Imported images being removed from a Sermon Document after Publishing to Proclaim

This is with Logos 9.8 SR-1 on Windows 10.
I was working on a sermon document and imported some images (to act as slides) by dragging them from my desktop into the sermon document.
When I published the sermon document to Proclaim the last image (i.e. the one latest in the document) did not appear in Proclaim and was removed from the sermon document.
This removal of the image seemed to coincide with the behaviour seen by a number of people recently - that of the position in the sermon document moving to the top.
I was not doing anything in Logos at the time.
I have had a look at the Logos log file and it doesn't seem to reference this at all. I could provide log files if required but the problem seems totally reproducible.
Thoughts on this appreciated!
Thanks, Graham
Approximately how many slides are in that sermon you mentioned? Also, how long is the sermon overall (number of words)?
I just ran a quick test of a sermon with 4,000 words (34 minutes) with 5 slides but all of them came over to Proclaim. Just curious if yours is much larger or not?
Thanks for the info as we continue to look into this.
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Hi Austin
Thanks for looking at this - appreciated
The sermon has 2,414 words and there are a total of 7 slides:
- the first was created automatically by creating a Heading 1 field in Sermon Builder
- the next four I inserted manually as outlined above
- the final two were created automatically when I created further headings
Edit: But I've just tested on a test sermon doc - which has just six words in it - and inserted an image into it.
After I published it to Proclaim the slide disappeared shortly afterwards
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Graham Criddle said:
After I published it to Proclaim the slide disappeared shortly afterwards
Just to be clear, when you say it disappeared, you mean from your Sermon Builder document?
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Austin Bush said:
Just to be clear, when you say it disappeared, you mean from your Sermon Builder document?
Yes - I captured it on video and it is available at
I publish the document at about 40 seconds in and the inserted slide disappears at about 1:15 in!
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This is very helpful to see this. I noticed in the video that right before the slide disappeared, the sync spinner activated its process. I'll make sure the development team sees this and looks at it today.
Thanks again for sending this video screen capture.
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Glad it was helpful - I missed the sync spinner.
It's worth noting that the sermon that ends up in Proclaim does not have the missing slide (if that makes sense).
So it is as though the last slide (in this case the only one) is being dropped as part of sending to Proclaim and this eventually "pushes back" into Logos.