Frequency of Greek words

I would like to find rare words in the NT. Is there any way of searching in Logos for Greek words that occur, say, 8 times in the NT. I'm looking for words that occur less than 10 times
Concordance can do this easily:
You can also do this with a word list. I built one for you with all lemmas in the SBLGNT that occur 10x or less:
See also the discussion in this thread.
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Jon Dart said:
I would like to find rare words in the NT.
Concordance can also group lemma's by root
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks so much. Phil, how did you generate the word list document?
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It's quite onerous, but you have to build a Word List for the whole of the SBLGNT i.e. Mt-Rev.
Click the Count column to sort in descending order (high to low).
Click the first entry and scroll down until the Count becomes 10. Shift-click the entry above that, then press the Delete key.
- alternatively, you can select & delete smaller chunks at a time.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I did what Dave described.
You can find and create a new word list in the Docs panel/menu under the New menu.
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When I attempt to change the count range, results do not change, e.g., 11-20x. The outcome still show all possible Lemma, roughly ~137K. Any ideas? I expected the range change to be dynamic as it is elsewhere.
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Mark Arnold said:
When I attempt to change the count range, results do not change, e.g., 11-20x. The outcome still show all possible Lemma, roughly ~137K. Any ideas? I expected the range change to be dynamic as it is elsewhere.
Thread => Bug: 9.11 RC 1 Concordance Count Refine does nothing shows count range doing nothing is a known bug.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Yes. I stumbled upon your post
saved me a night of unsettled sleep. Thank you
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Then it must be fixed in 9.11 SR-1 and/or a newly generated concordance, as I had no issue with a new SBLGNT concordance in SR-1.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
Then it must be fixed in 9.11 SR-1 and/or a newly generated concordance, as I had no issue with a new SBLGNT concordance in SR-1.
Unfortunately replicated Concordance Count Bug using Logos 9.11 SR-1 on macOS Monterey 12.2 by opening to a blank layout followed by opening Concordance Tool, which generated one for SBLGNT:
Changing Count to show 11 or less Lemma's did nothing (so replicated Concordance Bug):
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks Keep Smiling 4 Jesus
I can confirm the same and running macOS Monterey but v. 12.1