Highlights CSB

The CSB resource was updated and now I have e my notes but NO highlights (of which I have many).
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
Bob, just to confirm, are highlights checked in the visual filter for your CSB and any applicable notebooks?
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David, I am trying to find that on my android phone. After the CSB update the highlights disappeared on my MacBook Air (2017), my Surface Pro 6, and my android phone.
The KJV is also ok! Just the CSB.
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
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Bob Deacon said:
I am trying to find that on my android phone.
There isn't the same level of control on mobile as there is on desktop. If you see ANY highlights, then it isn't an issue of a wrong setting.
Bob Deacon said:After the CSB update the highlights disappeared on my MacBook Air (2017), my Surface Pro 6, and my android phone.
There are device/app specific reasons why this might be the case. Since this is the desktop forum, I will focus on that.
Can you provide a screenshot of the following:
- The visual filter menu for the CSB with the highlight notes documents?
- The note document for one of the highlights missing?
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JT, thanks for the response. I just rechecked my MacBook Air (2017) and Surface Pro 6 and they DO now show highlights and notes. My ipad air 2 and android A32 5G DO NOT!
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
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Bob Deacon said:
My ipad air 2 and android A32 5G DO NOT!
Can you provide screenshots of:
- your "view settings / Show Notes & Highlights" setting
- A highlight note document from the CSB
Also, what specific version of the app? Specific version of iOS?
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View settings I have "show notes/highlights" toggled ON! ipad ios version 9.14 (0022). Android has NO "show notes/highlights". I looked in view settings and main settings. Android version 9.14 (914000300).
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
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IOS version 9.14 (0022). Notes show, NO highlights. View settings in IOS "show notes/highlights" toggled ON! Android version 9.14 (914000300). I found no "show notes/highlights" setting in either view settings or the main settings.
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
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I just realized this needs to be in mobile beta forum
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
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At this point I have two guesses:
1) there is a mismatch in resource versions for the CSB. To fix, delete the resource and download again
2) you are expecting highlights from another version to appear in this one. If so, there is nothing wrong… that is a desktop only feature.
If the first doesn’t work and the second doesn’t apply, provide screenshots of the note document
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Thank you JT, I was going to send screenshot of my KJV in which highlights appear as they should.
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
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Bob Deacon said:
I was going to send screenshot of my KJV in which highlights appear as they should.
To clarify: you were expecting your KJV highlights to appear in the CSB... is that correct? If so, then as I mentioned earlier, that isn't a mobile feature.
If you meant something else, please follow up to clarify.
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I did dlete CSB and reinstalled, still the same, notes but no highlights. All is well in the desktop version.
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
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We have a communication gap somewhere. Let me try again:
On mobile, highlights are resource specific. If you make a highlight in the KJV, it will not appear in the CSB.
If you still think there is an issue, please provide a screenshot of the highlight note document which contains a highlight tied to the CSB (rather than the KJV).
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I have the ability now to post my own screenshots. You do not need to worry about making arrows or other markups. In my first screenshot, I have the note document opened. The red arrow shows the resource anchor is tied to the CSB. The blue arrow shows the note indicator. The green arrow shows the highlighting style.
The second screenshot reflects this note in the CSB.
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I realize highlights made in one translation WILL NOT appear in the CSB. What I am saying is, all of my highlighted text in the CSB disappeared. I merely checked my KJV to see if my highlights disappeared there but THEY DID NOT! The CSB only is affected and I don't know why.
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
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Bob Deacon said:
What I am saying is, all of my highlighted text in the CSB disappeared.
If this is the case, the highlights should be recoverable from https://documents.logos.com/ (the trash can at the bottom of the documents menu)
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
If this is the case
MJ's "if this is the case" is only a solution if you deleted the highlights. Since you suggest that the highlights appear on the desktop, that does not appear to be the problem.
As I have mentioned before, it would be helpful for you to look at your notes documents and to provide some screenshots. This is in lieu of you sitting down with me at Starbucks and showing me your iPad. Since that isn't possible, we need to "see" what is going on. Screenshots help us to do that.
The screenshots could be from either your iPad or desktop.
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OK, I fixed the problem. I deleted Logos (beta) in its entirety and reinstalled! I DID NOT install the beta. Fixed! Highlights in the CSB now appear again!
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
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Bob Deacon said:
I sent screenshots! Here they are again.
There is a bug in the forums which prevents screenshots from appearing from time to time. I see the screenshots in your post right above, and in one earlier post, but not the ones I requested (note documents, not the Bible text with highlights).
In any case, glad that you have it working now.
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