Finding waw-disjunctives in Hebrew

Joshua Jensen
Joshua Jensen Member Posts: 27 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I want to count all the waw-disjunctives in Genesis. My idea right now for getting at an approximate number of the waw-disjunctives involving a Noun (phrase) is to search the Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible for Topical Frames:

<LDHB = Topical Frame> 

But this also gives me instances of fronting with no waw. So how to I make sure the that the phrase marked as a Topical Frame begins with a waw? I thought I could make a first pass with

<LDHB = Topical Frame> INTERSECTS ו

But no results. Anyone else have any ideas?

(It would be nice to skip the discourse marking and just create a search in which a noun phrase with prefixed waw- precedes the verb that it is the subject/object of. But It's not obvious how to do that. And then there would be the non-verbal clauses to deal with..)

