I need some expert help with a complex search term

I have been tasked to write a reflection paper on a book by Timothy Keller using the prompt:
“The way to serve God at work is to make as much money as you can, so that you can be as generous as you can.”
Can someone help me with a search term that will show me everything in my resources that is relevant to that prompt? Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
I found this article... https://purposeinleadership.com/2014/11/10/serve-god-in-your-work/ And this book... https://www.logos.com/product/136713/every-good-endeavor-connecting-your-work-to-gods-work Factbook may be helpful using the book.IHSA said:I have been tasked to write a reflection paper on a book by Timothy Keller using the prompt:
“The way to serve God at work is to make as much money as you can, so that you can be as generous as you can.”
Can someone help me with a search term that will show me everything in my resources that is relevant to that prompt? Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.
International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.
MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3.2 1TB SSD
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I found this article... https://purposeinleadership.com/2014/11/10/serve-god-in-your-work/ And this book... https://www.logos.com/product/136713/every-good-endeavor-connecting-your-work-to-gods-work Factbook may be helpful using the book.
Thank You! But what I am looking for is a search term that I can use to search my library for resources to help me on this matter.
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Try serve (God, Christ, Jesus, Lord) NEAR (work, business, enterprise, money)IHSA said:I found this article... https://purposeinleadership.com/2014/11/10/serve-god-in-your-work/ And this book... https://www.logos.com/product/136713/every-good-endeavor-connecting-your-work-to-gods-work Factbook may be helpful using the book.
Thank You! But what I am looking for is a search term that I can use to search my library for resources to help me on this matter.
Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.
International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.
MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3.2 1TB SSD
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Thank yo so much Brother. That is very helpful.
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Just a starting point: money NEAR generous.
wait for KS4J though. KS4J will have a way better search. KS4J always does.
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Maybe improving is... serve (God, Christ, Jesus, Lord) NEAR (using, employing, practicing) (work, business, enterprise, money)
Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.
International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.
MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3.2 1TB SSD
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Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.
International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.
MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3.2 1TB SSD
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IHSA said:
I have been tasked to write a reflection paper on a book by Timothy Keller using the prompt:
“The way to serve God at work is to make as much money as you can, so that you can be as generous as you can.”
Can someone help me with a search term that will show me everything in my resources that is relevant to that prompt?
Search idea for a number of articles & chapters to consider:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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IHSA said:
“The way to serve God at work is to make as much money as you can, so that you can be as generous as you can.”
Some ideas:
Reflection: think of the positive, negative and the possible.
Do you want to see the topic from a macro or micro view? or maybe a combination?
Money is an artifact, that has value in a society where it can be used as an exchange method in a free market, and is generally considered positive to have (attitude), to be able to provide for the needs of the family / clan.
The Bible talks about unjust wealth. Does it have to do with the way it is obtained?
E.g. Middleman exploits producers, and abuses final consumer, pays little to the former, and charges much to the latter, he then makes good profit, is this ethical?
How about if the product or service does not cause harm, and uses money from the final user that would have spent it on vice, to help evangelize that same market segment that is paying for the product or service? definitively a gray area.
Now what if the profit margin is low, and producer is well payed, and final consumer not charged too much, but the process of producing the product poisons substrata water or causes contamination to other Earth resources?
What about stakeholders, people that live in the community where the goods are manufactured, are they bearing too great a burden with contaminated rivers due to toxic residues byproduct of production processes?
Then the distribution problem: is it ok to have the owner of the means of production get the most of the surplus amount gotten by the selling of the products produced?
Scandinavia has moved to what is called the middle way: not untamed capitalism, neither ineffective communism, but they chose middle of the way: cooperativism.
The means of production are owned collectively, and the surplus of benefits produced by the selling of the products is distributed evenly among the members of the cooperative. This seems to be more in line with the Bible thrust of having things (means of production in this case) in common.
So there is many angles in which you can reflect on the acquisition of wealth in a free market, by various means.
It is important that the initiatives be socially responsible (cause no harm, help with problems, creates better living conditions, etc), take care of right distribution of excedents (profit), and has systems where injustices (in the productive organization itself) are prevented and investigated to prevent recurrence of waste, abuse, misuse, etc.
There are many good resources that can give both macro and micro views on the productive and economic process:
Now about serving God is a topic in itself: can we serve God in a free market where power players usually set their interests above regular humanity?
Many cooperatives have allowed groups of people to achieve many important socioeconomic goals in a more christian way. Have they checked to see that there is no exploitation in there supply chain or the distribution system? that depends on the particular cooperative.
In Scandinavia over 40% Gnp is contributed by cooperatives, and they have some of the highest quality of life standards, could something similar be achieved in western countries?
Possibilities are very interesting.
Hope you can see that there are many angles when reflecting about systems that are supposed to be in support of human flourishing, and not the other way around (humans in support of unregulated resource depleting capitalism that benefits very few in the long run).
Different angle for further research, reflection and constructive comment.
Peace and grace.
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"There are many good resources that can give both macro and micro views on the productive and economic process:
Well! that about answers the Original Poster's (OP) question within the forum guidelines.
I read the rest of your post, Hamilton, some of it resonated and some of it made me fume. It is very hard to ask unbiased questions and, from my reading, you didn't try very hard.
When help such as the OP seeks this arises, I wonder if you would consider writing a blog or something on another platform and pointing those interested to it by providing a link.
Something like 'If you would like to read my thoughts on how to progress your study you can find them here".
I do really resent being made to fume on a forum I enjoy because of its practical and technical nature.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Mike Binks said:
I read the rest of your post, Hamilton, some of it resonated and some of it made me fume. It is very hard to ask unbiased questions and, from my reading, you didn't try very hard.
I do really resent being made to fume on a forum I enjoy because of its practical and technical nature.
Some people are given "favored" status on the Forums by the implicit moderators (aka MVPs), so they are allowed to circumvent Forum guidelines.
As a capitalist, I had to restrain myself from not responding to this post.
I believe in a Win-Win-Win God.
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Mike Binks said:
I read the rest of your post, Hamilton, some of it resonated and some of it made me fume. It is very hard to ask unbiased questions and, from my reading, you didn't try very hard.
How can one add different angles to a person's conceptual framework so they can look for resources that can help them pursue interesting angles to them without mentioning some of the key issues involved in the analysis?
I am not saying that capitalism is wrong, but that some see that untamed it can be dangerous, some are very communist oriented, when in reality most such experiments have not been as successful as expected.
I mentioned cooperativism because maybe interested persons may want to explore if there is a relation between quality of life and such system that needs to work in a free market.
If the different issues involved are not mentioned how can the string effective searches to leverage his particular L9 library?
I am trying to help the person, just as I would like to be helped by giving some conceptual framework so that I can research better. Thanks to the person asking for the particular subject, I was able to find very good resources that I did not know existed, is not that part of the goal of the forums? to help persons find good resources and advice to leverage their L9 libraries?
Maybe there is a good suggestion, to develop a button so that one can hide the input of certain person, so that all I write can be hidden from you and others that take most of my input as trying to violate guidelines on purpose.
I do know that I would not use such button, as I am aware that I have not ultimate truth under my arm, and must give everyone a chance to express their mind so I can be aware of angles I am ignorant about in certain issues.
I am not trying to start polemics, but to give wide venues for further research, in the end each must come to their own conclusions.
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1Cor10:31 said:
Some people are given "favored" status on the Forums by the implicit moderators (aka MVPs), so they are allowed to circumvent Forum guidelines.
Hi 1Cor10:31:
How would you go about making explicit certain key issues in a topic for further research, reflection and constructive comment, without "violating guidelines"?
Many here are capitalists, and are very aware that Christian ethics are very important to be aware of certain hazards that can happen if not careful, my point was that there are many good resources that can help one enlarge conceptual framework in this area.
At no point I am saying that one system is better than other, I am just pointing out that under certain circumstances, there are some systems that work well within free markets, and seem to be better aligned with Biblical Christianity something that FL most likely understand (study and application of the Bible), and maybe approve.
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Hamilton Ramos said:
How can one add different angles to a person's conceptual framework so they can look for resources that can help them pursue interesting angles to them without mentioning some of the key issues involved in the analysis?
In this forum, one does not help by condescending to assume that a person needs different angles adding to their conceptual framework.
In another setting, this supposed intellectual stimulation might be appropriate. In my opinion, it is not appropriate here first because it violates forum guidelines, and second, it looks like grandstanding.
I think you could just about get away with my suggestion of pointing the OP to a Blog Post or similar that you prepared and posted elsewhere.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Hamilton Ramos said:
At no point I am saying that one system is better than other.
See below what you said...
Hamilton Ramos said:Scandinavia has moved to what is called the middle way: not untamed capitalism, neither ineffective communism, but they chose middle of the way: cooperativism.
The means of production are owned collectively, and the surplus of benefits produced by the selling of the products is distributed evenly among the members of the cooperative. This seems to be more in line with the Bible thrust of having things (means of production in this case) in common.
You are effectively stating that the Bible endorses Scandinavian way of running the economy.
I have no interest in giving people a history lesson of capitalism vs. communism vs some middle ground.
Hamilton Ramos said:I am just pointing out that under certain circumstances, there are some systems that work well within free markets, and seem to be better aligned with Biblical Christianity something that FL most likely understand (study and application of the Bible), and maybe approve.
If this doesn't sound like you're expressing an opinion, it is because you've been free to express opinions because of your "favored" boy status! [It is like if I don't censure my students when they cheat, it encourages them to cheat more and over time, they don't even think of it as cheating]
I believe in a Win-Win-Win God.
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1Cor10:31 said:
it is because you've been free to express opinions because of your "favored" boy status!
He does not have favored boy status to the best of my knowledge. I think of it more as "only Faithlife can handle". In my mental list there are less than a handful of forum members on this list. It is because I know that I don't know how to communicate with them that I tend to avoid them. No need to expose the forums to my foreseeable failures.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Mike Binks said:
In another setting, this supposed intellectual stimulation might be appropriate. In my opinion, it is not appropriate here first because it violates forum guidelines, and second, it looks like grandstanding.
Seems a conjecture based on scant objective evidence. I am not an expert at search, but I do know a thing or two about cooperatives, and how they have been very successful into aiding with persons socioeconomic situations.
It has worked well with French Canadians, people in England and Germany, and is working for us. Not many persons are acquainted with Cooperativism, which done right, seems to be very aligned with Bible thrust for justice and mercy.
So I ask the same question I asked another poster:
How would you go about making explicit certain key issues in a topic for further research, reflection and constructive comment, without "violating guidelines"?
Mike Binks said:I think you could just about get away with my suggestion of pointing the OP to a Blog Post or similar that you prepared and posted elsewhere.
Is not pointing to a personal blog another no no?
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1Cor10:31 said:
You are effectively stating that the Bible endorses Scandinavian way of running the economy.
If you see, I wrote very clearly the following:
1Cor10:31 said:and seem to be better aligned with Biblical Christianity
obviously there have been cases in which the cooperative does not.
1Cor10:31 said:free to express opinions because of your "favored" boy status!
what makes you think I am favored?, I try to be very respectful of other posters, and try to post relevant and useful information so that anyone interested can research further using the amazing tools L9 provides.
I would love to read about your thoughts about capitalism, communism, and other ways, because I am sure I would learn a lot, and many angles not obvious to me now would open.
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MJ. Smith said:
He does not have favored boy status to the best of my knowledge. I think of it more as "only Faithlife can handle". In my mental list there are less than a handful of forum members on this list. It is because I know that I don't know how to communicate with them that I tend to avoid them.
As a researcher, we always ask why? Why do we ask "why?"? To get to the ultimate cause of anything and everything. In this context, what causes a person to get on the "favored" list that shields the person from censure and allows the person to opine at every given opportunity? Financial economists would say that people behave the way they do based on the implicit and explicit incentives facing them.
Let's say I see a student cheating and the student sees me seeing him cheat. If I don’t censure him, I am providing implicit incentives for him to cheat even more in the future. There doesn’t have to be explicit incentive encouraging him to cheat. The people on the "favored" list got there because they were not censured when they opined. The result is that they got bolder and bolder.
I believe in a Win-Win-Win God.
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Hamilton Ramos said:
Is not pointing to a personal blog another no no?
No it is not (note my bold added):
Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:Please abide by the following guidelines as you interact on our forums.
- Please keep your discussions focused on Logos Bible Software: our software, products, websites, company, tools, etc.
- Please do not discuss or debate biblical, theological, or other controversial topics. Use one of the many web forums intended for these kinds of discussions.
- Please treat each other with the love, courtesy, respect, and kindness that you would if you were sitting in your living room together.
- Please do not use our forums to
- sell or give away anything or link to anything you’re selling or giving away—including Logos products
- promote or link to competitors
- promote affiliate links or discounts
- point people to other places that sell Logos-compatible products
- advertise yourself, your business, your ministry, your website, etc. (a tasteful link in your forum signature is acceptable)
- post Logos Coupon Codes. If you are aware of a special promotion Logos is running online, you are welcome to link directly to the promotion.
- Please search before posting. It’s likely that someone has already asked your question.
- Please help others follow these guidelines. If the problems continue after you’ve given a gentle reminder of these expectations, please click “Report Abuse” under “More” or send an email to forums@logos.com. If a user is a repeat offender, we may temporarily suspend their account. If the offenses continue, we reserve the right to permanently ban the offender's account from the forums either by shadow banning it or blocking it entirely.
Thank you for your cooperation. Enjoy discussing and learning about Logos Bible Software.
Others, including Faithlife employees, have occasionally pointed to a specific personal blog entry when it directly relates to the issue at hand.
However please reread the sixth guideline in the context of
Hamilton Ramos said:I would love to read about your thoughts about capitalism, communism, and other ways, because I am sure I would learn a lot, and many angles not obvious to me now would open.
Encouraging someone to violate the guidelines is clearly a violation of the guidelines.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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1Cor10:31 said:
As a researcher, we always ask why?
I agree. We ASK why. Answers that apply to particular people in the forums over the years:
- because he is on heavy medication that sometimes clouds his judgment. We agreed that "go mow your lawn" would be how I told him his meds were getting the better of him and he should take a break. It served its purpose and avoided constant mention of his health concerns in the forums.
- because his wife informed us that his tone is the result of brain damage from a stroke and that the forums are one of his few enjoyable activities. When his behavior was questioned, someone would explain why we cut him some slack
- because FL responded to one of my many reports of outlandish behavior with a note that they were very aware of the problem and were working on it -- so I report the posts as abuse but say nothing publicly as that would subject the forum users to more of his vitriol.
- because the poster is known to be fighting disabling mental illness and is clearly not responding well to their current meds - they will get stabilized and there are forum friends behind the scenes trying to ensure he does not embarrass himself.
- because I know every post of the person has been removed and that a permanent ban is in the works.
- because I have so much trouble communicating with the person that I have simply quite reading his/her posts and therefore have not seen what I should object to this time. There are enough forum users still reading the person's posts that they should be reported without my involvement.
I think that illustrates why a researcher asks rather than assuming they are favored.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
advertise yourself, your business, your ministry, your website
To me sending someone to a particular website seems like proselitizing, unless the person actually asks for further explanation.
Then we have the term discussing, to me is different from mentioning something for further research. Discussing is actually engaging in giving arguments to prove a point, which is very different from mentioning some issues that may aid in better search using Logos (tools), getting better resources (products), promoting critical thinking (for edification), etc.
From the guidelines we can tell that intent is as important as object. If a person is trying to help persons leverage their L9, how can that be guideline violation?
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MJ. Smith said:
I agree. We ASK why. Answers that apply to particular people in the forums over the years:
- because he is on heavy medication that sometimes clouds his judgment. We agreed that "go mow your lawn" would be how I told him his meds were getting the better of him and he should take a break. It served its purpose and avoided constant mention of his health concerns in the forums.
- because his wife informed us that his tone is the result of brain damage from a stroke and that the forums are one of his few enjoyable activities. When his behavior was questioned, someone would explain why we cut him some slack
- because FL responded to one of my many reports of outlandish behavior with a note that they were very aware of the problem and were working on it -- so I report the posts as abuse but say nothing publicly as that would subject the forum users to more of his vitriol.
- because the poster is known to be fighting disabling mental illness and is clearly not responding well to their current meds - they will get stabilized and there are forum friends behind the scenes trying to ensure he does not embarrass himself.
- because I know every post of the person has been removed and that a permanent ban is in the works.
- because I have so much trouble communicating with the person that I have simply quite reading his/her posts and therefore have not seen what I should object to this time. There are enough forum users still reading the person's posts that they should be reported without my involvement.
For a Forum of this size, I find this number to be surprisingly few. But, still sorry that the MVPs have to put up with this.
I'm appreciative of the many people on this Forum (you, Dave Hooten, Graham Criddle, JT come to the top of my mind) who gladly spend their time responding to people's requests.
MJ. Smith said:
I think that illustrates why a researcher asks rather than assuming they are favored.
In our profession as financial economists, we sometimes do surveys to ask people their preferences. But we know that people can lie, so surveys are a poor tool to infer preferences. Therefore, we try to validate revealed preferences obtained through surveys using data.
What I've observed on the Forum is that some people gladly flout Forum guidelines repeatedly without being censured. That's the basis on which I tag some people as "favored."
I believe in a Win-Win-Win God.
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Hamilton Ramos said:MJ. Smith said:
advertise yourself, your business, your ministry, your website
To me sending someone to a particular website seems like proselitizing, unless the person actually asks for further explanation.
Then we have the term discussing, to me is different from mentioning something for further research. Discussing is actually engaging in giving arguments to prove a point, which is very different from mentioning some issues that may aid in better search using Logos (tools), getting better resources (products), promoting critical thinking (for edification), etc.
From the guidelines we can tell that intent is as important as object. If a person is trying to help persons leverage their L9, how can that be guideline violation?
I don't think anybody thought about making 'grandstanding' against the forum rules but I might suggest that it is included in the next revision.
Answering a person's question, in the terms with which they asked it. Refusing to engage with questions that are provocatively doctrinal. Both of these are perfectly acceptable and encouraged.
Assuming one needs your assistance in framing supplementary questions is condescending.
Providing that uncalled for, and implicitly, agreement-breaking post earlier in this thread is out of order. As 'out of order' as the previous and similarly structured posts, you have dropped into other threads and which you have been repeatedly asked to desist from posting.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Mike Binks said:
Assuming one needs your assistance in framing supplementary questions is condescending.
This is what I do not understand, I am trying to bring attention to something that can be important in the economic sphere for Christian believers, the only person that knows if is condescending or not is the one that originated the thread.
If it was you asking for input, I would not have mentioned, as I could make an educated guess that you know a bit about cooperatives due to its origin location point.
You can call me condescending all you want, but my question is simple:
How can we make explicit key issues in a topic without going into polemics nor violating guidelines?
By mentioning cooperatives, I was giving another angle so it could be compared with other systems and facilitate to see different ways that profit maximization could be looked at from.
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1Cor10:31 said:MJ. Smith said:
I agree. We ASK why. Answers that apply to particular people in the forums over the years:
- because he is on heavy medication that sometimes clouds his judgment. We agreed that "go mow your lawn" would be how I told him his meds were getting the better of him and he should take a break. It served its purpose and avoided constant mention of his health concerns in the forums.
- because his wife informed us that his tone is the result of brain damage from a stroke and that the forums are one of his few enjoyable activities. When his behavior was questioned, someone would explain why we cut him some slack
- because FL responded to one of my many reports of outlandish behavior with a note that they were very aware of the problem and were working on it -- so I report the posts as abuse but say nothing publicly as that would subject the forum users to more of his vitriol.
- because the poster is known to be fighting disabling mental illness and is clearly not responding well to their current meds - they will get stabilized and there are forum friends behind the scenes trying to ensure he does not embarrass himself.
- because I know every post of the person has been removed and that a permanent ban is in the works.
- because I have so much trouble communicating with the person that I have simply quite reading his/her posts and therefore have not seen what I should object to this time. There are enough forum users still reading the person's posts that they should be reported without my involvement.
For a Forum of this size, I find this number to be surprisingly few. But, still sorry that the MVPs have to put up with this.
The only one that I felt I was putting up with was the one I knew FL was working on. I believe very strongly in an inclusive, compassionate church which is, therefore, what I expect to see in the Logos users. And, yes, in church services I am never surprised by disruptive people whose history must be understood to know why they are tolerated.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Hamilton Ramos said:
To me sending someone to a particular website seems like proselitizing,
I certainly hope not as I have often linked to site that contain the requested information but which I believe to be promoting heresies. Sending someone to a library isn't proselytizing - it's informing, educating,.and decreasing the amount of misinformation/disinformation believed in the world.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Hamilton Ramos said:
How can we make explicit key issues in a topic without going into polemics nor violating guidelines?
You cannot unless the original question was framed in the context of "how can I research ..." It is best to read the forums in the context of assuming that each and every user is more competent than yourself in some aspects. Assume they have framed their question well to obtain the information they need. To assume that they need help formulating questions for their research is condescending and demeaning unless there is an obvious flaw in their original question such as assuming the American religious landscape is representative of the world's religious landscape. And should their question be ill-formed, limit yourself to a sentence or two to describe why it is ill-formed and a sentence or two for a proposed rewording. Beyond that is often perceived as grandstanding.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Hamilton Ramos said:
the only person that knows if is condescending or not is the one that originated the thread.
I originated the thread and I do find it condescending. I have an MBA in economics and am a DBA candidate.
I am offended that you hijacked my post to push your own agenda. You answered several questions that I never asked and never did answer the ONE question that I did ask. I was simply looking for a sophisticated search term to use in searching my library.
Since you have taken over this post for your own personal promotion, I stand virtually no chance of getting any response to the very specific question I asked.
Please start your own thread if you want to engage in self aggrandizement.
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Are you still working on this project? If so, perhaps we can get this back to topic.IHSA said:I stand virtually no chance of getting any response to the very specific question I asked.
Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.
International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.
MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3.2 1TB SSD
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IHSA said:
“The way to serve God at work is to make as much money as you can, so that you can be as generous as you can.”
Can someone help me with a search term that will show me everything in my resources that is relevant to that prompt? Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
I'm sorry you haven't gotten a satisfactory answer. I did not offer a solution because it relates to people and theological positions that I know so little about that I can't offer a decent vocabulary. Starting from a position of complete ignorance, I would search all resources for "(purpose NEAR wealth) OR generosity"
I would scan the results:
- first, to find resources related to Keller and his buddies
- second, to find early church positions on the issue
- third, to find commentaries on passages that I found in the above two groups of resources.
- finally, to find resources that might fill the holes I have in my research
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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IHSA said:
I was simply looking for a sophisticated search term to use in searching my library.
Some Search queries were provided in the early posts. I took some words from your request and used make money and be generous (without quotes) in a Bible Search. The FUZZY Bible Search has some results of interest.
A Basic Search of ALL Resources for money NEAR generous was also productive (use "Match all word forms").
Try generosity in a Topic Guide, as that has results in "Dictionary of Bible Themes" and other resources + other suggestions for a search.
Sophistication/complexity many times comes from simplification.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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IHSA said:
I have been tasked to write a reflection paper on a book by Timothy Keller using the prompt:
“The way to serve God at work is to make as much money as you can, so that you can be as generous as you can.”
Can someone help me with a search term that will show me everything in my resources that is relevant to that prompt?
Search idea for a number of articles & chapters to consider:
Added some search terms:
[field heading,largetext] looks for words in Article names and Chapter headings. WITHIN searches for words in Article names and Chapter headings plus ## words in the Article/Chapter beginning. If have a resource that would like included in search, suggest looking for distinctive word(s) to expand search. Another search modification is changing ## word proximity.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Hamilton Ramos said:
How can we make explicit key issues in a topic without going into polemics nor violating guidelines?
You can not. So do not.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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IHSA said:
Since you have taken over this post for your own personal promotion, I stand virtually no chance of getting any response to the very specific question I asked.
Greetings IHSA and may I apologise for my part in the diversion of the thread.
Some of us, I'm sure, think that Hamilton has the potential to be a valuable member of the Forum community. He obviously uses the Software quite a lot and, no doubt, should be able to offer insights on how to use it effectively.
There are very few here that respond to his posts, similar to the one posted in this thread, and engage with the content therein. If we did the thread would have veered off even more than it has done. Such posts seem only to get the response 'Please don't!' to which we get 'Why not?' and off the thread goes explaining forum guidelines once more.
I do hope some of the apposite replies you have had have helped with the search term you sought.
Once again; Sorry for my part in the dilution of the content.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Mike Binks said:Hamilton Ramos said:
How can we make explicit key issues in a topic without going into polemics nor violating guidelines?
You can not. So do not.
Key issues have key words, which can be searched (as requested for this thread).
can be simplified to see if particular word(s) have intriguing results: e.g.
Today is the 22nd so reading Proverbs 22 provided another key word for reflective paper searching: reputation
Thankful for Bookstore section in Search that shows search results in resources currently not owned.
Expanded complex search of Articles/Chapters to consider for reflection paper is:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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IHSA said:
I originated the thread and I do find it condescending. I have an MBA in economics and am a DBA candidate.
I am offended that you hijacked my post to push your own agenda. You answered several questions that I never asked and never did answer the ONE question that I did ask. I was simply looking for a sophisticated search term to use in searching my library.
Thanks for the clarification,IHSA, I in no moment think that you are not very competent, I just suggested a not so often mentioned approach, but if is not of help, my apologies.
For anyone interested in cooperatives:
IHSA said:Please start your own thread if you want to engage in self aggrandizement.
I really do not understand why so many think I am into self aggrandizement, I am more into expanding conceptual framework (mostly mine), and I do have too much of a "check all, retain what is good" attitude that seems to be misinterpreted.
Once again, at no moment did I try to be condescending, maybe I came across like so, but my intent was other. Disregard anything that I wrote that you find not useful.
Peace and grace.
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Mike Binks said:
You can not. So do not.
See Mike this is what is confusing to me. FL sometimes goes into topic of the month in their blog, then gives some pointers of what is involved, then list many good resources that follow up on that.
There are so many topics, that I would think FL cannot be detailing in their blog all of them, so I wonder how a similar process for persons that want certain information on certain topic can identify key concepts and get a list of resources that can be helpful.
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Key issues have key words, which can be searched (as requested for this thread).
Excellent KS4J, and maybe keywords related to topics could be a project FL could take on. If not mistaken FL has a huge controlled vocabulary list that could be tailored in a similar way to Dictionary of Bible themes, to allow for relevant searches within particular topics.
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MJ. Smith said:
I certainly hope not as I have often linked to site that contain the requested information but which I believe to be promoting heresies. Sending someone to a library isn't proselytizing - it's informing, educating,.and decreasing the amount of misinformation/disinformation believed in the world.
I have always followed the links you suggest MJ, and have found them very useful. What I was referring is a personal link to personal opinions, bias, etc.
I have never seen you offer one as such. Still, I would be pretty sure if you offered one to your personal beliefs and tradition, I know it would be very informative, and not proselytizing.
And that is much of what I am trying to convey here, there is a difference between mentioning angles for further study, and actually trying to convince persons to join one's tradition, denomination, etc.
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Hamilton Ramos said:
I would love to read about your thoughts about capitalism, communism, and other ways, because I am sure I would learn a lot, and many angles not obvious to me now would open.
Respectfully, you continue to miss the point that your initial post is outside of the scope of what the contents of this thread should contain, both from a FL policy perspective and a practical perspective. If I see a thread entitled, "Help with a Complex Search," I'd like to be able to open that thread and learn from others, especially the MVPs, tips and tricks for complex searching. I'd like to see multiple replies from others with creative ways to structure searches, since that a most challenging function in Logos. The LAST thing I want to see is a 1000 word essay on domestic or international economic theory. So your reply is actually a hindrance to others as we seek information on an important topic. It does nothing but muddy the waters of what would have otherwise been a clear stream of search wisdom. It's sad that you cannot see that.
And the OP wanted help searing his library, not suggestions on new resources to purchase.
So, again, respectfully, you missed the mark at least twice. So why not just say, "Hey folks, my apologies," and move on. Is it that hard to admit that you made a wrong turn in Albuquerque?
Myke Harbuck
Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College0 -
Myke Harbuck said:
Respectfully, you continue to miss the point that your initial post is outside of the scope of what the contents of this thread should contain, both from a FL policy perspective and a practical perspective.
Myke, I realize we'll agree to disagree. But Bob has couched the 'forum' as a large coffeetable ... discussing, respecting, etc.
And through the years, any lengthy thread has rarely stayed within an OP's initial query. Is it confusing, of course. Wastes time, of course. Frustrates, certainly. But oddly, as around a coffeetable, folks keep viewing/listening. For whatever reason, value is delivered.
In Ramos' case, the 'violation' is not taking hints. Followed up by other Logosians responding to not taking hints. And so on.
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DMB said:Myke Harbuck said:
Respectfully, you continue to miss the point that your initial post is outside of the scope of what the contents of this thread should contain, both from a FL policy perspective and a practical perspective.
Myke, I realize we'll agree to disagree. But Bob has couched the 'forum' as a large coffeetable ... discussing, respecting, etc.
And through the years, any lengthy thread has rarely stayed within an OP's initial query. Is it confusing, of course. Wastes time, of course. Frustrates, certainly. But oddly, as around a coffeetable, folks keep viewing/listening. For whatever reason, value is delivered.
In Ramos' case, the 'violation' is not taking hints. Followed up by other Logosians responding to not taking hints. And so on.
Myke Harbuck
Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College0 -
Hamilton Ramos said:Mike Binks said:
You can not. So do not.
See Mike this is what is confusing to me. FL sometimes goes into topic of the month in their blog, then gives some pointers of what is involved, then list many good resources that follow up on that.
There are so many topics, that I would think FL cannot be detailing in their blog all of them, so I wonder how a similar process for persons that want certain information on certain topic can identify key concepts and get a list of resources that can be helpful.
Which part of my reply did you find confusing?
You do point out that Faithlife deals with some things in a blog. I seem to remember suggesting that route to you.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Hi Mike,
Thanks for your gracious apology and explanation. Some people are so focused on themselves that they can't see anything wrong with eating food off of someone else's table. They think they are entitled to the privilege of pushing themselves to the forefront. I have found that with those type of people, the only solution is to deprive them of the attention they so desperately crave. Sad that someone craves attention so much that they need to get it in a digital forum.
My grandfather used to tell me that if you engaged with those types of people, it is like wrestling with a pig. You end up smelling like a pig and the pig has a good time.
Anyway, I am done with this thread. I am so very grateful to everyone who replied to my query in a meaningful and helpful manner. May the Lord bless you for your kindness and helpful efforts.
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Yes Myke I understand the problem, and that is why I asked how can key issues be identified per topic so one could do searching on their own without having to ask right away.
My understanding is that there are 3 areas respect knowledge:
There is explicit knowledge, than one can harness to do searches
there is tacit knowledge, that may lay under immediate conscious thought that may need reflection to bring it up.
There is ignored knowledge that may be an important part in the learning process (why sometimes reflection paper seem difficult, they want to push past our common envelopes).
I would imagine that with all the creativity and knowledge there would be a system to allow to be able to use all 3 to explore one's library.
Repeatedly I asked what a tool could be used to uncover and make readily available those key issues that may be ignored and that may be what the professor wants in a reflection / research assignment.
The poster that came with the best alternative was KS4J, who clearly showed that key words are useful to explore particular subjects.
I just wish that a tool was developed to be able to relate topics to keywords (which FL has a huge controlled vocabulary list that could be used for research).
I know this is off topic, but if a tool that allowed to explore using keywords per area would facilitate much research and would make users more independent in their search.
Now if the originator from the beginning had told me that my input was not welcomed, and that is was not useful, I would have deleted my post immediately, and would have not participated anymore.
In other threads advanced users (like MJ), has provided suggested workflows using keyword in L9 that successfully accomplished the task without going into a 1000 word listing.
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Hamilton Ramos said:
Now if the originator from the beginning had told me that my input was not welcomed, and that is was not useful, I would have deleted my post immediately, and would have not participated anymore.
That puts an unfair burden on the OP - especially those who are relatively new to the forums. But this post seems to indicate that you have not listened to what users, including the OP, have said. One cannot provide useful answers until one has listened to what was asked.
To be blunt:
- I don't care about your understanding of areas of knowledge UNLESS you relate it to specific tools and techniques within Logos. It is one of several ontologies of knowledge/ epistemological frameworks et. al. that can be applied - choosing the correct one for the particular situation
- I don't care that you think KS4J's answer is best. I care that the OP FOUND IT USEFUL. The best search depends upon one's personal vocabulary, the size of one's library, the data you are looking for. Only the OP has that information.
- Do you know why large research universities have trouble matching professors of similar interests across disciplines ... they've been trying for at least 50 years with little success? Keywords are specific to theories and disciplines. The vocabulary of the linguist is not the vocabulary of the literature prof is not the vocabulary of the cultural anthropologist is not the vocabulary of the model maker or the system theorist or the ... I don't care about your dreams of what might someday be possible when it is not rooted in WHAT IS POSSIBLE IN TERMS OF NEAR FUTURE LOGOS IMPLEMENTATIONS. Yes, I am very interested in helping FL push the boundaries and fill in the gaps but only within the realm of the possible.
Yes, I would love to have a forum in which to consider the application to Bible software of:
- Structures and categories for the representation of meaning by Timothy C. Potts
- The Geometry of Meaning: Semantics based on Conceptual Spaces by Peter Gardenfors
- Logic, Language, and Meaning Volume 2: Intensional Logic and Logical Grammar by L.T.F. Gamut
but until Faithlife planners expressly ask for input on a specific tool they are considering, it does not relate to LOGOS and does not belong here. The only way I can make it belong is when I see a specific format for the visualization of meaning that I know is feasible within the Logos technology and I request it in the suggestions forums.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Yes MJ, I spilled the beans.
I try now to be a passive observer in the Forums, but at times such important topics come up, that I get excited and would like to have it explored from all different angles to get a better grasp.
I realize that what I think can be important, may not be so from other posters's point of view.
It is wrong to try to participate and not have expertise to really help the person originating the post.
My apologies to IHSA again, I just want for him to know I did not mean bad. I can relate to the frustration of trying to tackle a hard task. I thought I could offer some help but did not, and on the contrary made things harder for him. Sorry about that, and I hope you can tackle your assignment without further problems.
MJ. Smith said:Do you know why large research universities have trouble matching professors of similar interests across disciplines ... they've been trying for at least 50 years with little success? Keywords are specific to theories and disciplines. The vocabulary of the linguist is not the vocabulary of the literature prof is not the vocabulary of the cultural anthropologist is not the vocabulary of the model maker or the system theorist or the ... I don't care about your dreams of what might someday be possible when it is not rooted in WHAT IS POSSIBLE IN TERMS OF NEAR FUTURE LOGOS IMPLEMENTATIONS. Yes, I am very interested in helping FL push the boundaries and fill in the gaps but only within the realm of the possible.
Excellent clarification, I do appreciate FL hard effort into providing top of the line tools for studies, and am also grateful for top of the line posters that offer help in such good faith.
To me Logos software, Forums, FL groups and the like are top notch. Just be assured that I mean no ill about such great platform nor the persons participating in the Forums.
Peace and grace.
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Hamilton Ramos said:
I try now to be a passive observer in the Forums
Hamilton, as others have said you have the potential to be a very helpful member of the forums. I think everyone understands that you are trying to be helpful. May I suggest that rather than being passive, you make small steps in being more useful now by giving yourself a few parameters. For example, for a start you could answer questions that you can answer in 4 sentences or less, one of which must mention Logos capabilities? Then watch the subsequent posts to see how useful people found your answer.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Remember I am not an expert.
I looked up the widow giving her all to the Temple in a Timothy Keller quick collection (used the cited by tool in Luke 21:1-4), and found the following:
It is hard to read so the excerpt is:
What Is the Right Way to Work for God?
At the beginning of this book, I told you that I’ve had a constant struggle figuring out what God wanted from me in light of the needs of the world. The question ringing in my mind, constantly, was: Am I doing enough for God?
The gospel teaches us that our approval by God is not based on doing “enough” for Him. Some might conclude, then, that we have no obligations to the world. The gospel isn’t about work, after all; it’s about resting in God’s work on your behalf.
It’s clear though, that Jesus expects His followers to be fervently at work in His kingdom. And if we love people like He’s loved us, than we cannot sit idly by while people perish.
But how much is enough? And is it possible to take on too much responsibility? Is enjoying any luxury here on earth a failure to really embrace the sacrificial call of the cross?
In short, I’m asking this: What does a gospel-centered approach to the brokenness of the world look like?
Greear, J. D., & Keller, T. (2011). Gospel: recovering the power that made christianity revolutionary. Nashville, TN: B&H Books.
Then I found some proximity search info in a quick Timothy Keller collection:
Not in the book that you are doing the reflection about, but gives a glimpse of what Timothy Keller's idea of the topic centers around.
In a general search (Basic), there are a lot of hits that deal with the topic.
An interesting one talks about the reward associated with risk for entrepreneurs, but then mentions that there are occupations within the system that carry a high risk, and are not rewarded accordingly within those possible entrepreneurial enterprises:
The above is my two cents, that hope is helpful to you. I understand that your library probably looks very different from mine, so not sure if the above can be of help.