Read aloud function - audio connected Greek Bible NA27/28 etc not working

Rev. Ian M. Thomas
Rev. Ian M. Thomas Member Posts: 55 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

When, for instance, I have NA27 or NA28 (to have the Greek read) or ESV or any other stand-alone connected audio book and want them to be read aloud it no longer does so. The connection seems to be broke whereas it worked before - ie the cursor followed each word read.

However, if I open the audio (for the Greek it is John Schwandt. (2009). The Audio Greek New Testament. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.) directly from the library it works on its own but has no connection to the book.

Any other book that does not have an associated audio works fine with read aloud and the computer voice.

This is an important function for me as I like to hear as well as read all books but especially the Greek Bible.

