-united-states as a part of the 13-vol bundle "The American Church History Series".
Now church history may not be everybody's first choice of recreational reading, let alone serious study. Isn't Jacobs even mentioned twice in Jordan Cooper's short list of top Lutheran Systematic theologies? Yes, that's right, as some may have seen in a recent Reading List covering those works.
but while we have access to the smaller, more lightweight edition of "Elements of Religion" through Ken McGuire's ceaseless work as provider of PB sources (thanks again, Ken!), the "lot more in depth" (Cooper's words) "Summary of the Christian Faith" is sitting in Community Pricing since years - see for yourself: https://www.logos.com/product/43138/a-summary-of-the-christian-faith
But at leasts it's moving upward and as of today is beyond the 80% production cost level - at an unbelievable cheap bidding price of $9 (compare this to other Lutheran Systematic Theologies on Cooper's list!).
So you see, my motive for writing this post is encouraging people interested in Lutheran products to bid $9 for Jacobs' book, so we somewhen soon can refer to this when writing "Henry Eyster Jacobs just shipped!"
Thanks to all who participate in the CP.
Have joy in the Lord!
Replying to myself here: it seems that https://www.logos.com/product/43138/a-summary-of-the-christian-faith is now near the 95% mark and needs just a tiny number of additional bidders at $9 for such a resource.
Looking at the curve it seems illusory to ask bidders to up their bids to $10 (noting I'm in at $11 for seven years now) but of course those few who bid less than $9 are warmly invited to reconsider [:)]
Have joy in the Lord!
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Last chance: it seems Faithlife re-evaluated the production cost and thus https://www.logos.com/product/43138/a-summary-of-the-christian-faith is now fully funded at unbelievable $7 ! Even $6 may be possible if some new bidders decide to go for it. But if you're on the edge, don't wait too long, the book will enter production on Friday.
Have joy in the Lord!