Failure to complete start up

This morning I attempted to initiate Logos 9 on a Mac Book Pro using MacOS Mojave, and got the beach ball. This has not happened before. I waited for a little over an hour thinking Logos was perhaps updating something, but finally forced quit, and then reinitiated with the same results. I rebooted my computer, and Logos again failed to initiate and I got the beach ball.
Where do I go from here?
Mark A. Ellis said:
Where do I go from here?
Logs very well may be required. See my signature line.
- In most cases this is pointless, but you could try deleting the app (not the data files) and reinstalling. This is a simple fix but unlikely to work.
- Which specific MacBook Pro?
- Which specific version of macOS are you running?
- Out of curiosity: Is your computer so old that it can't be up to date with macOS?
- Have you tried running Disc Utility? (A spinning ball <could> be an indicator of a failing hard drive).
If those things don't work, provide the answers and post logs. Hopefully someone will be able to get you up and running soon.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Hi, JT.
Thank you for your response.
In answer to your questions:
MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Running Mojave 10.14.6
Every time I update systems, I lose programs, so I avoid updates as long as possible.
Will run disk utility.Will search to find how to save logs.
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Mark A. Ellis said:
Will search to find how to save logs.
Details for doing this are at
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Thank you.
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Mark A. Ellis said:
Every time I update systems, I lose programs, so I avoid updates as long as possible.
What programs? Is this a general fear ("I'm worried that I might lose a program") or specific ("My database program is no longer supported in the newer versions of macOS")?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Specific. For example, Drive Genius. Many have ended up being re-released, but often without full capacities.
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Why are you running Drive Genius? Why aren’t you running the current version of Drive Genius?
As I believe I mentioned above, a spinning ball icon can indicate a hard drive issue. Your fear over updating is over software to assist with failing hard drives. Is there a relationship here?
Moving forward, you will soon find yourself in a position where you can’t update Logos and other apps because you are worried about other old software. I have a friend who had unique software for his work and updating really was prohibited because he did need a specific app that wasn’t supported. I can’t tell if that is the category you are in or not. I am unsure of the real value of Drive Genius, but they do have newer versions.
I should have suggested that you try loading to a blank layout. Press and hold the command key immediately upon startup. If that doesn’t work, grab the logs. They may provide a techie an insight into your specific situation. If that doesn’t work, your remaining options:
1. Call Logos directly
2. Investigate if other issues exist (hardware malfunctions or software incompatibilities)
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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