Logos 4 and Large Updates - back to 3 for me!

Bert Barnes
Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Just to set the scene I was involved from beta testing days and it seems to me that the update system that caused so many problems in beta times has not been sorted and is still a problem. In South Africa we do not have unlimited download facilities, and internet is a rather expensive commodity, and we are charged per byte if we exceed our monthly quota of 3 gig.

I was away from a permanent download line for about 3 weeks and for that period set my internet to off and thus did no updates.

Yesterday morning I reconnected to the internet. I have till now downloaded about 7 gig of who knows what! I noticed this morning that Logos 4 is now 4.0a.

What are the rest of the downloads?

By the way I am busy with a 471meg one again!!!!!! It started with a 2.2 gig download, then continually every time the program restarts I am informed there is an update available. This is really not enjoyable, as I have to pay for every bite that downloads, I have no control over the process and no way of knowing what is happening on my system.

I have now reached a point of no return in my patience levels (and bye
the way financially as well), and am seriously considering if I should not shelve 4 until the update problems have been sorted. Please programmers this is an area that seriously needs attention, we have to have control over what we update. WE NEED A SYSTEM WHERE WE CAN CHOOSE WHAT WE WANT TO UPDATE AND NOT BE FORCED TO ACCEPT EVERYTHING THAT IS QUEUED FOR US TO RECEIVE. I am sure that many of the updates are on resources that I do not necessarily want to spend money updating as I am not interested in all the pictures, and large graphic files! If I had some control I could decide which resources to update and which I would choose to leave. In the USA this may seem to be a non entity with fast download speeds, and unlimited data downloads. But for some of us this is serious, and really does generate a feeling of badwill towards Logos.

While I have been writing this the 471 meg download has completed and I now have a 72.6 meg download. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON NOW SINCE YESTERDAY, just get a download completed and even before the reindexing starts there is another download. I AM G.V.

Unless there is some or other solution, or someone points out something I am doing wrong it will be time for me to shelve Logos4. SO SAD ! I just cannot afford to spend money on resources as well as these updates. To put this in perspective it has cost me R500.00 already in extra bandwidth costs, and there is NO WAY that I can determine when this circus performance will end and when my spending will come to a stop.

The 72.6 meg download has completed an I have a 471meg download being forced on me, again, so this would now take me to over 8gig.

I am disabling internet and all further updates until I get an answer, as this is now ridiculous.


Bert Barnes

Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP



  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,792

    The 72.6 meg download has completed an I have a 471meg download being forced on me, again, so this would now take me to over 8gig.

    I am disabling internet and all further updates until I get an answer, as this is now ridiculous.


    I am about to move into a situation where large downloads on the internet are going to be similar to yours. I am not sure how I am going to make it work with L4.  I have wondered if Logos would consider for those who live in rural US locations and in countries where the internet is still very expensive, a cumulative update DVD on a quarterly basis?  I know a number of missionaries and Christians that this would be their only real option to use L4 and keep it updated on a reasonable basis.


  • Josh
    Josh Member Posts: 27 ✭✭


    I am in agreement with you that it would be nice to be able to pick and choose what we download.

     I live in the Middle East and we are charged by the bite.  Although our internet must be cheaper than in South Africa I pay about 20$ for 3GB/or one month. My initial download of the study package took 3 days / 2 months of internet usage (Just over 5GB).  

    I don’t have auto updates or Internet turned on and I only update when I am at the end of the month and have extra bites left on my account.

    All in All I am VERY Pleased with the service and support that we get from LOGOS!

    I have an HP Pavilion dv6500 Notebook PC with an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2.20 GHz and 2.00 GB Ram and I run Logos fine…
    I am a husband, son, and I am an Arabic student. I have a Bachelors of Science in Information Technology.

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    Josh said:

    My initial download of the study package took 3 days / 2 months of internet usage (Just over 5GB).  

    I don’t have auto updates or Internet turned on and I only update when I am at the end of the month and have extra bites left on my account.

    All in All I am VERY Pleased with the service and support that we get from LOGOS!


    The problem is with the design of the update system, and not the actual concept. I am now on 8 gig. What happens if I am switched off for a while and then  I decide to purchase a resource and there are 8 gigs of downloads queued for me to receive. Do I have to wait for all the 8 gig to first come down, (at the moment it is 8gigs and switched off because I have no idea how many more are coming, because after every download and restart before the re-indexing begins i am informed of another download.


    My system now will now remain not updated, something i am not happy about, and I will not be able to purchase any resources, and this is frustrating. What Logos thought would be a way to stop people worrying about is actually OK in the USA (most places I have just seen not all) but not everywhere where their product is used.


    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    I am now on 8 gig.

    I have investigated a bit further and it appears as if the download system is in a loop. There are two downloads that do not seem to register wherever they should one for 471.8meg and the other for 72.6meg. The one will download, restart Logos and before the indexing begins the second will will initiate. Is the problem on my system, Logos' system or somewhere in the cloud?

    Has anyone else had a similar problem?




    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭


    If you can turn logging on and upload your logs we may be able to help. Don't use the CTRL method, as they won't capture all your downloading/indexing.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Ronald Quick
    Ronald Quick Member Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭

    I have wondered if Logos would consider for those who live in rural US locations and in countries where the internet is still very expensive, a cumulative update DVD on a quarterly basis? 


    I also would like to be able to get the updates through a dvd periodically.  The computer that I use most with L4 is not connected to the internet and never has been.  So I am still running the original version that I received on the installation discs.  I have had no problems with it either.  The only minor inconvenience is getting new resources on it.

    I too am very happy with L4.

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭


    If you can turn logging on and upload your logs we may be able to help.


    Hi Mark,

    I have stopped the downloads and the program is busy re-indexing. I will wait until this is completed and then submit logfiles.

    Don't use the CTRL method, as they won't capture all your downloading/indexing.

    I am not too sure what you mean by this

    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    Don't use the CTRL method, as they won't capture all your downloading/indexing.

    I am not too sure what you mean by this

    Sorry, I knew after I posted it, that it wasn't clear. On the page I linked to, there are two ways of turning logging on. First (and very prominently) by holding CTRL when you load Logos. Second (and hidden at the bottom) by running a javascript file. You need the second method.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    You need the second method

    Thanks Mark will do [:)]

    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Henry Finkle
    Henry Finkle Member Posts: 121 ✭✭

    Bert, maybe because you have not updated for so long, all the updates are coming at you at once. They are probably "fighting" each other to restart and install. You might want to go to "tools/program settings" and turn off automatic download updates. This way you can wait untill one download finish, restart and let it do its thing and then select the update again if the message pops up.

  • Fred Greco
    Fred Greco Member Posts: 494 ✭✭

    I'm in an area with unlimited (and relatively fast) downloading, so I am not as affected as others.

    Having said that, I don't understand why after so many public complaints (not just on the forums, but everywhere on the internet), Logos doesn't implement a dialog box that shows what is to be updated, and allow for acceptance or ignoring each portion of the update.  I know it must be possible, because the *other Bible program* does this all the time.

    I think such a response from Logos would be a huge gesture to many loyal users (even if I don't need it).  The other thing is that it woudl be nice to know what has been updated.  That happened to me the other day, when Logos downloaded (quickly) a smallish (~40MB) update.  It would be very nice to know what I got.

    Fred Greco
    Senior Pastor, Christ Church PCA, Katy, TX
    Windows 10 64-bit; Logos 7.1 SR-2 (Reformed Platinum)

  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    I'm sorry, but we're not going to offer "choose your update portions." The best solution is to turn off automatic updates, and get them once in a while on DVD. (We'll be making new DVD's frequently.)

    We spend nearly a decade offering super-fine-grained choice of what to download and update, and it led to incredibly difficult technical support. In Logos 4, both the code and data are much more tightly integrated than in the past. If we offered the option of choosing what to update, you might decide that you want the new code, but not the 50 megs of updated reverse interlinear databases. But that new code might be designed to work with a change in the reverse interlinear database format (has already happened at least once since our release), and you'd then be in an unstable situation.

    We could theoretically build a massive dependency tree of what version of what requires what version of what other thing (we did that in LDLS 3), but it quickly became unmanageable, and one error in that data starts causing very hard to diagnose crashes.

    I'm sorry about the download situation, and the burden it puts on users with limited Internet capacity, but I also want to be up front about how we're dealing with it, so you can plan appropriately.

    -- Bob

  • Bill Bougie
    Bill Bougie Member Posts: 73 ✭✭


    You may want to consider a DVD update subscription service.  That way users don't have to check the Logos website for updated DVD's.  For a small annual subscription fee, users would receive quarterly DVD updates.


  • Daniel R. Smith
    Daniel R. Smith Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    Bob, it seems that you still need to consider one of his points, what if he just wants to buy a resource and download it? Well, I guess I can see the problem, though. I actually saw your reasons coming.

    However, why can't you implament something that would state what the download will entail, and let the user decide if it is worth the time/money to download? The user would be able to chose what features to download, he or she can at least be given the option to be online, and to chose, based on what is being upgraded or added, to download.

    It just seems that this approach leaves out our brethren in the mission field.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you.

  • Daniel R. Smith
    Daniel R. Smith Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    that should read, "the user WOULDN'T be able to choose which features..."

    May the Lord bless you and keep you.

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    The best solution is to turn off automatic updates, and get them once in a while on DVD. (We'll be making new DVD's frequently.)

    Hi Bob,

    Could you please explain to me how the process would work when I purchased a new resource if this situation continues as is? In my studies I sometimes see a reference to a resource, I do a quick check and it is available for download. How would I process the order and download just that resource if I have a long queue of updates waiting for download? The purchase process as well at the moment does not give the choice of a DVD for Logos 4 resources, only download, and I think I remember that this is the way it will remain (but I am not sure about that) We can get a DVD or CD for 3 but not for 4.



    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    If you can turn logging on and upload your logs we may be able to help


    I am enclosing a zip file with logs, from the beginning, after the large download, when the smaller is requested and after the second request again for the large download after the smaller download completed. After the download the software requests a restart and at that stage I quickly tried to copy the log files  as new ones are created with a restart. That is why there are so many different zipped files. I hope this makes sense.

    Thanks for trying to help - - -  most appreciated


    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087


    My system now will now remain not updated, something i am not happy about, and I will not be able to purchase any resources, and this is frustrating. What Logos thought would be a way to stop people worrying about is actually OK in the USA (most places I have just seen not all) but not everywhere where their product is used.

    Hi Bert,

    There has been some problem with getting L4 updates (recently reported in the forum), and I'm not sure if this relates to downloads looping in your case but an 8 GB download has not been required to my knowledge (I got a 2 GB update in early December). Hopefully the logs will reveal something.

    I'm in a similar position to yourself, though I now have a larger download limit for an extra $AUD10/month. My strategy is:-

    • Program Settings | Automatically Download Updates = NO
    • Program Settings | Use Internet = YES
    • go to the Forum when I'm told there is a download available

    Then I look at the recent download and/or update threads as there are normally enough people who monitor their (unlimited/fast/cheap[:P]) downloads to inform others what is in the pipe and how big it is.

    Then I can allow the download, or let it go and CANCEL it if the size is too big. I would also Cancel a second download and WAIT a very long time!

    I'm currently on dial-up, so I Work offline for the holiday period! Any mess will sort itself out by the time I get back to broadband land.

    This is a very indirect strategy but I do have a measure of control with information.




    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,750

    The best solution is to turn off automatic updates, and get them once in a while on DVD. (We'll be making new DVD's frequently.)

    Another approach that might help those with limited access would be to offer downloads monthly during this transition period until Logos 4 is complete. For these downloads, the approach would be not to have duplicates i.e. if the same resources were included in two updates within the month only the final result would be in the monthly download.  Actually, it would be more like 6-8 weeks between the consolidated downloads I suspect. Then the user can look at the file size and their internet allotment and decide if they can afford the download. If not, then ship a DVD via air.  Once the product is complete so they feel that they "have what they paid for" , go to the periodic DVD.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    Then I can allow the download, or let it go and CANCEL it if the size is too big. I would also Cancel a second download and WAIT a very long time!

    Thanks Dave, I tried the "cancel download" path and the download was just presented again for download - it just reappeared. I even went as far as shutting down and then restarting the computer to see if that would help sort out something, but to no avail. Patience is a virtue that I have not managed to develop and my obsessive/compulsive behaviour drives me to get the system perfect just because I know that there are downloads queued [:)]. I will spend time on developing patience and hope that some answer from Logos is forthcoming from the log files.

    I do not spend that much time on the forums to be aware of everything that is happening. I will try your approach as there seems to be a lot of merit.


    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    MJ. Smith said:

    Another approach that might help those with limited access would be to offer downloads monthly during this transition period until Logos 4 is complete. For these downloads, the approach would be not to have duplicates i.e. if the same resources were included in two updates within the month only the final result would be in the monthly download. 

    That's a reasonable idea, but it effectively happens if you wait long enough! The main contributor to large downloads after initially installing or upgrading are the media/image files which weigh in at 1.7 GB. Two of those within a month would exceed Bert's 3 GB quota. If he missed the first then it would be a single 1.7+ GB download. But this is a matter of timing and some luck.

    A solution I proposed a while back is to have a download quota in Program Settings. A single download would not exceed that value by more than 10% (say) before allowing indexing to proceed. The method would work well with Automatically Download Updates = NO as notification of the remaining download (if any) would allow one to refuse it until the appropriate time.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    However, why can't you implament something that would state what the download will entail, and let the user decide if it is worth the time/money to download? The user would be able to chose what features to download, he or she can at least be given the option to be online, and to chose, based on what is being upgraded or added, to download.

    It just seems that this approach leaves out our brethren in the mission field.

    Hi Daniel,

    This is what I was requesting and Bob emphatically stated that it was a non issue. I guess I will just wait and see how things develop. I was always most thrilled with Logos, the team, the ethos and the product. I have even sent a personal email to Bob when I had a topic that I thought should not be addressed in public. However I think that with the rush of Logos4 being put out certain issues remain that still have to be addressed and we will have to wait and watch to see what direction Logos have decided to pursue in the future. Them growing so much larger makes decision making a lot more difficult.

    Thanks for the support in this matter.

    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭


    I've had a look through your logs, and it seems as though the theological journal library is causing you problems. You have a folder on your computer called d:\logos\books

    Let me make a guess (it is a guess, please correct me if necessary):

    • You've run the command scan d:\logos\books
    • You've also run the command update now or update resources (or perhaps Logos has just done this automatically)
    • You've exited Logos

    Now, when you load Logos, the following happens:

    • All your journal resources are downloaded
    • Then all your journal resources are copied from d:\logos\books
    • Then you restart Logos

    The problem is that d:\logos\books are OLDER files, so when you restart, Logos checks for update and re-downloads all the TLJ files again. But then on restart they're all copied from d:\logos\books again, and you're in the loop.

    If I'm right, and I may not be, renaming d:\logos\books should fix the problem, though it may require one more download after you do this.

    Again, if I'm right, this is also a bug in Logos. It ought to behave more intelligently than this. Let me know whether I'm right and this suggestion works. If it does, I'll file a bug report to Logos.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    I am enclosing a zip file with logs, from the beginning, after the large download, when the smaller is requested and after the second request again for the large download after the smaller download completed.

    Bert a few questions

    1. the last Indexer log file (472 MB download) indicated indexing was proceeding normally with 55 unindexed resources at Stage 3. Has that completed without incident?

    2. you have a lot of *.lbxlls Galaxie software being copied from D:\Logos\Books  eg. GS_DBSJ_01 to 12. Why would this be?


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    the last Indexer log file (472 MB download) indicated indexing was proceeding normally with 55 unindexed resources at Stage 3. Has that completed without incident?

    I had a re-index yesterday that took about 12 hours. I have not had re-index today after trying again!

    you have a lot of *.lbxlls Galaxie software being copied from D:\Logos\Books  eg. GS_DBSJ_01 to 12. Why would this be?

    Have no idea - I updated my journals with beyond compare about a month ago to update my logos3 resources. Did not have this problem after that, however Galaxie has released versions to Logos subsequently and there might be a problem now.

    Thanks for the effort to help identify the problem!!!!

    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    You've run the command scan d:\logos\books
    You've also run the command update now or update resources (or perhaps Logos has just done this automatically)
    You've exited Logos

    Hi Mark,

    I did not enter the command scan d:\logos\books; however this command was entered when the beta version was launched the first time. The update now command starts automatically by Logos after the program opens and I am informed that there are updates.

    If I'm right, and I may not be, renaming d:\logos\books should fix the problem, though it may require one more download after you do this.

    I am going to try this as a temp measure - rename the folder do the updates and then see what happens. This is the folder that I have all my resources for Libronix 3, so if that works maybe clear the cache in 3 and in options/resource folders specify new folder name.

    Will report back - - Thank you for the help most appreciated!!!


    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    I am going to try this as a temp measure - rename the folder do the updates and then see what happens.

    Hi Mark,

    Renamed folder, and ran Logos4. No change - still in update loop.

    I am redoing again, I have bitten the bullet and decided to run update again and collect log files. Hopefully these are more helpful and something can be found that I can do.

    Last ditch effort from my side -  finances now depleted [:)].

    If no joy now will use Dave's logic - leave it for a long time - it will sort itself out (I hope) [:)]

    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    I am redoing again, I have bitten the bullet and decided to run update again and collect log files. Hopefully these are more helpful and something can be found that I can do.

    Procedure followed: renamed folder so that Logos4 does not hopefully find L3 updates.

    Opened Logos 4 and accepted update offered.

    When update completed closed Logos and copied log files (attached)

    Hope thay are better and more helpful!

    May all who read this have a most blessed Christmas.



    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    OK. The problem now is with a file in D:\logos\renamed books renamed\

    How does Logos4 know about this folder?

    • Is Logos 4 installed in d:\Logos?
    • When you ran the scan command earlier, did you run scan d:\logos or scan d:\logos\books?

    Either way, here's what I suggest:

    • Close Logos if it's open.
    • Move the D:\logos\renamed books renamed\ folder to somewhere where Logos 4 won't find it (temporarily at least). I'd say put it on Drive C to be on the safe side, and don't have it as a subfolder of a Logos 4 installation.
    • Do a search for files called identified.db and discovered.db in C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Logos4 - delete all those files
    • Restart Logos

    Basically, what we're doing there is hiding the folder that's causing the problem, then removing Logos' list of known resources (deleting those files is the equivalent of refresh resources in L3).

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    D:\logos\renamed books renamed\

    How does Logos4 know about this folder?

    • Is Logos 4 installed in d:\Logos?
    • When you ran the scan command earlier, did you run scan d:\logos or scan d:\logos\books?

    • Hi I have no idea how Logos knows about this location, I renamed the previous folder that Logos was interrogating. I did not allocate the renamed folder to Libronix3 in the resource folders in options so it cannot be picked up from there as even Libronix3 does not know that location.
    • To scan I used d:\logos\books
    • Logos4 is still installed in the default location that was forced with the beta installation.

    Close Logos if it's open.
    Move the D:\logos\renamed books renamed\ folder to somewhere where Logos 4 won't find it (temporarily at least). I'd say put it on Drive C to be on the safe side, and don't have it as a subfolder of a Logos 4 installation.
    Do a search for files called identified.db and discovered.db in C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Logos4 - delete all those files
    Restart Logos

    I will move the folder to another place on drive D: not enough space on c as it is rather large.

    Will search for the db files and delete.

    Will restart and see what happens.


    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Bert Barnes
    Bert Barnes Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    Will search for the db files and delete.

    Will restart and see what happens.

    This seems to have sorted the problem out. Thank you so much.

    This exercise has been expensive in download fees but it is great to get a system that is OK.

    Thanks Mark [:D]

    If the status quo remains i will now have a peaceful Christmas [:D]

    Richest Blessings to ALL





    Bert Barnes

    Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP

  • Bob Schlessman
    Bob Schlessman Member Posts: 291 ✭✭

    I can fully understand the logic behind not offering portion selectable downloads. However, one thing I cannot understand is an issue that plagued me throughout my three years of using LDLS 3 and seems to still be a pain in the neck with version 4. When a update download crashes for whatever reason(s) as it has on occasion for years, you have to begin the download all over again. It doesn't queue or keep track of the files downloaded up to the point of the crash. This was particularly annoying when I lived where the only internet service avbailalbe was 28.8 kbps (Yes, believe it or not, there are areas like that all over the country).

    Even Microsoft with all of their shortcomings will resume an update session that has crashed at the point of the last completed file that was downoaded before the crash. Any chance that this could be added for us? It would resolve many of the problems mentioned above with metered internet access.


  • BillS
    BillS Member Posts: 3,805 ✭✭✭

    resume an update session that has crashed at the point of the last completed file that was downoaded

    Any chance that this could be added for us?

    [Y] +1

    Grace & Peace,

    MSI GF63 8RD, I-7 8850H, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 2TB HDD, NVIDIA GTX 1050Max
    iPhone 12 Pro Max 512Gb
    iPad 9th Gen iOS 15.6, 256GB

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    When a update download crashes for whatever reason(s) as it has on occasion for years, you have to begin the download all over again. It doesn't queue or keep track of the files downloaded up to the point of the crash. This was particularly annoying when I lived where the only internet service avbailalbe was 28.8 kbps (Yes, believe it or not, there are areas like that all over the country).

    Even Microsoft with all of their shortcomings will resume an update session that has crashed at the point of the last completed file that was downoaded before the crash. Any chance that this could be added for us? It would resolve many of the problems mentioned above with metered internet access.


    I'm not sure that this is the case, but if you have good reason to believe that then please state the case in a new thread where it will receive more attention.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • BillS
    BillS Member Posts: 3,805 ✭✭✭

    not sure that this is the case

    Hi Dave, I've had at least one instance where I goofed & restarted the machine while a multi-Gb download was in-process. I was dismayed that it started over (& thankful that my DSL provider didn't have a download cap).

    Grace & Peace,

    MSI GF63 8RD, I-7 8850H, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 2TB HDD, NVIDIA GTX 1050Max
    iPhone 12 Pro Max 512Gb
    iPad 9th Gen iOS 15.6, 256GB

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,750

    I'm not sure that this is the case, but if you have good reason to believe that t

    I think that a few weeks back, Logos confirmed that this was the case - to avoid the additional drain on resources that keeping track of place requires.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    I'm pretty sure that resources that have been wholly downloaded are OK, but partly-downloaded files are not OK, so you shouldn't have to completely restart a very major download. But there's no technical reason why Logos couldn't implement full file resuming, it requires no resources to do do. It does increase the possibility of data corruption at the 'join', although the usual way of dealing with this is to re-download a bit of data before the 'join' to ensure a proper match.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • BillS
    BillS Member Posts: 3,805 ✭✭✭

    shouldn't have to completely restart a very major download.

    Agreed shouldn't have to, but it did...



    Grace & Peace,

    MSI GF63 8RD, I-7 8850H, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 2TB HDD, NVIDIA GTX 1050Max
    iPhone 12 Pro Max 512Gb
    iPad 9th Gen iOS 15.6, 256GB

  • Michael Thomas
    Michael Thomas Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    It would be nice to know what Resources are being updated. Under v3 I would go ahead with the download and update anyway ... but it's nice to know what's been changed.

  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭

    We could theoretically build a massive dependency tree of what version of what requires what version of what other thing (we did that in LDLS 3), but it quickly became unmanageable, and one error in that data starts causing very hard to diagnose crashes.

    I'm sorry about the download situation, and the burden it puts on users with limited Internet capacity, but I also want to be up front about how we're dealing with it, so you can plan appropriately.

    Bob, I have read and considered your comments on this point.

    However, is it possible to please allow us to have two levels of downloads:
    A) Core program, library files, important metadata and "Logos4 engine" stuff, and anything that directly depends on it.
    B) Minor stuff or typo changes to a resource, that does NOT update the build model, file formats, or anything that exposes a crash.

    Then, any update gets tagged as an (A) download, or a (B) download.

    So, we get no choice about (A) downloads. Its all or nothing ==> No crashes.

    For (B), we could elect to delay them for a time and then run the index overnight at a time of our chosing.
    (If a book gets a file-format update, or something crash-related, tag it (A) so no crashes.)

    At present, if there is an important program update of 30MB, and an unimportant typo fix to a resouce I dont care about today, its impossible for me to just take the fix I need today, and leave the book for the weekend.

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    I would love to have a periodic DVD update, so I'm not forced to update from the 'web. Even though I have generally unlimited access right now, I would much prefer to have a late version available on a DVD. There are times when having such a version would be very very useful.

    Then if we could just solve the "you can't back up your licenses," issue, I'd be a much happier camper.


  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,792

    I'm sorry, but we're not going to offer "choose your update portions." The best solution is to turn off automatic updates, and get them once in a while on DVD. (We'll be making new DVD's frequently.)

    I have been keeping an eye on the DVD Media page and it is still at 4.0a. So is there any chance you could give an idea of how frequent new DVDs will be made? Also will these DVDs include only core Logos materials?

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    I'm sorry, but we're not going to offer "choose your update portions." The best solution is to turn off automatic updates, and get them once in a while on DVD. (We'll be making new DVD's frequently.)

    I have been keeping an eye on the DVD Media page and it is still at 4.0a. So is there any chance you could give an idea of how frequent new DVDs will be made? Also will these DVDs include only core Logos materials?

    I think you have your answer... It's been since April the last this thread was answered, and the DVDs still seem to be stuck at 4.0a.



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087


    Version on disc:
    4.0c/Mac 4.0 (Beta)




    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    The latest is now 4.0d and Beta 2. What's the official policy for how often the discs will be updated? How many new sets can a user request per year, month, etc?


  • David Gullick
    David Gullick Member Posts: 289 ✭✭

    The latest is now 4.0d and Beta 2. What's the official policy for how often the discs will be updated? How many new sets can a user request per year, month, etc?



    Its 4.1 beta 2 at the moment.  I think I recall hearing that disc updates were ment to be around every 6 months or so. Perhaps a little longer.


    Logos Platinum

    Windows 7 - 64 Bit
    Lenovo laptop E520 i7-2640M, 2.8GHz 8G Ram, 2G Graphics


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    The latest is now 4.0d and Beta 2. What's the official policy for how often the discs will be updated? How many new sets can a user request per year, month, etc?

    There is no official policy, partly because of the frequency of software and resource updates but after the "missing features" are incorporated major updates should be less frequent and discs could be issued with the release, much as happened with Libronix. I believe that increased shipping costs have affected the timing of media discs as well as the sale of product CD's eg. $5 + $20 shipping!



    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,792

    The latest is now 4.0d and Beta 2. What's the official policy for how often the discs will be updated? How many new sets can a user request per year, month, etc?

    Between the initial media disk which had 4.0 and the most recent update to the media disk which then contained 4.0c, it was about seven months.  As fast as the programme is being developed and some HUGE resource updates, I would love to see this cycle down to every three months.

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    There is no official policy, partly because of the frequency of software and resource updates but after the "missing features" are incorporated major updates should be less frequent and discs could be issued with the release, much as happened with Libronix. I believe that increased shipping costs have affected the timing of media discs as well as the sale of product CD's eg. $5 + $20 shipping!

    For those who have internet access metered by the MB, there's a direct financial tradeoff between paying for shipping and paying for downloads. If you exposed this cost to your customers through a regular process, then you'd have the option of choosing when (how often) to update, based on the cost. Right now, the cost is hidden, which makes it hard for people to make the tradeoff. I would note that even for those of us in the US, where bandwidth is typically "free," there may come a point where it isn't any longer. I know a number of cable providers who are looking into charging for bandwidth in "blocks." Once you get over x amount of usage, it will cost $x per bandwidth after that. The point is this might become a problem for just about everyone in the future...

    Another thing that might alleviate some pain in this space to to allow users to choose when to have updates run beyond manually turning the system on and off manually. Virtually every auto update on my system --I've checked MS, Adobe, Corel, HP, Trend, and a couple of others-- allow me to say, "tell me about updates, but let me decide when to install them." Or, in some cases, "update between x and y time once a week." Part of the issue here is that you must keep synch off completely, and then manually turn it on periodically, to get this effect in Logos. A process that's automated elsewhere, in other words, is manual in Logos. A bit of automation would be useful, I think.
