Imported images being removed from a Sermon Document after Publishing to Proclaim

Graham Criddle
Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,155
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This is with Logos 9.8 SR-1 on Windows 10.

I was working on a sermon document and imported some images (to act as slides) by dragging them from my desktop into the sermon document.

When I published the sermon document to Proclaim the last image (i.e. the one latest in the document) did not appear in Proclaim and was removed from the sermon document.

This removal of the image seemed to coincide with the behaviour seen by a number of people recently - that of the position in the sermon document moving to the top. 

I was not doing anything in Logos at the time.

I have had a look at the Logos log file and it doesn't seem to reference this at all. I could provide log files if required but the problem seems totally reproducible.

Thoughts on this appreciated!

Thanks, Graham 

