Book request: "Bunyan Characters in the Pilgrim's Progress" by Alexander Whyte

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Back in the days of the Community Pricing program, that's where this would have belonged. Clearly out of copyright (1903, and author died in 1921, more than 75 years ago). But that program seems to have died. So where else to request it? It would be a great addition to a Logos library. Whyte's classic book Bible Characters is already available, as is Pilgrim's Progress itself in various editions. I have not ever seen any other full-scale character studies of the characters in PP. It's available in Kindle and for free on the Internet Archive, but both versions are deficient (one is images only, and the other is a poorly converted text with no table of contents). Anyway, having it in Logos would make it easier for doing character studies as you're reading the Logos book.

Bunyan Characters in the Pilgrim's Progress by Alexander Whyte (London : Oliphant, 1903).

